
She's so pretty, she's so big, she's rich, she's super rich, tell me she's a ship girl?

Atago has always felt that it is useless to ask for money, or that it is useless for Jian Niang to ask for money, because if it is not necessary for special circumstances, he can just make enough for himself.

This is not to say that money is useless to Jianniang, on the contrary, it is very useful, but almost no Jianniang works hard to make money for living.

This is different from people. If people want to live, they must work hard to make money, and work hard to make money in order to live.

Jianniang wants to live, to live happily, to be unhappy and to have money is useless, they will not think of ways to make money to buy a house and a car for the sake of life, if they are really bored with life, maybe they will be in a quiet corner Back to the sea.

The ship girl can make money, but she doesn't take the initiative to make a lot of money. Atago is the ship girl, of course she knows it.

But ah, now you tell her that there is an incomparably rich ship girl in front of her. This ship girl is beautiful and has a big body, and she has a very rich body. Atago suddenly becomes restless.

If it is other ship girls, everyone can compare.

So what if you are strong, I am a heavy patrol and you are a battle line, this is not easy to compare.

Besides, fighting bayonets in the port area does not mean whoever is stronger will be stronger.

To occupy an important position in the port area, you need to be big, have a good figure, and have a mature and charming face, so that you can naturally exude allure. Otherwise, there are so many ship girls, why should the commander stare at you?

Although Atago has never joined Minato, she has a lot of research on these things.

So, if you want to say that it is difficult to deal with, it is the kind of Chicheng.

Having capital and being coquettish, men can't bear it the most.

But now, here comes a wealthy person, who doesn't seem to have an easy-going personality, and she is also rich as a country, how to fight?

You tried everything possible, but someone directly threw a bank card at you: "Commander, there are ten million in it, come to my room tonight."

How to fight this?

There are so many ship girls in the port area, to compete, you must have advantages that others do not have!

It's over!

Atago had never been so desperate as now.

How do you say something?In the face of absolute power, any conspiracy is futile.

Strength can be one's own strength, or other things. Anyway, it can be used as a 'weapon'.

If one bank card is not enough, ten are enough. If you are rich and willful, in this way, a rich woman with a beautiful body, a good figure and a big man comes over and pays for it, and Atago feels that she has nothing to do with her.

"What's wrong with you?" Su Hao was a little puzzled.

He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he felt that Atago's small universe was wilting at an extremely fast speed.

This is not at all like the imposing Ai Dagou just now!

"Sigh~ No wonder brother Su Hao doesn't fall in love with me." Atang shook his head, "It turns out that there is a rich woman at home, and there is a rich woman to take care of her. In the future, there is no need to worry about the development of the port area."

Su Hao: ? ? ?

"What? There is nothing between me and St. Louis, don't insult people's innocence!"

Life is the Su family, death is the soul of the Su family, our Su family has backbone!

Facing Atago's suspicious eyes, Su Hao said seriously: "Do you think... I am that kind of person?"

Atago nodded, "Isn't it?"

"is it?"

"Isn't it?"

"is it?"

"So love goes away?"

"Please, they didn't agree to be my ship's wife, what a fart love!" Su Hao couldn't help but spit out, "Besides, I treat all ship's girls in our port area equally, whether they are taken care of or not. Yes, poverty and lowliness cannot be moved, so don’t look at us human beings.”

Atago was a little surprised, "Ah~ I didn't expect brother Su Hao to have such a big awareness at your age. It seems that I misunderstood my sister."

"what are you guys saying?"

St. Louis and Cleveland come again.

The two discussed it. If the yard is counted, it would be a bit wider. Cleveland meant that there is no need for a swimming pool. After all, the port area is by the sea. Wouldn’t it be enough to swim in the sea?

But St. Louis thinks how can a house be considered a place to live without a swimming pool?

Considering the overall construction of the port area in Cleveland, this area is better, and more buildings will definitely be built here in the future, so you can't just think about yourself.

In the end, St. Louis compromised and reduced the size of the yard and the building by one-third.

Well, it can be regarded as the smallest single-family villa she has ever built.

Su Hao asked, "Then what about your villa here?"

"Sell it, and see when the time comes." No matter how much money you have, you can't waste it casually. St. Louis thought for a while, then suddenly looked at Atago, "Why don't you live in Miss Atago? Anyway, you will It’s inconvenient, the villa has everything, the area is large, it has its own swimming pool, gym, game room and babysitter. You can live here when you are in Lingshui City. If you want to pay, you just need to inquire about the house seller for me. The price is fine, how about it?"

Atago opened his mouth to say yes, but at least he held back in the end.

No, what does this sentence mean?What do you mean it's inconvenient for me to be in the port area?

not simple!

So strong!

She deserves to be a woman of incomparable wealth!

