St. Louis left, and Su Hao had nothing to do for the time being. During this period of time, with the help of Sister Li Tiancheng and the others, he basically finished all the things accumulated in the port area.

A lot of people in the port area is good, and it is easier to handle things with more people. Of course, it also depends on the situation. You need to be able to do it, and a ship girl who can’t do it, like Volkland Firefly, who is obviously a veteran of the port area. She is still crazy all day long, except for tasks Other than that, he hardly takes the initiative to find something to do.

Actively looking for things is looking for things, if you don't know how to do it, that is called actively looking for things, looking for trouble.

There was nothing left or right, Su Hao walked around the port area with Xiao Beifa, and soon came to the newly built gazebo.

The pavilion made of vines looks more like a half-open birdcage with ivy hanging on it, so even in autumn, it is still a gloomy picture of spring here.

It is said that the spring is gloomy, but in fact there is another level, the glorious victory is terrifying, and the three big boats are sitting here drinking tea and chatting.

Dido was away, and he didn't see it when he came back, but Guanghui can make tea himself, and his craftsmanship is quite good.

Little Guanghui wasn't there either, it was rare that Guanghui wasn't hugging him?

And the unicorn is not there. Recently, the lovely younger sister has gotten used to the life in the port area. She is no longer as shy as when she first came here, and only dares to stay by Guanghui's side.

"Ah, good afternoon, Commander."

"Good afternoon, is it just the three of you?"

"Yes, Hood was there at first, but he just went to the beach."

When Hood went to the beach, Su Hao remembered the swimsuit she wore last time, and decided to go too.


Shengli looked over with sad eyes.


Kewei looked over, his eyes... don't know what eyes are.

Su Hao coughed lightly: "Why isn't Saratoga here?"

Shengli curled his lips: "She, it seems that she had an argument with Chicheng just now."

Su Hao frowned: "Did you quarrel?"

"No, it was a normal conversation." Kewei immediately said, "But when Atago came over, it turned into a quarrel."

Su Hao: "..."

Akagi vs Saratoga

No matter how noisy, everyone is from the same port area, and it won't be too outrageous. Now it has been regarded as a daily routine.

Lovely Dang is not, Atago vs Akagi vs Saratoga, how beautiful the picture is Su Hao dare not imagine.

"and then?"

"Then Amagi and Lexington came over, and each took one away, and Atago went to nowhere."

"It doesn't matter."

The master was Atago, and Su Hao was also taken aback.

But looking back on her behavior now, it is completely in line with the personality.

No, it fits perfectly.

At this moment, he sat down, Guanghui poured him a cup of black tea, and then took Xiao Beifa away from him.

The little guy is held in Guanghui's arms, and it must be comfortable, because the head can be directly pillowed on soft things, unlike being held by Su Hao, it's okay to stand up and walk, but it's not good to sit down, always Will be put on something (nonsense).

While drinking tea, Shengli sitting across from him kept giving him winks.

Su Hao didn't pay attention at first, but later he saw it, and then Guang Hui saw it too.

"Victory what are you doing?"

"No, no." Shengli waved his hand, "It seems that I saw a small bug just now, but it disappeared. I probably didn't see it clearly, huh."

Guanghui didn't care for a moment, and gently stroked Xiao Beifa's head, feeding her.

On the side, Kewei looked at Shengli and then at Su Hao, and she quickly understood.

Sister Shengli must want to kiss her.

Mua! (*╯3╰)

That's weird, is it really that interesting?

Isn't it just two mouths stuck together?Kewei tilted his head, feeling puzzled by Shengli's behavior.

But I don't understand why. As a good sister and a member of the sister-in-law alliance, she said at this time: "Sister Shengli, have you washed your clothes today?"

"Ah? Clothes." Shengli was stunned.

"It's the morning clothes. I went to the beach and got dirty before. Don't I need to wash them? After soaking in sea water, it's not easy to wash after a long time."

Shengli came to his senses, "Oh, yes, I almost forgot." After speaking, he said to Guanghui, "Sister, I'm doing laundry."

"Well, let's go."

The younger sister does her own laundry and grows up.

Su Hao watched Shengli leave.

I always feel... Do I have to leave too?

