This is swimming, how to hide.

Hood also discovered that Su Hao can't walk on the sea like a ship's mother. Of course, if she stands on the sea, Su Hao can float in the sea...

But being condescending, isn't it impolite to the commander?

Moreover, with his appearance, the swimsuit didn't seem very elegant.

"Then it's better for me to carry the commander."

Hmm, carry the commander on your back, so even if there are shells coming, you can dodge them in advance.

"Ha..." Su Hao opened his mouth.

"Okay Commander, they are about to start."

Hood swam up to Su Hao and turned around to urge him.


Su Hao scratched his hair.

Looking at Hood from behind, the blond hair was attached to the fair and tender skin, and the bikini had already become flesh-colored under the action of the sea water. The faint temptation was the most deadly.

The visible is invisible, the visible is particularly charming, and the invisible is particularly attractive.

No, no, Jian Niang, my own Jian Niang, Aunt Hood, she has good intentions now.

Su Hao didn't want to disappoint her kindness, so he boarded the ship!

If there is BGM in the ear, it must be full of majestic ritual!

When I got on the ship, I put my hands on my shoulders. It was smoother than I imagined, and it was soft and elastic when I squeezed it.

Hood is the type of undressed meat, the meat is still very full, not only the front is full, but it will not look fat, as I said before, Q bomb Q bomb, it feels good.

"That...commander, don't mess around." Hood said with a blushing face.

No matter how good the relationship is, now I want to protect the commander from harm, how can I pinch and pinch, it's so itchy.

"Uh, sorry sorry."

Couldn't help being cheap, well, Su Hao quickly put his hands around Hood's neck.

After backing up, Hood surfaced.

"It feels so strange." Su Hao said.

"I just thought it was weird." Hood couldn't help laughing, "But the feeling of touching the commander's body like this is pretty good."


"Okay, let's go."

The two slowly approached.

In the distance, the battle between George V and Howe had begun.

Battleships, in addition to long-range straddle shooting, close-range hand-to-hand combat is also a highlight.

After all, this is different from the previous battleships. If the battleship is used for ultra-long-range strikes, the hit rate is simply touching.

The ship's wife is flexible, even if it is the tonnage of George V and Howe, the two are practicing Tai Chi at this time, turning around a central point, and shooting ammunition at each other, trying to shoot each other in the face.


The attack interval of the secondary artillery was already short, and the hit rate of the two was unexpectedly high, but the evasion speed of the two was not very good in comparison.

After shooting each other for a while, both of them were covered with colorful dyes.

"Okay, okay, stop fighting, I admit defeat!"

George V yelled, then sank directly into the water to wash himself.

There was excitement on Howe's face.

Winning won.

She couldn't help laughing, although her body was a little dirty...huh?The string of the swimsuit came loose and fell, she grabbed it quickly and tied it up again.

"Commander, don't look!"

Hood's voice was heard in the distance.

With doubts, Hao turned his head, just in time to see Su Hao who was being carried by Hood, and stared at her dumbfounded.


PS: 6k, there is an update today, rush!

Well, you may have noticed that there are very few battles in the recent plots, and the plots are also based on the daily tone, because not many people read the battles before, and how to say... Sigh~ I originally wanted to write a book similar to the previous ones. Different things, make a little change, but it seems that everyone still likes this kind of daily style, so I changed a lot, the plot is simplified, and I will focus on daily life in the future. I don’t know if everyone likes it now

Chapter 393 Hao, I am responsible for you! [Chapter 3, and more! 】

The conscience of heaven and earth is really not what Su Hao wants to see!

It is really his 5 million pixel eyes that see it too clearly.

And ah, who knew swimsuits would fall off too?

Didn't it mean that swimsuits and skirts are not under Newton's control?

You see George V's is not lost!

Why didn't she drop it?Why didn't she drop it?

However, no matter how Su Hao explained it, the fact happened before his eyes. If George V hadn't stopped him in the end, Hao would have come up to beat him long ago.

Although not necessarily beat it.

At this time, the four returned to the beach.

"Haha! Commander, it's really time for you to come." George V laughed heartlessly.

On the side, Hao sat alone on the beach mat with his knees hugged, like love... no, like a wronged little daughter-in-law who was bullied.

Su Hao touched his nose and said, "I really just happened to pass by, who knows..."

"You still say!" Hao blushed and glared at Su Hao.

Woohoo, it's over, it's over, my body has been seen, and I can't get married, ┭┮﹏┭┮ "Okay, okay."

Hood came over to smooth things over, "I'm going to take the commander there to see it. An accident is an accident, so there's no way... Besides, Hao, didn't you win George V? You should be happy when you win for the first time. Don’t worry about the little things.”

Howe widened his eyes.

What a trivial matter!

How can it be a trivial matter to be seen by someone?

┭┮﹏┭┮, you can't get married!

Just as he was thinking about it, he heard George V say heartily: "That's right, Hao, don't worry about these little things. You should be happy that you beat me. Come on, be happy."

Howe: "..."

She looked up, from Hood to George V.

"Sister George V, can you show your commander?"

George V immediately shook his head: "This is not good, how can a good-looking man show his body to others? It's too rude."

"Hood?" Howe turned his head.

"Ah, this kind of a lady, it really doesn't suit me."

Hao was in a hurry: "Look, you think so too! You still talk to me about trivial things, why don't you do small things?"

George V immediately waved his hand: "Isn't this an accident? If I was seen by the commander by accident, then there is nothing to worry about."

"But Su Hao is not my commander."

"Ah, ah, since you are used to our port area, why don't you join the port area now." Hood said with a smile, "In this way, the commander will accidentally see your body, since If it's the commander, then don't worry too much, right?"

Hao thought about it: "Hood, what you said seems to be right..." Huh?Wait, no wonder! "How is this possible!"

"Hao!" George V suddenly became serious. She put her hands on Hao's shoulders and looked directly at him. "You are already a mature ship girl, you shouldn't be so petty."

"Sister George V, I..." suddenly became serious, and Howe was not used to it.

"Hood is right. When you join the port area, you are a family. Why should you care about any accidents in the family? Unless you don't regard us as family members, if that's the case, then I have nothing to say."

"Eh? No, sister George V, I..."

Howard suddenly became a little anxious.

In her heart, George V will always be the eldest sister, who helped her out when she was helpless, and the impression of that moment has always been imprinted in Howe's heart.

How could they not regard George V as a family member?

Not only George V, after living in the port area for such a long time, Howe has long regarded this place as his home.


She lowered her head, pursed her lips, and looked at Su Hao quietly again.

Hood touched Su Hao with his arm.

Signal, Commander, it's your turn.

Su Hao was a little confused.

He's just here for a swim!

It was originally intended to reduce the fire, but now it has turned into a fire.

Get on the ship inexplicably, look at Hao's body again inexplicably, and now inexplicably, are you going to salvage the boat?

Well, although it was a bit sudden, the responsibility and obligation as a commander told him that it was time for him to stand up.


Howe looked up.

"Hao, I'm sorry, I was really careless just now."

Su Hao bowed to Hao, as an apology.

Sometimes how to put it, it is not a question of who is right and who is wrong, it is an accident, but subjective actions and objective facts are not so unified.

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