Xiao Beifa nodded seriously: "I understand, I understand, master, sister St. Louis is the most important thing, no matter how much money it is."

"That's right."

The two sang the oboe, and St. Louis finally couldn't stand it anymore.

"Is there anyone who seduces children like this?" She snorted softly, as if she was angry, but in fact, a discerning person can tell if she has, "And even if you say that, I won't be happy, it's too fake, completely listen No sincerity."

"Uh, let's not talk about it."

Su Hao touched his nose. In his arms, Xiao Beifa covered his mouth and laughed, but he didn't make a sound. He was snickering, looking cautious.

Then she leaned into Su Hao's ear and said, "Master, come on, I'm going to get Sister St. Louis here."

Little Beifa, cutie, I really love you to death.


The sports car roared into the urban area along the way, but it didn't reach the city center. The company's location is not far from her company here.

When they got downstairs, the security guard immediately came over to guide the car to stop, and the people on the side of the road also looked sideways, as if they had never seen such a high-end and cool sports car.

The car is cool, but the owner of the car has a different identity. This is a rented office building with only one floor, but the security guard obviously recognizes St. Louis.

But even though he recognized her, he didn't recognize Su Hao. When the rich woman came, she even brought a pretty boy with her. Damn it!

Finally headed towards a depraved life, the security guard thought, and then saw Su Hao getting out of the car and pulling out a cute little loli, a little maid.

I froze for a moment, and the movements of my hands were slow.

He didn't react until St. Louis coughed lightly.

"The security here is not good."

Walking into the building, Su Hao whispered, "When I see beautiful women, I am in a daze. How can I work with peace of mind?"

St. Louis said with a smile: "You pick one who doesn't daze, and I'll let him come to work tomorrow."

Su Hao thought for a while and said, "Then pick a woman and don't be in a daze."

St. Louis immediately said nothing.

Go upstairs, the fifth floor, the whole floor.

When you get out of the elevator, you will be greeted by the front desk. There are two beautiful young ladies sitting there. After entering, people from various departments and conference rooms will come.

St.Louis went straight to the inside and stopped in front of an office.

Pushing open the door, Su Hao saw Helena.

"Miss Louis... eh? Is Commander Su Hao here?"

Helena is sitting at the desk sorting out the materials needed for the meeting.

St. Louis' tone was flat: "He came to have a look, although the company's surname is Louis and not Su." The implication is that the company is owned by the Louis brand, but everyone knows behind it that the Suhao Port District is promoting it, but it's owned by others. Let go of the shopkeeper.

It seems that they are still complaining, how could Helena not understand, after all, the two are good sisters who talk about everything.

At this time, she smiled and said: "Don't say that, Commander Su Hao is usually very busy, the port area needs to be taken care of up and down, and there is such a large sea area to manage, it is not easy."

St. Louis paused and tilted his head: "Who told you this?"

Helena blinked: "Cleveland, but most port areas are like this, I don't understand."

Hearing this, Su Hao nodded in his heart.

Ke Da Hai Ma, you will live up to me!

"You really... Forget it, where are the materials?"

"It's all ready."

"Have the people from those companies arrived?"

"Almost all of them have arrived, and there are a few temporary errands, and they have also arranged for other people to come over, so it can be considered that they are all here."

St. Louis nodded. Helena helped her a lot these days, which saved her a lot of worry.

However, during the early period, after the normal operation is down, at most, pay attention to the key places, and other people under the Lewis Company will naturally take over later.

In fact, it's fine now, but St. Louis himself wants to get involved, and it's probably because of Su Hao's relationship, otherwise she wouldn't come.

You know, she first came to Lingshui City for a half-vacation.

As a result, it's better now, I'm so busy every day, I don't talk about it, and I'm busy with other people's business.

Thinking of this, St. Louis looked at Su Hao sadly again.


Su Hao scratched his head, what's the matter?

A meeting was held shortly afterwards, and the theme was to screen for the company's first fund support targets. First, determine the scope, and then select the people who need the most help. Not to mention those in orphanages, there are even more poor families, Lingshui The city talks about small and big novels, and there are all kinds of situations.

The meeting lasted nearly two and a half hours. St. Louis is the kind of character that is very serious once it is done, or it will be done to the end, or it will not be done.

By the time everything was settled, it was already past one noon.