Lightly uttering suggestions that people cannot refuse, making full use of one's own advantages to crush others' disadvantages, this is simply the strongest skill honed in human society.

This woman is deep and unfathomable!


Still meeting an invincible opponent, Atago suddenly felt powerless.

There are thousands of comparisons, and nothing can compare to money.Comparing body and face, it seems that the other party is not false at all.Bissau?Atago felt that the other party was not a fuel-efficient lamp either.

Lovely Dang also doesn't want to admit defeat so easily, an advantage is an advantage, a victory is a victory, and besides, I don't necessarily have to compare with her, yes, why should I compare with her?

Su Hao doesn't care whether he has money or not. Superficial people are like this. The younger brother Su Hao he likes is a low-key, luxurious and connotative man.

Atago thought about it for a second, he was just trying to win back in front of Richelieu. Although he had some interest in this port area, there was no need to treat everyone as an enemy.

So, Atago is ready to change strategy.

St.Louis's proposal was politely rejected, but Atago actually offered to ask for help. She has stayed in different hotels and villas when traveling around the world, and has paid attention to the housing price. Of course St.Louis is the big boss and doesn't care, Atago said. I can help myself.

Su Hao was a little confused.

Just now Atago was able to fight with Joan of Arc, why did he fall in love with St. Louis in a blink of an eye?

They are all surnamed Sheng, so the gap is so big?

You know, Joan of Arc is a kind of person with a particularly good temper.

I've been thinking about it, but I don't understand it. It can only be attributed to the magical power of the rich woman (money).

Atago changed his strategy, which is a good thing for Su Hao, as long as it doesn't cause trouble, it's fine.At this time, he separated from the St. Louis people, and then returned here, and saw Hood who had already changed his clothes and came out to drink tea.

Unexpectedly, Hao was also here. She was not very keen on tea, but she was still very interested in the small biscuits at the tea party.

"Why are you all here, where is George V?"

Hao wiped his mouth with a tissue and said, "Sister is taking a nap."

this point?

But Big Brother really does whatever comes to his mind, and she and Xi Li are the most representative of those with a straightforward personality in the port area.

Hood and Howe were there, and Guanghui hugged little Guanghui. The little guy was in the vicious secret base before, and now he is here.

"What about victory and awesomeness?"

"I don't know, they are not that patient." Guanghui fed Xiao Guanghui a mouthful of biscuits, and said with a smile: "Speaking of which, I just counterattacked and came here, and I seem to have mentioned that I am going back."

"Oh, she should have gone back earlier, otherwise Yixian would have called me to ask me."

"Hehe~ Yixian probably won't, but the Prince of Wales probably will."

"Wales?" Su Hao thought for a while, and the relationship between the two is really good, "If Wales comes, I will definitely welcome it, and she doesn't look like an adult in the counterattack. She is now with Saratoga, and she is like the king of children in the port area. "

"Ah~ I always feel that Commander, your evaluation of Teacher Sara is a bit subtle."

Guanghui chuckled, although she said so, it could be seen that she also agreed with Su Hao's statement.

After chatting for a while, Richelieu suddenly came over.

She walked up to Su Hao with a serious expression on her face.

"Commander, Qingshui Port has detected the appearance of a large number of sirens, and the Maritime Safety Administration has asked us for support."


PS: Chapter 5, today is also an update of 1.5w words, please ask for a reward, if you don’t have a reward for the blade, you can also give a recommendation ticket, and the recommendation ticket for the anniversary rankings can also be counted, please help me Top ten, rua!

PPS: Let me talk about the update, because there have been explosive updates recently, considering the relationship between keeping everyone watching, the latest update time is not stable, but after it stabilizes, it is still placed at 0:[-] every day.

PPPS: I'm out of Dunkirk, I finally have a dunzi! !

Chapter 396 Isn't this Lingshui City?

Recently, it has been as peaceful as ever. After returning from the last big raid, the port area seems to have entered the salted fish mode.

For Lu Dong, what kind of life is the best?

On a bigger scale, as a commander, of course, the more ship girls he can get, the better.

But reality is reality, too cruel.

I think that when I was transferred here, I was full of vigor and irresistible, and I walked with the wind, and when I turned around and smiled, I was a chic and handsome landscape.

But now, the chic and handsome is still there, and the ambition of the past is not seen.

When I first came out of the academy, I wanted to be a commander who would protect world peace. My ideal was great, but my strength didn't allow it.Later, I thought it would be good to be famous in Donghuang, and then think about it, it would be good to be famous in Bagui District, and then, forget it, keep our one-acre three-point land in Qingshui Port.

If you want a legendary ship girl, whether the company is war-weary or not, those are rare existences among ship girls. No one has ever built Sakura's BIG SEVEN. If you can build it yourself, you will definitely be famous. world.

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