"Do you have anything to say?"

"Hehe~ Of course, otherwise, why do you think I came here all the way? Although Su Hao and I are not in the relationship between the ship's mother and the commander, it is probably the most special kind, um, you know? Just It's like between a couple, the husband has a very good relationship with other women, the kind who talk about everything."

Akagi: "..."

Su Hao twitched and said, "Atago, aren't you talking about Xiaosan?"

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Atago choked.

"The matter between the commander and the ship's mother, how can it be regarded as the third party? Su Hao, we should be the best friends, eh~ Even if you have any troubles in the future, why don't you tell your ship's mother, such as a certain fox aircraft carrier? Yes, you can tell me, sister, I really can't help but want to help you."

Su Hao: "..."

Please, Atago, can you be normal?

He finally understood why everyone said that this guy always existed in the anti-pornography scene.

Even among the ship girls, Atago is unique, right?

Little three?It seems that it is.

But Atago didn't care at all, she said these things just to win a round from Akagi.

Besides, to the commander and the ship's wife, what can be considered a mistress, it should be fraternity.

But Chicheng doesn't think so anymore, you are a foreign ship girl, aren't you just a mistress?

Atago is one of a kind, and Akagi is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

At this moment, she looked at Atago, squinted her eyes and said, "You are Xiaosan. According to human law, Xiaosan will be caught and soaked in a pig cage."

"Ahhhhh~" Atago laughed, "What era do you still live in, there is no such thing as dipping in a pig cage nowadays."

"Besides, I'm not a human being. Even if I'm a mistress, does the Maritime Safety Administration have a rule that commanders can't look for mistresses? If I'm mistress, doesn't that just mean that your commander is dissatisfied with your marriage ship, that's why he came to look for you? Is it mine?"

Akagi: "..."

She's a bit of a mess right now.

Once the issues related to Su Hao are discussed, Chicheng will easily get confused when discussing such a sensitive relationship.

Coupled with Atago's targeted attack, she was speechless for a while.

Atago vs Akagi, in the second round, Atago moved back a sentence.

Just as they were about to launch the third round of attacks, a figure appeared at the door of the office.

Holding the documents in his arms, St. Louis said with a blank face, "Is it better if I come later and close the door for you?"


Because of the arrival of St. Louis, this round of battle without gunpowder finally came to an early end.

"I feel that I should be a secretary of the port area now." St. Louis said as he walked, his voice was a little depressed, "Why should I let go of a good company and not manage it, and come here to do things for you? I really owe you in my previous life It's gone."

"You really want a secretary position, but I can find a way."

"It's a beautiful idea, you." St. Louis gave Su Hao a white look, full of charm.

Su Hao smiled.

Thanks to St. Louis in time, otherwise Atago and Akagi would really fight if they went on like this.

I feel that she is indeed my lucky star.

"Otherwise, St. Louis, you can stay in the port area?" Su Hao said suddenly.

St. Louis glanced at him, "Your perfunctory attitude, if you are in my company, I will fire one."

"Uh, I'm not being perfunctory." Su Hao smacked his lips, "Honestly speaking, you are so outstanding and your career is countless times bigger than mine in Hong Kong. I can't even gain confidence in front of you. It used to be like this. We There is nothing in the port area, and it is thanks to Cleveland that I can get involved with you."

"But now our port area is slowly developing, just like the nature of human beings, we have confidence. What is confidence? I have been looking at it with the conventional thinking of human beings, such as must be rich, must be handsome Ah, the port area must be big, and then thinking that you are the boss of an incomparably rich country, you will soon lose your confidence."

"But during this period of time, my thoughts are slowly changing. There are more and more ship girls around me. They never dislike the bad environment or bad environment in the port area. They will only follow me to slowly transform the port area. , to make our own home better and better. It seems that this time the company even took out its own savings. I would not want it before, but now I accept it, because I understand that this is my confidence, It's enough for my ship's wife to support me."

"So, now I am inviting you with a very sincere attitude. Maybe the form is a bit sloppy. You can say what kind of occasion you want, and I will prepare it immediately."

St. Louis was slightly taken aback.

She thought that Su Hao really just mentioned it casually, and he would mention it whenever he thought of it. If that was the case, he would definitely not agree.

but now……

St. Louis pursed his lips.

"Okay, don't talk about this, hurry up, or you won't be able to catch up with the meeting time."

She didn't say yes or no, and walked towards the sports car downstairs with the documents in her arms.

Suddenly, the corner of his mouth slightly raised, facing the sun, revealing an intoxicating smile.

Su Hao stood there and scratched his head, well, failure is success damn it, let's continue~


PS: It’s another update, woo woo woo, the leaderboard is about to fall, I just want to keep the top ten, please give me more if you have anything, recommendation tickets are fine, I don’t dislike anything, everyone If you want everything, there is an update today, I'm going to code! !

emmmmm, after casually looking at it, the reward is about 14 words owed so far, and it should be tens of thousands of dollars, there is no statistics, but it will definitely be paid off, don't worry!