Not long after, his cell phone rang.

Seeing the caller ID, Victory, well, these two sisters are really messing up.

Pretending to pick it up, hello?What?Billions of billions?Coming soon!

That was basically the case, he found an excuse to leave the gazebo, and when he arrived at the dormitory building, he saw Shengli standing in the corridor on the second floor waving at him.

At this moment, there was no one else around, but Su Hao didn't speak because there was no guarantee that the partition wall had ears.

Shengli waved his hand and didn't speak, just grinning, feeling a little irritating and treacherous.

In broad daylight, in the midst of the world, if you do some sneaky things, you can't be found out, you must not be found out, come on, come on, Commander, stop kissing, my sister is at the door, she's coming in>.

When I got to the room, I hid for fear of being discovered by my sister.Hiding in the closet, the two of them pressed tightly together, and could smell their breath.Hiding under the bed, does it smell like a spy TV show?

It's exciting just thinking about it.

Su Hao didn't know what Shengli was thinking. He walked up and was hurriedly pulled into the room by Shengli.

"Huh? Was that the commander just now?"

Outside the dormitory, the Assaulter and Atlanta, who were walking this way, raised their heads slightly puzzled.

"Where is it?" Atlanta was suspicious, "I didn't see it."

"Maybe I was wrong."

The assailant shook his head, the commander had gone out, it was unlikely, it seemed that Shengli was pulling a person just now, maybe he was in a hurry.

Thinking of this, she smiled and said, "Atlanta, when will you call the commander?"

"Ah? This..."

"Now you are used to the port area, and everyone treats you as their own, so what's there to be shy about?"

"It's not... well."

Atlanta pursed her lips, but she wasn't really shy. She is now in the port area, and she has already been recognized as the ship's wife in the port area.

It's just, if it is really announced, will Pennsylvania be a little pitiful?

The last time I saw her busy alone, I haven't been free for the past two days, the attackers have long been gone, the right-hand assistants have left one by one, and there is also a chief who is always adding to the chaos.

After staying in the Maritime Bureau for so long, Atlanta still has feelings.

"I don't know what you are hesitating about." The attacker shook his head and said.

"Let's do this first, you see that Rodney hasn't barked yet."

"'s different, she was taking Nelson into consideration, but during this time Nelson was busy with the construction of the sea area base in Area C, and Rodney also went to help. I have a feeling that when they come back this time, They are people from our port area."

Atlanta suddenly laughed and said: "Your port area, your port area, all the ship girls in the world are from the port area."

The corner of the attacker's mouth raised: "Maybe, anyway, my commander is so good."

Atlanta shook his head.

The two walked to the dormitory.


Here, Su Hao hugged Shengli, and she slammed the wall against the door.

Pulled in suddenly without saying anything, my sister-in-law was impatient to carry out the experiment, you may not believe it, Su Hao was really forced.

At this time, Bidong was on the door, lips touched, softly squeezed to the point of deformation, a sticky and slippery feeling came out, and some feeling came, and the voice of Bazi Bazi sounded erosive and astringent Angrily, he moved his hands dishonestly.

(10 minutes later.)

With his lips parted, Shengli's face was flushed, panting, and he looked at Su Hao without blinking.

At close range, the corners of Shengli's mouth slightly raised, his lips were clearly lined, and his blue eyes shone like stars, exuding a bright and shining luster.

With this expression, it means that Victory is very excited and happy now.

"Hee hee~ The experiment was successful." She laughed.

"What?" Su Hao smacked his lips, feeling like he hadn't seen for a long time, "You suddenly rushed over."

Shengli pouted and said, "If I don't jump over, you will run away later. Tell yourself, how long have you not been with me?"

In fact, it hasn't been long, has it?In a few days, there are mainly many things that happened recently.

Su Hao felt ashamed for a moment. For example, all the companies in Chicheng today have rings. Victory has such a good relationship with him. Even if the time is short, Jian Niang can't look at it according to common sense. Who said that a long time is better than a short time?

Uh, I don't mean to offend Miss Li here.

All in all, well, that's the truth.

"Don't run away, I won't run away for the rest of my life."

Su Hao held her hand and said softly.


Shengli swallowed the words he wanted to complain when they reached his lips.

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