One year after being devolved to the port area, I thought that I would not need to use a company or be war-weary. At the beginning, the prestige of the battle of the heavy cherry blossoms was quite strong. When can I build it?One won't work, the first flight battle must have two, and then he doesn't have any.

Three years after being deported to the port area, I saw someone carrying the Glory at a party. I was so envious that I couldn't breathe. After listening to others bragging for half an hour, I almost couldn't resist killing him with a knife and fork. After returning, I immediately gathered the materials to build it. One shot, swish ~ glorious.Not bad.

Now that the port area has been devolved, there are a total of 8 warships in the port area, 3 capital ships and 5 vanguard ships.

There has been some fire in the commander's circle recently, many people are talking about the heavy cherry blossoms and the iris kingdom.

In fact, this is divided into two stages, but in these two stages, I heard a familiar name, Su Haibao.

There are many stories about Su Haibao, because very few people have actually seen it, and most people don’t believe what they hear.

Forget about Sakura's side, after all, the scale is not large, and it ended so quickly that many people didn't realize it.

The Iris Kingdom is different. The royal family has been doing things there for so long, and many pairs of eyes are staring at it.

Royal, Iris, Siren, Iron Blood, several forces are mixed, and finally there are rumors that the archbishop of Iris Kingdom has joined a certain port area in Donghuang.

The official did not give a formal explanation. After all, this kind of thing is not easy to talk about publicly. Why do you have nothing to do after eating?If a ship girl joins the port area, this kind of thing needs to be officially announced?

But there are still gossips, and then everyone asks who is so-and-so in the port area?The answer was so-and-so, and then someone said that the person was Su Haibao.

Pfft~ Su Haibao, Su Hao, my brother, I know him.

Some people have seen Su Hao, but they haven't seen his port area, so it's hard to have enough evidence to prove it.

All in all, although there is a lot of discussion, but that's it, nine out of ten rumors are exaggerations.

After coming back from a large-scale mission, Lu Dong swipes his phone whenever he has something to do, and then hangs out with the ship girls. So far, there are two married ships, both of which are capital ships. up.

There is nothing to do when there is a wave. Sirens, those who dare not come, once the large-scale suppression is launched, they will shrink back. This is the experience Lu Dong has summed up in his years as a commander.

However, there are times when the experience is not working. The weather is not so good when you wake up in the morning. It is gloomy and the sea breeze is blowing. According to experience, it should be raining.

The weather at the beach is very strange, with the sun on one side and rain on the other.

Lu Dong walked out of the office and looked up, feeling something was wrong.

The weather forecast didn't seem to say that it was going to rain, although it is usually the other way around, but the next door was right, it was sunny.

There was a dull smell in the air.

Then there was the sound of running outside the office.

"Commander Commander, it's not good, a large siren fleet has appeared in Area C!"


In the sea area of ​​Area C, during the previous large-scale mission, Qingshui Port only carried out a simple cleanup. After all, their goal was to establish a base in Area B.

It's just very strange, since the Qing Dynasty's suppression activities have only ended not long ago.

"What's going on? Why did the large siren fleet appear here?"

A ship lady in the Maritime Safety Administration of Qingshui Port asked.

"I don't know, didn't I just clean it up?"

"Could it be that the siren came to take revenge?"

"Donghuang is so big, why does it take revenge on us?"

"You ask me, I ask who to go."

"Are you going to ask the sirens?"

"I have a question, what about the base under construction in Area B?"

It is rare for the Siren to launch a counterattack, not to mention that Qingshui Port is a small place, so how could it be chosen here?

But the facts are in front of us, what can we do?

In the Maritime Safety Bureau of Qingshui Port, as the boss of the combat department, a ship lady stood up and knocked on the table.

"Don't talk about it, it's all here, why are you talking about those useless things?" I saw her serious face, her image suddenly became taller, and she said after a while: "Hurry up and ask for help."


Qingshui City is under the jurisdiction of Bagui District. Here, the Duke of York has also received the news.

But she has no other way, the troops on her side are still under construction at the C garrison base.

Therefore, in line with the principle of following a set of procedures, the Duke of York immediately reported it to the Donghuang Maritime Safety Administration.

Generally speaking, the size of a large siren fleet is at least 50 or more warships, and with the cooperation of a number of siren ships, the general port area cannot stop it at all.

If it is normal, the Maritime Safety Administration will mobilize the surrounding port areas in the name of the United Fleet to resist together.

But now is a special period. Although Qingshui Port has also sent a message, due to the large-scale construction of the defensive base and the allocation of a large amount of firepower, it is very troublesome.

