It's like driving on the road and suddenly having a car accident. It's an accident, but if the car hits someone, he has to bear the responsibility.

Putting it here, a man looked at a woman's body. Although it was an accident, he was also responsible.

Well, the feeling of what Hu Qiba is doing here is so complicated. Su Hao didn't think about it so much. First of all, he apologized. After looking at himself, he absolutely couldn't say thank you for the hospitality. What should I say?

"Actually, it's not about Hood's business. I'm going to go and see it myself." Su Hao scratched his hair. It's impossible for a cute rookie to operate in a wave, as long as he treats it with sincerity, "Because I heard you You are practicing with King George V, how should I put it, in my heart I have long regarded you as a member of the port area, as our family, so naturally I can't help but want to go and have a look."

Hao opened his mouth, lowered his head, and raised his fingers.

George V quietly gave Su Hao a thumbs up.

Hu De smiled, and Su Hao excused her. Although he said it to Hao, he was still very happy.

"George V and Hood said that this is a trivial matter. I disagree. After all, although you are ship girls, you are also girls. Innocence must be the most important thing. But George V and Hood, I am very grateful that you can trust me so much. happy."

Su Hao breathed out lightly, "How should I put it, what should have happened has already happened, regardless of the impact of this incident itself, as a commander, I sincerely want to invite you to join us in the port area , I think this is also the idea of ​​every ship girl in the port area."

Saying this, he stretched out his hand, solemnly, "As long as you want, for the latter, I can make up whatever you want me to do."

Looking at the body, it is normal for a man to be greedy.

But a greedy body is a greedy body, and a scumbag is a scumbag, it's different.

At this time, he looked at Hao with a smile on his face, waiting for her answer. It would be best if he agreed, and it didn't matter if he didn't agree. It's very important for Jian Niang to follow Jian Niang's wishes.

"Even if you say make it up to me..." Hao lowered his head and blushed, fiddling with his fingers a little uneasily.

"Then let me think about it, how about letting Sister Li train with you every day for the last month?"

Hood chuckled: "Commander, you are really cunning. Let Richelieu help you recite the mistakes you made."

Su Hao was helpless: "Is there any way to do this? I can't think of what Hao needs. Since this is the case, it must be best to ask Sister Li to help. At worst, I will compensate Sister Li afterwards."

What is your relationship with Miss Li?That is of one mind!

"Compensation~" Hood's eyes teased, his voice was elongated, and he asked meaningfully: "Commander, how do you want to compensate Richelieu?"


Hey, hey, Aunt Hood, can you stop driving indiscriminately?When I turned the corner, only the steering wheel was left in my hand, and the car was gone!

"What are you talking about?" George V tilted her head, paused, and didn't care, she looked down at Hao and said, "Hao, the commander said so, you still don't agree, you don't agree to me I'm going to be angry."

"Okay, okay." Hao's fingers curled the hair on his shoulders, stood up, and patted the sand on his legs.

At this time, she was still wearing a swimsuit, and her figure against the background of the swimsuit was perfectly displayed in front of Su Hao.

It has to be said that Hao's figure is quite perfect, and his charm as a mature adult is fully displayed at this time.

The blond hair fell down the body, it was wet, and the water stains flowed down the body to the thighs, and slid down from the triangle area, leaving traces on the white and tender skin.

She lowered her gaze slightly, paused for a moment, then raised her head again, her bright green eyes were shining, and she looked at Su Hao.

"There is no need for compensation, but if Richelieu can teach us occasionally, as a commander, you shouldn't mind?"

Su Hao was stunned for a while.

"What's the matter?" Hao blinked, and suddenly burst into laughter, "Commander, your dumbfounded look is nothing like the eloquent one just now."

"Uh... well, I agreed to this request for Sister Li." Su Hao chuckled, stretched out his hand and said, "Hao, you are welcome to officially join our big family."

Hao stretched out his hand and shook Su Hao lightly.

How should I put it, it's fine anyway, after all, she doesn't hate Su Hao in the first place.

I really like the life in the port area. I like to be happy with everyone every day. I like to be with King George V. I like to train and study delicious food together. The life of the ship girl can be very happy even if it is ordinary.

If so, why hesitate?

Of course, Howe couldn't trust Su Hao completely like George V and Hood. She was fundamentally different from the appearance of the two. The built ship girl had her heart on the commander.

Of course Su Hao is also aware of this, so he will never force those ship girls who are caught in the port area to do something for him.

Before asking others to pay for themselves, first think about what you have done for the other party.

This point is very important at the moment, especially the ship's mother's feelings for the commander. Why do they have to follow the commander for the rest of their lives?Why would they fight for the commander without fear of any danger?Why would they desperately defend the commander in front of outsiders, and even make trouble for no reason in the eyes of others.

