Helpless, the ship girls here can only evacuate urgently.

At this time, in the sea area outside the base, a girl with big and bright eyes was sitting on the black navigation device, tilting her head and showing a puzzled expression.

"Strange, isn't this Lingshui City?"


PS: I wrote two chapters first, rushing, reviewing manuscripts, coming soon, how many chapters are there today? Rua!

Chapter 397 Purifier: Hey!How to get to Lingshui City?

In the morning, I found that something was wrong, and later I realized that it was the siren.

An experienced commander would not panic at this time.

After reporting the news to the Maritime Safety Administration, Lu Dong immediately asked Guangrong to send a carrier-based aircraft to investigate.

Glory's strength is good. As the super main force of the port area, her carrier-based aircraft can fly from the port area to the sea area of ​​​​B area. According to the previous radar detection, the number of sirens is a bit scary.

"It's a large siren fleet!" Glorious said in a serious tone.

Lu Dong didn't think too much about it now. While preparing for battle, he waited for the next plan of the Maritime Safety Administration.

Not long after, the radar base in the sea area C outside Qingshui Port was destroyed, and they lost the Siren's whereabouts immediately.

Lu Dong was anxious at first, if the sirens came directly, from area C to here, although the large siren fleet would not move too fast, it would not take 2 hours.

He's even joined members of his Grand Fleet in the group.

As we all know, every mature Donghuang commander will join a certain large fleet shortly after becoming a commander to form a joint fleet to fight.

After all, commanders, although they look good, have a high risk factor, especially newcomers.

"Lu Dong, what's the matter?"

Members of the 'big' fleet, two commanders from the neighboring area quickly gathered in Lu Dong's port area.

This is all members of their fleet.

Lu Dong shook his head: "It's really strange, the Sirens' fleet is still strolling around in area B, and my ship's wife told me that they have been going back and forth for a long time."

It is now afternoon, and the news of the siren attack was confirmed near noon, and then the news was reported, and then reported to the higher authorities. While waiting for support, the Qingshui Port Maritime Safety Administration has also made preparations for the battle.

It stands to reason that the Siren should have arrived long ago.

But they didn't know what happened to their nerves, and they wandered in the sea area of ​​​​B area for a long time.

The Maritime Safety Administration took a look here, don't move, if the enemy doesn't move, I won't move.

Then wait until now.

"Isn't it? Could it be that they are plotting something in the waters of Area B?"

"I don't know, maybe there is a conspiracy, but don't worry about what the higher-ups are saying now, if you want to fight, you have to wait until the people are assembled."

The trouble is here. No one thought that a large siren fleet would come to attack the small place of Qingshui Port.

You said you have the guts, so go to the next door to trouble Su Hao!

Lu Dong was also quite depressed. He originally wanted to ask Su Hao for help, but for this kind of sortie mission, it is better for the higher-ups to issue orders.

After all, the enemy is not simple this time, and love is divided into love, but in the face of the enemy's life and death, if someone's ship's wife has an accident, he has no way to explain it.

Therefore, if it is not a member of the Grand Fleet, the transfer of commanders in other regions is usually directly ordered by the Maritime Safety Administration.

After chatting for a while, after the three met, they set off together.

At this time, emergency evacuation measures have been issued on the port side, and no one can be seen in the huge port, only many empty merchant ships and cargo ships stay here.

Lu Dong glanced at the distance and made sure that there was nothing wrong with the port. Then he drove the yacht and appeared beside the fleet of the Maritime Safety Administration with two teammates.

The fleet stayed at the border of Area B, and no one dared to approach it any further.

Then the ship's wife from the Maritime Safety Administration came to inform them that support was on the way, so don't worry.

"I've never fought a fight like this in my life!"

Among the three, a tall and slender man looked into the distance with deep eyes and vicissitudes of life. He said to Lu Dong and the other person: "It's good for a salted fish commander like us to guard an acre of land. Now, I am very afraid of encountering the irresistible siren, but I am looking forward to it again, you said that we won this time, is it just that the salted fish will turn around?"