Yixian looked left and right, there was nothing he could do, he could only squeeze out two words in his mind: Su Hao.

Here, Su Hao received a call from Pennsylvania.

"So, this time, you want our port area to support you?"

Su Hao's face was strange, "Why would a siren of that size appear in Qingshui Port?"

To be reasonable, if the siren really wants to fight back, Su Hao thinks that it is most likely to be on his side, right?

This time, the fleet of the United Bagui District messed around in Area C and Area D, and they were extremely arrogant. Even if the Sirens wanted revenge, they would look for him.

How did you find where Lu Dong went?

"How did I know that the Siren's behavior style is inherently capricious, and I have basically never seen a large-scale counterattack before... In short, the higher-ups want you to attack urgently, do you want me to bring someone over to find you?"

"No, it's just a few sirens, just leave it to our port area to deal with, but the rewards must not be less."

Pennsylvania was silent for a moment.

"it is good."




It's nothing new for the port area to attack, and Su Hao didn't care too much.

Although it is said to be a large siren fleet, it is not very big in the end. I think that when I took the ship girl to sway the tail of the dragon in the siren pile, I don’t know how many sirens were eliminated.

Well, in the game.

Think about how many times you have struck out?Can't remember the exact amount.

In the war room in the port area, almost all the ship girls crowded here for a meeting.

Su Hao spread out the map.

"Qingshui City is not far from our side. According to intelligence, that fleet is still heading towards Area B. The possibility of leaving is not ruled out, but the possibility is unlikely."

"According to the investigation, the number of enemy warships is about 60, including 15 large battleships and aircraft carriers, and the others are vanguard ships. There are 13 siren ships. The number of capital ships is unknown, but conservatively no less than 3, and the number of submarines is unknown. .”

"Sister Li, what do you think?"

The prologue is over, and the battle is left to the ship's mother.

Richelieu glanced at the map and said: "The information from the Maritime Safety Administration may not be accurate, and the Siren is not an idiot. A fleet of this size is usually led by a highly intelligent ship girl...Enterprise, your carrier aircraft can fly here ?"

For an aircraft carrier, the farther the distance, the weaker the control.

The enterprise pondered for a while, and said: "If you advance 10 nautical miles, you can achieve complete control."

"Okay, then I'll ask you to confirm the detection."

"With this scale, we don't need to dispatch all of them. This time the siren appeared very strangely. Just in case, half of the combat power is left to garrison the port area."

Saying this, Saratoga immediately raised his hand: "I'm going! I'm going!"

"Gajia! They are having a meeting, why are you joining in the fun?" Lexington reprimanded.

"No, it means... the matter of the Suhao Port area is also a matter of our Maritime Safety Administration. As a member of the Maritime Safety Administration, of course I want to participate."

Richelieu chuckled: "You count as one."

"Hee hee~" Saratoga laughed immediately, "Is there any reward for mvp?"

"What reward do you want?"

"It's not that I want it, it's just that...well, the welfare of everyone in the port area, as long as you reach the mvp, you can make a request to the port commander or something?"

"Gaga." Lexington tugged on her sleeve anxiously, sister, don't be so presumptuous, this is someone's port area, do you really treat yourself as a family?

She was worried that if Richelieu was not happy, she would throw Saratoga out.

As a result, Richelieu chuckled and said, "That's a good idea."

If there is a reward, there is motivation, and the same is true for the ship girl.

Sure enough, after hearing what Richelieu said, everyone became very excited.

"I'll go too!" Chicheng said without thinking, how could he miss such a good opportunity to ask the commander?

"Me, me! Me too!"

"I want me too!"

Then, Richelieu began to order generals.

A total of twenty-five, with five or five as small fleets to cooperate with the battle, there are more than a dozen ship girls in the port area, and together with Nagato and others, it is enough to garrison the port area.

Tiancheng didn't go, she stayed to protect Su Hao.

Others who were not selected, some of them were Mengxin, there was no way. Atago wanted to go, but unfortunately she is not a ship girl in the port area, so she is not eligible to participate.

Because of the urgency of the situation, the ship girls set off soon.

On the pier, seeing the figures of the ship girls getting farther and farther away, the thoughts that kept welling up in my heart lingered for a long time.

"Master, what are you thinking?" Tiancheng asked.

"I was thinking, why did the Siren go to Shimizu Port?"

Meanwhile, on the other side.

The outer waters of Shimizu Port, B-05 area.

The newly built base was occupied by the sudden Siren army before the official start of construction.

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