In Su Hao's view, these things are not a natural enjoyment. Some people say that the ship's mother is the commander's licking dog, or that the commander is the ship's mother's licking dog. He is very disgusted with this kind of statement, because these people don't understand the commander at all. What is the relationship between you and the ship's mother?

At least in the future, he will use his actions to win Hao's favor, and only then can he calmly accept what Hao has done for him.

Well, it's like gaining favorability in the game, except that unlimited attacks and back houses are not feasible here, and attacks increase favorability?

Gan!Something is wrong.

"Haha! Great, now we are real sisters."

Seeing Howe agreed, George V immediately laughed.

"I have always regarded you as my sister."

Howe said helplessly.

"Okay, at least it's a perfect solution now... Well, it's rare for the commander to be here, let's have fun together." Hood suggested.

Su Hao was full of enthusiasm, let's play together, he was about to say yes, but a figure hurriedly ran over from a distance.

"Rua! Commander is bad, Joan of Arc is fighting that Atago!"


PS: Go, go, go!Brothers don't stop!

Chapter 394 You Will Be Beaten For Being So Arrogant! 【Come on! 】

Joan of Arc and Atago got into a fight?

Su Hao said he couldn't help Miss Li.

You have to tell me that Akagi fights Atago, Sara fights Atago, I believe all of these.

Joan of Arc?

These two don't have any intersection at all!

However, although Xili was rambunctious, she was very pragmatic and never told a lie. She rushed over and told Su Hao what she was talking about, and she started fighting, bang bang bang, not a girl tearing her hair, and Su Hao was full of doubts.

In the end, Su Hao hurried over with the other ship girls.

The port area is very large, and the area on the beach side is also wide. There are divisions for playing and training.

It took a while to run over, and when we got here, everyone was watching, the shallow water area on the beach, and those standing on the sea, all looking into the distance.

Some wondered that there was no sound of naval guns, even if it was a drill, there should be sound, but after getting closer, they found that Joan of Arc and Atago were engaged in hand-to-hand combat.


Su Hao staggered, Xi Li looked anxious, thinking it was an emergency, and even gave up on playing with the three of Hood, and that's the end?

"Hey! It's very good."

George V looked into the distance, eager to try.

As the captain of the Royal Knights, she felt a little itchy.

Su Hao glanced at her, brother, take it easy, you are still a rookie and can't beat them.

"Come on, come on! Joan of Arc, come on!"

Not far away, Vockland shouted.

"Come on, come on!" The others followed suit.

"Come on!" This is a counterattack, but he also shouted.

It's not too much to eat melons, besides, for the ship's mother, it's normal to fight and fight.

But it doesn't matter if you fight and fight, the winner or loser still has to be divided. For everyone, Joan of Arc is "one of us", Atago, she is flirty and dancing.

It's okay to be flirty and dance, but still crazy, I don't know how high the sky is, nana, let me tell you, you will be beaten if you are so arrogant!

A warning from Sarah's sister.

Then Su Hao heard the loudest cheers from the audience.

"Joan of Arc, come on! Yes, yes, beat that flirty and dancing guy to the ground!"

Saratoga is riding on Firefly's neck, she is now the king of cheerleaders!

let's go!Joan of Arc, let her know how powerful our port area is!

Su Hao pulled his eyes back and lowered his head.

"Xili, what did you say just now that you are in a hurry?"

"Hey~ I don't know either, Forbin asked me to come to you."

"Forbin? What about her?"

In the distance, the blond girl watched anxiously.

Forbin is a good boy, Jungfrau, and someone fights and tells the teacher, it's normal.

"She asked me to find the commander, but she couldn't find you, so I found the commander in no time, hehe~ Am I very good?" Xi Li smiled smugly.

Su Hao rubbed her dog's head.

In the distance, Joan of Arc and Atago are still fighting.

For ship girls, their fighting style is quite flexible.

Weapons are not just for display, but also an effective means of attack. I heard that some ship girls can use their swords to directly cut out the sword energy to destroy the enemy's shells. As for the magical wind, there are still some in general.

At this time, neither of the two had cut out their sword energy. They were just competing in strength and skills. As a heavy patrol Atago actually had an advantage, but Joan of Arc was also very 'heavy'. Her style of play was more defensive. Even Richelieu often praised Joan of Arc. With her, the companions are safe.

Atago couldn't attack, her sword skills were far less brilliant than her astringency, Joan of Arc was also unable to defeat Atago, the two of them were so exhausted, fighting back and forth for more than ten minutes, the sea water was covered by them confused.

Su Hao always thought that Joan of Arc should have a mature, steady and serious character, until he saw the appearance of the other party in a swimsuit.

At this time, the mother-in-law who was watching the play stopped shouting and shouting, and some of them went back to the beach to play with their own affairs.

I can't get any results for most of the day, what's so good about it.

Su Hao looked into the distance, Saratoga squatted down, and said something to a head that popped out of the sea. It was U47. Su Hao knew that his sister-in-law was going to do something without thinking about it.

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