After the manager left, he whispered, "I wanted to shirk a few times and ask him to offer a discount, but it failed. I'm so stingy."

St. Louis rolled his eyes: "Then you should let Minghe Shiranui offer more discounts in the future. It's still so expensive to buy by yourself, black-hearted businessman."

"Good stuff."

"A good thing is a good thing, what about sisterhood in Minato?"


Su Hao insisted, if Minghe Shiranui had no evil intentions, would he still be a profiteer?

St. Louis is a little strange, and he doesn't understand why Su Hao must insist on this point. Is there some ulterior motive behind his back?

After a while, the dishes came.

While eating lunch, St. Louis talked about the follow-up matters of the Foundation Association.

In the future, it will definitely be handed over to the people under her banner to deal with, and she usually just checks the summary situation, and then she asks Su Hao to pay attention to it.

Where there is money, there are disputes, especially this kind. There are too many cases where people do good things with good intentions but are misunderstood.

The reputation of the port area is of course the most important thing. St. Louis is worried about being led by someone with a heart, so she basically didn't let Su Hao show up in the company before.

Today is the first time, and I probably won’t come again in the future. It’s more troublesome to be discovered by people when you come here often. Do this kind of thing behind the back of a port area?Those shipping companies dare not talk about it. There are always people talking nonsense. If there is something to say, there will be misunderstandings and contradictions.

Su Hao listened silently, and had to say that St. Louis is really a capable and strong woman, although her image is logically not that strong type.

But if you become serious, your aura will rise immediately, a bit like Richelieu, the ship girls who have experienced social polishing are obviously different from those silly white sweets.

She explained these things very clearly, and then Helena suddenly said: "Sister Louis has been in the port area all the time, just help watch."

St. Louis paused for a moment without saying anything. She asked, "Then when will you go back?"

Helena felt a little helpless upon hearing this.

"The headquarters asked me to help Lexington prepare for the joint meeting here. It's not up to me when to leave. It depends on when Lexington is ready."

Saying this, Helena looked at Su Hao, "I heard that many buildings will be built this time, right?"


"That's terrible, Miss Louis, at least I won't be able to go back before the end of the year, maybe I really have to wait until everyone comes over."

Little Beifa blinked and said: "Sister Helena, then you can live here forever, anyway, we are a family, and the owner will build more houses in the future, you can live here, you and sister St. Louis choose Let’s live together in one building.”

"Eh? This..."

Children are ignorant and talk nonsense, how can such a matter be decided casually?

"It's not bad." St. Louis tilted his head, as if he was really thinking seriously, "If you can build a sea view house, you can consider it..."

"Sister Louis." Helena was a little puzzled, "Don't you have a villa by the sea?"

"I feel a little regretful when you say this."


St. Louis shook his head.

Originally, she built this villa for vacation and rest, and brought Cleveland over by the way.

If she leaves in the future, Cleveland can continue to live.

It turned out to be a good thing now, Cleveland no longer lived in her villa, and it was even more boring for her to be alone, and she had to run back and forth between the villa and the port area every day, and now she simply lived in the port area.

Since we want to live in the port area, of course we are considering rebuilding a house with a sea view, and then we will continue to join Cleveland.

After thinking about it, he thought of what Su Hao said before he set off.

Then she looked at Helena.

Helena was suddenly a little puzzled.

St. Louis didn't speak, and Helena was even more puzzled.

On the opposite side, Su Hao ate in silence and picked up a sausage for Xiao Beifa.


"Isn't your master coming back at noon?"

We eat in the big cafeteria, and there are so many people here when it’s time for dinner. Before the port area was too big, we couldn’t tell it. Now, looking around, it’s really outrageous.

At this moment, Atago sat down with a plate, and Dido sat across from her.

"I'm not coming back." Dido said truthfully.

She knew that Su Hao went out with St. Louis, because he was working for Richelieu before, so there was nothing he could do, but since Xiao Beifa followed, there was no problem.

Although she is small, her small body also has great energy, and Xiao Beifa can basically do everything she can do.

"Aren't you worried if he doesn't come back?" Atago looked curious, "Don't you like your master the most?"

"Of course I like Master the most."