Helena stretched her waist, and the figure revealed in Su Hao's field of vision was quite perfect, except that Oupai was a little smaller.

She touched her belly: "Very hungry, very hungry."

"Let's go back after eating."

"What to eat?"

Saying this, St. Louis looked at Su Hao, "What do you eat?"


PS: Keep going, have a meal first, and see if you can make a chapter later, Ollie!Ask for votes and rewards!

By the way, the cow’s nai, md, really blinded my dog’s eyes, that skin is so astringent, it’s too astringent, so I didn’t buy it, I prefer Sukufu, a ship girl, um, serious face.jpg

Chapter 390 You Call This Advanced? [1.5w words! 】

St. Louis asked what he wanted to eat, but Su Hao didn't really care.

Originally, he didn't expect it would take so long, so he didn't think about it from the beginning.

At this moment when she asked this question, Su Hao really wanted to say, "It's only a little bit, I'll ask Dido to keep some food at home", but after thinking about it, it's wrong. If you go out to do business with someone, how can you go back to eat cold food and cold dishes? kind.

Then a flash of inspiration flashed in my mind, and I thought of the steak restaurant I went to with the company last night.

There must be very few people at noon. In this way, it has a high-end atmosphere and looks peaceful and comfortable, which should be more suitable for people with the status of St. Louis.

At this time, he was sitting on the side of the back seat, hugging little Befa, and showing the way to St. Louis.

He said to the two people in front of him: "That steak shop is very good, a high-end shop, I've been there, and I think it's okay."

Saying this, he pointed his finger: "Go to the left at the next fork, and then go straight. It's almost... Well, less than two kilometers, it's very close."

St. Louis asked suspiciously: "Is there a high-end steak restaurant near here? Why didn't I know."

She looked at Helena, who immediately said, "Don't ask me, I haven't been here a few times."

"There are." Su Hao said immediately, "There are few people at noon, so you don't need to make a reservation in advance. You should be able to line up in the past."

St. Louis immediately became interested, "I still have to line up, it must be very good."

"Not bad."

Su Hao replied with a smile.

But after two minutes, St. Louis' face became a little weird.

Then she saw the plaque in front of her. She had an impression of this street. She had been to Cleveland when she was doing business.

Wait, are there any fancy restaurants on this street?She has no impression at all.

"Yes, yes, the one on the right, there is a parking space inside, and there are security guards to greet you, senior."

Su Hao continued to direct, and the anticipation on St. Louis' face gradually changed to a state of 'no fuck'.


Helena covered her mouth.

Su Hao was puzzled: "What are you laughing at?"

"Nothing." Helena shook her head, "Nothing."

St. Louis glanced at her, but said nothing.

Then the security guard suddenly ran over and said, "I'm sorry, the length of your car is a bit beyond imagination, how about it, you can park at an angle, it doesn't matter if you occupy two seats."

St. Louis: "..."

"Hahahaha!!" Helena finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Su Hao, Security:? ? ?

I wanted to get mad at first, forget it, make money with peace, and I didn’t expect to have a restaurant or other environment suitable for me when I came here. In short, under the guidance of the security guards, St. Louis stopped her ship. The worst time since she was born car.

Slanted, occupying two parking spaces.

St. Louis walked into the store with a blank expression.

Su Hao took Xiao Beifa by the hand, and asked Helena in a low voice: "She seems a little unhappy. It's normal that the parking space is small, and it's too common in Lingshui City."

"No." Helena pursed her lips and said, "She's just a little depressed, and she'll be fine soon."

"How to say?"

Helena looked a little speechless.

In front, St. Louis stopped at the door and looked inside for a while. When Su Hao walked over, she tilted her head and asked, "Su Hao, do you call this a senior?"


I feel a little depressed, but my vision is different. Next time I kill a firefly, I won't say the word 'advanced' in front of Aunt Sheng.

But St. Louis just complained, it was very depressed, and it was nothing to look forward to, and then there was no more.

A group of people came in, and yesterday the restaurant manager actually recognized Su Hao. The reason for recognition was that the company was there yesterday, and the handsome men and women had dinner together by candlelight. It was only after seeing the company that he realized Su Hao's identity.

Then the manager insisted on giving Su Hao a discount, [-]% discount, Su Hao shirked it a few times, but accepted it when he saw that there was no other way.

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