"So, let my sister study you carefully, study your whole body, inside and out..."



"Richelieu, what are you doing...huh?"

Akagi froze for a moment.

I thought it was Richelieu who made a fuss, but it turned out not to be. Chicheng took a closer look, where did the slut come from?

At this time, Atago sat sideways on Su Hao's desk, teasing him with a charming gesture.

Because Richelieu went out to check the warehouse relationship, and finally waited until there were only two people to get along with each other, how could Atago give up such a good opportunity?

She is going to get to know Su Hao better first, capture the thief first, and subdue Su Hao. Isn't Richelieu or the company submissive?


Why did a fox break in?

Smell it, the smell is wrong.

Atago looked at Akagi unkindly.

At the same time Chicheng stared at her viciously.

"Who are you?"*2

"What are you doing?"*2

"Don't learn from me!"*2

"Still learning!"*2

"Commander, who is this coquettish-looking guy? He's not from our port area, is he? Really, it's my fault for allowing the nasty bugs to sneak in."

After staring at each other for a few seconds, Akagi gave full play to the advantages of the marriage ship in the port area, and walked over at a leisurely pace.

Walking up to Su Hao, he gave Atago a provocative look.

"Commander, do you want me to throw this kind of bug out now? So as not to disturb the two-person world between me and you, Commander, hehehe~"

"Uh..." Su Hao smacked his lips.

Atago narrowed his eyes.

She suddenly had a premonition that the fox in front of her might be a more difficult guy to deal with than Richelieu.


PS: It’s 6k, let’s keep writing after a meal, go ahead, as long as I’m fast enough, the bounty won’t catch up with me!

By the way, if you have time, please give me a like on Shuke's anniversary ranking list, you can click it every day, please~ Like Shinano!

Chapter 388 Atago vs Akagi [Another update!Ask for votes and rewards! 】

Once you reach your field of expertise, that is your home field.

Although Atago doesn't have any actual combat experience, she often studies theoretical experience, and she is confident that she can defeat her opponent anytime and anywhere.

Even going deep into the port area is not scary, she has seen a lot of the port area, although this is the first time entering the port area.

I'm really surprised. For a newcomer, in less than four months, there are forty or fifty ship girls in the port area, which is too exaggerated.

There are also many famous ship girls among them, such as Richelieu from Iris Country, White Eagle's company, and I seem to have seen one named Guanghui during breakfast.

She didn't see Nagato.

After checking, I found out that I thought it was just a ship with the same name, but it was not.

Died!Ship girls of this level are actually gathered in a small port area.


The first thing that Atago thought of was Su Hao.

As the core of the port area, it can be said that there would be no port area without the commander, so it is obvious that it is an inevitable fact that the commander stayed.

Of course, Atago is not very interested in this, she is not interested in Richelieu, enterprises or anything like that.

She is now interested in Su Haochao~.

It's a pity that there are many difficulties in front of us.

After finally waiting for Richelieu to leave, he sneaked in, but bumped into another sassy fox.

"Come on, Commander, ah~"

Chicheng picked up a piece of cake and put it near Su Hao's mouth, and said with a smile, "Come and taste Chicheng's craftsmanship."

"Uh, Chicheng, when did you learn how to make cakes?" Su Hao was a little surprised, Chicheng didn't seem to be very good at cooking.

Speaking of which, the chicken soup last time was quite delicious.

Of course, things will be even more after drinking the chicken soup... (5 words omitted)

"Hehe~ Akagi can do anything as long as it's for the Commander."


Su Hao opened his mouth, and the cake was sent into his mouth.


"It's delicious." Su Hao glanced at the cake on the plate, "Caslati, although the method is not too complicated, but because of the simplicity, it is troublesome to make the taste and appearance, Chicheng, you are really amazing .”

After being praised by Su Hao, Chicheng laughed happily.

On the side, Atago rested his hands on his chest, and said calmly: "Huh~ It must be done by someone. With her appearance, you can tell that she is not the type who can cook."

Although it is true, Chicheng will not feel guilty, on the contrary, she is not guilty at all.

"Ahh~ Some bugs flew in, wouldn't you feel ashamed to disturb me making out with my commander?"

"Office.avi, it's you who should be ashamed, right? Your commander is at work. As a ship's mother, you don't want to share the workload for the port area, and you come to disturb your commander's work. You are really remiss."

"You are not a secretary. If you have something to do, the secretary will do it. If you have nothing to do, the secretary will do it. What are you doing in the office?"

Atago's angle is very tricky, but Akagi is not panicked at all.

"Hehe~ For work matters, my elder sister will naturally help. My elder sister is a military adviser in the port area. One is worth ten, which is enough."

Atago chuckled and said, "So you are an upright bitch who thought you were so good, but that's it? That's it? I'm ashamed of you, ship girl in the port area."

Atago gave full play to the skills of Internet trolls. Even if the points were not full, the role in ridicule was still quite large.

Even Su Hao felt that Chicheng was about to lose her temper, and if Chicheng lost her temper, he would definitely stop her, and he was at a disadvantage, and Atago would naturally win.

master ah.

However, Su Hao still underestimated Chicheng.

At this time, she tilted her head and looked at Atago, with doubts in her eyes: "Is there any problem with the Sister Clansmen? My sister will share the work of the port area for the commander, and I will take care of the commander's life, day and night, Wholeheartedly~ Isn't that what our ship girls should do to eliminate the commander's physical and mental fatigue?"

"Ah~ I'm sorry, you don't have a sister or a commander, so of course you can't understand the meaning of my doing these things, hehe~~"

Atago: "..."

This time around, she had nothing to say.

Atago vs Akagi, in the first round, Akagi won.


It has been a long time since I became a ship girl.

What's so good about Minato?I haven't thought about it, at least I haven't seen a commander who looks good.

Not to mention the bright ones, sometimes you meet some guys who claim to be commanders outside, come and approach them pretending to be gentlemen, thinking you don't know what they're thinking?childish.

As a ship girl, once she has something she wants to work on, she will be quite proactive.

In fact, this is also the same in reverse. As a ship's mother, if you don't meet the right person and the right thing, you will be extremely lacking in initiative. Shige Sakura, Baiying, Royal, and Donghuang have traveled all the way, and they are boring to death.

Walk around if you have nothing to do, wherever it is fun.

Because of the identity of the ship's mother, she also encountered a lot of troubles, but they were all resolved one by one.

Atago's character is not the type that will suffer.

Swipe the phone, unexpectedly, there are still commanders who ask for help online these days?


That's his field of expertise.

How can I lose in my field of expertise?

At this moment, Atago watched Chi Cheng feed Su Hao bite by bite. While enjoying the cake, the latter stared at the screen.

It is true that he is serious about his work. As a commander, this is remarkable. Even if he is tempted by himself for a while without any evil thoughts, how can mere human beings resist his temptation?A mere man actually resisted his own temptation?

She looked at the two of them, and then saw Akagi's unabashedly exposed ring.

"Brother... Su Hao, did you ask me for advice about proposing marriage, did it go well?" she asked.


As Atago expected, Akagi looked over immediately.

"What proposal?" she asked.

Atago looked surprised: "Ah, don't you know? Su Hao specially prepared a few rings for his wife... Well, the one you have just got it, right?"

When it comes to the ring, Akagi looks wary.

Even if the sky falls, no one can snatch the ring from her hand.

"So what? What does it have to do with you?"

Atago smiled and said: "Of course it has something to do with it. Su Hao had been worrying about how to give the ring away before. I gave him a lot of ideas and told him what to do to succeed. Because of this , we have become good friends who talk about everything... Well, even if it is a girlfriend of the opposite sex."

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