Chapter 389 Look at that sad little look in St. Louis [1.2w! 】

A rich woman is definitely not that easy to get, but Su Hao is not in a hurry.

I can’t eat hot tofu in a hurry, especially for the work of fishing boats. Some shipwives will give it for free, so don’t think that every shipgirl will give it for free, it’s impossible.

So Su Hao's mentality is quite correct.

St. Louis came here this time mainly for the meeting of the Foundation Association.

From the establishment to the start of operation, a lot of thought was spent during the period. Fortunately, Su Hao's relationship with him is also strong, and in addition to doing good things, there is no card in the procedure.

And this meeting, some investment companies will come, many of them are for Su Hao's face, so St. Louis feels that it is better for Su Hao to show his face.

Otherwise, although everyone knows that Su Hao is the mastermind behind the scenes, but they haven't seen it, and he hasn't shown his face since its establishment, it's a bit unkind to let them take money out of their pockets.

At this time, Su Hao was about to take the St. Louis car to go there. Su Hao called and talked to Sister Li, and then saw a little Beifa on the side of the road.

Dido went to help Richelieu to check the warehouse together. As the boss of the port area, how could there be no maid by her side?

"Xiao Beifa, come here."

"Master~ what's the matter?"

Little Beifa ran over, and her little leather boots stepped on the ground with a crisp sound.

"Take you out to play." Su Hao picked her up.

Xiao Beifa had no objection decisively, and was hugged by Su Hao honestly.

St. Louis glanced at him and said, "Get in the car."

"Where's Helena? Isn't she going?"

"You're really trying to get her idea. You were talking about me just now. Men are like this, and commanders are like this. They are half-hearted."

Eating what was in the bowl and looking at what was in the pot, well, Su Hao admitted that St. Louis was right.

But to be reasonable, the commander's matter and the matter of fishing the boat can be called half-hearted?

"No, I'm just asking casually. Anyway, she is a guest of the headquarters of the Maritime Safety Administration, so she can't be neglected, right?"

St. Louis rolled his eyes.

"The people at the headquarters of the Maritime Safety Administration are very honorable to you?"

Su Hao stopped talking immediately.

The people at the headquarters of the Maritime Safety Administration are very honorable?Think about Saratoga, well, no milk today.

At this time, he walked to the door of the co-pilot and paused. It was not very good, and the co-pilot could not hold children, so he decisively went to the back seat.

In the car, Su Hao teased Xiao Beifa.

She hasn't been with cutie for quite some time, Xiao Beifa and little Guanghui have been with Guanghui recently, ever since she decided to stay, Mrs. Guanghui has made no secret of her desire and is going to do something to her cutie.

Sometimes I think about it, as a commander, I am not as attractive as the little guy, what a failure.There is regret at the same time of failure, the charm of a soft landing is irresistible.

Of course, this situation is also very normal. After all, the reason for Guanghui to stay is not entirely out of recognition of Su Hao. This is part of it, and part of it is nostalgia for the current life. The so-called like the atmosphere of the port area, Guanghui more than once Said.

This is like in the game, when a ship girl comes to the port area, her favorability is still unfamiliar, and she needs to interact with her slowly to increase her favorability.

There are also some ship girls who came to the port area because of the reason for the commander, such as the enterprise. When she joined the port area, her favorability was already quite high.

Another example is Shengli, who has already kissed so much. Unfortunately, Sister Li, Dido, and everyone are watching closely recently. Minato has too many eyes. Unless the relationship is made public, it will be very troublesome. If Guanghui disagrees, he will return. What should I do if my mother is gone?


St. Louis was driving, and Su Hao hugged Xiao Beifa, who raised his head and asked, "Master, where are we going?"

I didn't know where I was going, so I followed here. Don't do this when you encounter a bad guy, Su Hao thought, and then said, "Go and see your sister's company in St. Louis."

St. Louis interjected: "It's not my company, I opened it for you, but you simply became the shopkeeper and left everything to me."

Su Hao could only laugh dryly.

Xiao Beifa thought for a while and said, "That's the company created by the owner and sister St. Louis. It can be said to be a company in the port area."

"Eh? If you say that..."

Su Hao looked ahead, and saw the face of St. Louis in the rearview mirror. The latter happened to look at him, looked at each other, and immediately looked away.

Su Hao seemed to have no rebuttal intention, nodded: "Forget it, there was no air traffic control before, thanks to your sister St. Louis, she is smart and capable, only with her help can I be completely relieved, and I am not at ease for others."

There is no woman who doesn't like being praised, especially when someone who doesn't hate praises her.

Su Hao could clearly see the curve of the mouth on St. Louis's pretty face. Although he didn't speak, he probably got a pretty high score for this answer.

Xiao Beifa got the true biography of Xiao Guanghui, and said with a chuckle: "Everyone says that sister St. Louis is the richest ship girl in the world. If she can come to our port area, she will have everything at once."

It's good to have everything, but you can't say that. Su Hao corrected her: "Of course it's good to have everything, but the most important thing is people. Regardless of her material conditions, she can't do without people, understand?"

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