Another person said: "Isn't a salted fish still a salted fish if turned over?"

The tall and slender man glanced at him, without speaking, his eyes wandered.

Lu Dong looked at the girls standing on the sea in the distance, and said, "I just hope they are all right."

"Ha, you're right, there must be nothing wrong with the ship girls."

"and also."


"I'm not a salty fish, but you two are too salty."


A mere Lu Dong can also be arrogant, but there is no way to do it. Among the three, Lu Dong is indeed the most powerful.

"I know someone." Lu Dong said.

"Who?" The two looked over.

"No, nothing." Lu Dong shook his head.

"Half of talking, will you poop halfway and then shrink back?" The tall man sneered.

"I'll eat half of my meal before spit it out." Another person said seriously, "By the way, I don't know why my wife always refuses my marriage proposal."

"so you……"

Lu Dong wanted to speak, but the man looked over and paused immediately, "It's nothing, I hope the sirens don't come over so soon."

When it came to business, they immediately became serious.


The cloudy sky suddenly began to rain.

The raindrops were pattering, not too heavy, but the sea breeze was a bit cold. Fortunately, they had the foresight to put on their swimsuits in advance.

Then a ship lady reported immediately: "The Sirens are here!"

Are you still here?

At this moment, the three of them no longer had the smiley faces on their faces, nor did they retreat the yacht. At this moment, they each returned to their respective yachts, preparing for the next fierce battle.

Fighting is impossible to win, but there are also ways to fight if you can't win. Support is on the way, so there is no need to fight hard.

The fleets of the Maritime Safety Administration lined up one after another. The two fleets added up to about 30, which is not a small number, but their strength is relatively weak. After all, in places like Qingshui Port, powerful ship girls are too rare.

In the large siren fleet, not only the number but also the strength.If the strength of the warships here is positioned in the 50-70 range, then in the large siren fleet, the battleships are at least sixty or seventy levels, and the warships are even higher.

If there is a powerful flagship leading the way, it would be a nightmare, but this kind of situation is too rare, how can a powerful flagship come back to a small place like itself?

Lu Dong comforted himself, and then saw the dark clouds surging in the sky, like a violent tsunami, a precursor to the end of the world. In addition to the sound of wind, rain and waves, there was also a very strange buzzing sound in the air.

Some people say that the appearance of the big boss of the Sirens all comes with their own BGM.

Lu Dong had never encountered any big bosses, but at this moment he also realized that it was extraordinary, so he shouted: "Be careful, something is wrong!"

Saying this, a voice resounded through the air through the wonderful audio transmission.

"Huh? It seems that it really isn't."

The voice seemed to be talking to himself, and it was full of doubts.

After a while, the ship girls received messages from a public channel one after another.

"Hello? Can you hear me? Human ship girls, commanders, is anyone there? Say something, or I'm going to fire."

The ship girls looked at each other in blank dismay, and they could still talk, which they didn't expect.

Isn't this the advanced boss?

"Who are you?" the ship's wife from the Maritime Safety Administration asked.

"Huh? It doesn't matter who I am, I just want to ask for directions."


"Huh? Why can you send question marks?"


"Forget it, I just want to ask, are you here in Lingshui City?"

"Our place is Qingshui Port."

I don't know what the reason is, but since it can delay the time, the Maritime Safety Administration doesn't mind chatting with the other party for two hours.

"Ah? Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhly !"

Everyone: "..."

Who knows why you are.

We also want to know why, or why don't you just go back and ask?

This time, both the ship girls and the commanders knew each other's origins in their hearts.

It must be a large siren unit, the existence of BOSS level.

As for who it is, there is no way to judge for a while.

"Huh~ Forget it, I'll settle the score with her when I go back... Hehe~ Such a cute human ship girl, can you tell me how to get to Lingshui City?"

Saying this, there was a sudden sound of a carrier-based plane flying in the sky.


Here, Richelieu led the fleet towards the waters of Qingshui Port.

The fleets were separated and led by their respective captains.

In the communication channel, Richelieu asked: "Enterprise, have you detected the siren's movements?"

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