Dido put down the fork, and said solemnly: "But the master is free to do what he wants. Besides, the master is only going out for a trip. As long as it is safe, it will be fine."

Atago held his chin, pinched the fork with his fingers and shook it a few times.

"Well... If I like someone, I will definitely not let him out of my sight."

Dido frowned: "There must be time to separate."

"No, there isn't."

"While taking a shower."

"Let's wash together."

"And when you're sleeping?"

"Of course they slept together."

Dido:? ? ?

Is there something wrong with this woman?

No, absolutely can't let such a dangerous woman stay by the master's side!

"Miss Atago, when are you planning to leave? Aren't you traveling?"

Dido pretended to ask casually.

Atago smiled slightly: "Every landing point is the starting point of my journey, and it is also the end of my journey. The key depends on what I think."

"I think it's better to go out for a walk more."

"Ah~ This kind of thing is not like what a ship girl in the port area would say. Aren't you guys staying in the port area every day and not going out? Apart from missions, the scope of activities is so wide, right?"

Dido shook her head: "It's not the same, as long as I can be with the master, I will be happy, and everyone will be happy as long as I can be with the commander. But Atago is different, you don't have a commander, you Do you feel happy doing these things? If you are not happy, everything will be meaningless."

"Happy." Atago said without hesitation, "I'm very happy to see brother Su Hao now."

She likes this kind of thing very much.

Dido stopped talking for a moment.

This woman is really wrong!

No, no, no, it's dangerous, Madam Richelieu! !


PS: I can’t do it anymore, I’ll take a shower and go to bed, I’ll write tomorrow, I definitely can’t stay up late, good night everyone~

A new day, please go to the anniversary rankings to like, recommend tickets, monthly tickets, etc., it is really important, I want to make a top ten this time, the top ten is fine, please everyone!

Reward stage statistics [update coming soon]

When offering a reward: word count 116.8w, blade 4997, reward 26.65w

At this time: word count 121.3w, blade 9330, reward 61.47w

The above is almost three days of data.

Let’s make some statistics at the stage, so that everyone can have a count in mind. The reward for the blade is 4333, and the reward is 34,82w. Excluding the 200 yuan I rewarded myself, the reward statistics are converted into a total of 15.2w words.

Now there is a very strange thing, I have updated 16 chapters since the bounty was issued, each chapter is more than 3k, and two chapters are even 3k5, it stands to reason that the number of words is at least 4.8w more than when the bounty was issued, but...


I'm a little confused now, I counted back and forth for more than ten minutes, md I am very good at elementary school mathematics, that's right!

Forget it, let’s count it according to the number displayed on the app anyway, maybe it’s Shuke’s convulsions these two days, but even if it’s 4.5w, it’s fine, I’ve had more than a chapter, and I’ll admit it.

Well, minus the three-day basic update of 1.8w words, about 2.7w words have been repaid (originally 3w, broken thoughts), and 12.5w words are still owed.

Today's update is written, wait for two chapters to be released, and then write and post it later, anyway, it is about 5w words in 1.5 chapters.

That's it, the bounty continues, there is no upper limit, it will depend on the situation when it is closed, go!

Chapter 391 Commander, I Really Like You Right Now

It was three o'clock in the afternoon when we returned to the port area.

St. Louis took Helena away, saying that he was going to choose the location of the house. Helena was very helpless about this. Sister, you can choose, and no one will let you choose. Why are you pulling me?I want to go to Cleveland.

St. Louis is a man of action, and he is very decisive in doing things. Su Hao reckoned that if she really chose a good place, she would definitely start construction the next day.

If she wants to build her own house, she must pay for it herself. After all, she is not short of money. By then, the most luxurious sea view house in the port area will probably be born.

How can it be cultivated, rich people are not happy, who said that?You can't imagine the happiness of rich people.

But Su Hao thought about it again, did St. Louis agree to himself in disguise by doing this?

Although he didn't say yes, if he didn't want to join the port area, he couldn't really live here.

"Master, sister St. Louis has joined the port area, you must be very happy." Little Befa raised her head and said.

"Who said that?" Su Hao patted her head, "Hasn't St. Louis always been our ship's wife in the port area?"

"Hee hee~"

Little Beifa laughed, thinking that the master is really thick-skinned, and I still like the thick-skinned master very much.

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