"Well, I saw it." The voice of the company was a little serious, "There are more than the information, and the strength is not weak. In addition, I seem to have seen a large unit of the Sirens, but the distance is too far. Also, they have already Appeared in the waters at the junction of Area B and Area A, and ran into the ship girl from Shimizu Port head-on."

"Did you fight?"

"not yet."

"Okay, then use your carrier aircraft to say hello to them."

"You mean..." Enterprise quickly understood, "I see."

"Everyone, prepare for battle!"


The clear sound pierced the dark clouds in the sky, and as the raindrops gradually grew larger, what appeared were carrier-based aircraft descending from the sky.

The Purifier who was talking raised his head and tilted his head.

Then the girls from the Maritime Safety Administration on the opposite side also noticed.

"Who released the carrier-based aircraft?"

"Didn't you say try to procrastinate?"

"Who's carrier-based aircraft is quickly taken back!"

"It's over, it's over!"

Lu Dong opened his mouth, what, whose ship lady is so unruly?


The explosion drowned out everything!

The Purifier's voice disappeared.

The air waves lifted the flames and lit up the sky!

The field of vision was covered by a curtain of water, and in the distance, the people from the Maritime Safety Administration were all stunned.

"What, is this a carrier-based aircraft?"

"Isn't the siren's battleship self-destructing?"

"Why is it so powerful?"

"Tsunami! Tsunami!"

"I think the sea is angry."

Among the crowd, the person in charge of the Maritime Safety Administration shouted: "Get ready to fight!"

As soon as the words fell, several shells were thrown across the sky. The shells were bright and dazzling, and fell like meteorites wrapped in flames under the drowsy sky. They hit the huge battleships and exploded like fireworks. Effect.

At the end of the field of vision, a group of menacing dark forces appeared on the sea.


PS: Rua!Go to eat, come back after eating and code again. It is really not easy to code. The intensity is high throughout the day. Rewards are being offered continuously. If you have props, please support them.

Chapter 398 Observer = Master Mother? [Chapter 3! 】

In this team of girls, there are those with calm expressions, some with serious faces, and some who don't care.

Excited, excited, impatient, in the crowd, Lafite stood beside Enterprise, half-closed his eyes and yawned.

The company is one left and one right, Lafite is on the left and Z23 is on the right. The latter thought to himself, why should he follow?

At this time, they stood here, like a group of dark forces that suddenly appeared, and the original opposing sirens and the Shimizu Port Fleet froze in place.

But Qingshui Port reacted quickly.

"Support has arrived!" The person in charge of the Maritime Safety Administration said to his companions, "Get ready to fight, be careful, this time the enemy is very strong!"

Even so, I still ordered not to act rashly at the first time.

At this time, the Siren was hit, and a wave of carrier-based aircraft and naval artillery bombarded it. Although the loss was not small, it was strange that they did not launch an attack immediately.


"Purifier?" Richelieu recognized this guy's voice immediately, "Hit!" She shouted without hesitation.

In an instant, all kinds of shells full of magical style bombarded the past.

The purifiers didn't even react. After a round of bombing, they could only hear a series of roars and screams on the public channel.


Shimizu port side.

"Captain, do you want to fight?"

"What to fight, with such fierce firepower, the vanguard ship will die in the past."

"Then what should we do? How about firing a few shots first?"

"Yes, yes, otherwise it would be a bit embarrassing to just look at it."

"Captain, look, the Sirens are heading over there!"

Embarrassing, so embarrassing.

The ship's wife at Qingshui Port is just standing here, either fighting or not.

People seem to ignore you at all, what should I do?

"Lu Dong, what's the situation? Are those foreign aids you invited?"

"Ah no... I don't know either, it's probably from the Maritime Safety Administration."

"Then to fight or not to fight?"

"My ship's wife is also asking me, there is no movement from the Maritime Safety Administration, what about us?"

Lu Dong looked into the distance.

Dark clouds were covering it, and there was a faint sound of thunder, and the black spots in the distance could not be seen clearly. Under the flames from the shells, the two sides, which were so close, made him feel that there was a Milky Way in the middle.

"What are you shooting?" He calmly took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth, and was instantly wet by the rain. At this moment, he said, "It's not a big problem. Let the shells fly for a while."


In the port area, Su Hao waited at the pier.

The ship girls attacked, but they didn't follow this time. Although I knew they were very powerful, I was still a little uneasy.

It's as if the person I love the most goes out for a long trip, knowing that it's safe and not so easy to encounter danger on the road, but I'm worried that it has nothing to do with these.There is a kind of worry called mother's worry, and there is a kind of cold called mother thinks you are cold. Although it is a bit inconsistent here, the meaning is generally the same.

"Master, go back, it looks like it's going to rain."

The sky was still clear just now, but now there are dark clouds suddenly, and the weather at sea can change as soon as it changes.

Some of the ship girls in the port area went out to patrol, and some stayed in the monitoring room, and some were more cautious, eating, sleeping, and playing Doudou, and everything was as usual.

At this moment, Su Hao and Dido are standing here.

Looking up at the sky, Su Hao said, "Wait a minute, if all goes well, they should be back in a short time."

"That's not as good as this. Master, you go in and rest. I'll wait here. If they come back, I will notify you as soon as possible."

Su Hao smiled and said, "It's not necessary, shouldn't I be resting now?"

Dido was helpless, the sea was windy, the weather turned overcast, and the temperature in late autumn, even though she knew her master was in good health, she hadn't tried it, so she was still worried.

After thinking about it, Dido said, "Master, let me give you that coat."

Su Hao nodded. The maid always wants to find something to do, otherwise her concern will continue. If she refuses, maybe Dido will take off the maid outfit on the spot and put it on for him.

But this is the only thing I don't want. Although I have pretty features and are very good-looking, even Sister Li has praised that if I have long hair reaching my waist, I can't tell the difference between men and women, but delicate is delicate, he still prefers handsome.

Touch your hair, it's thick and stylish, isn't it good?What do you want with long hair reaching your waist, Gan!

Dido left quickly, and Su Hao continued to wait here.

To be honest, the reason for his uneasiness is largely due to the strange timing of Siren's attack.

Although the sweeping period has passed, it stands to reason that it is impossible for a large-scale siren to appear in such a short period of time. The appearance means abnormality. Although it is not in the sea area under its jurisdiction, it is next door, which seems to be similar.

He looked at his phone, and he didn't get any reply to the message he sent to Lu Dong.

At this time, the girls should be here, right?

Just as he was thinking, there was a burst of laughter like silver bells behind him.

Su Hao turned his head subconsciously, and a little loli appeared on the beach on the right side of the concrete pavement poured by the pier.

With eye-catching silver hair and wearing a cool one-piece skirt, she looks thin and thin, and even has a low sense of presence. If it wasn't for her sudden laughter, Su Hao might have ignored her directly.

The little Lolita played barefoot on the shallow water beach, and her feet made a clicking sound when they stepped on the place where the sea water and the sand were mixed.

Seemingly noticing Su Hao's gaze, she raised her head, her golden eyes made her presence stand out immediately, making her very eye-catching.

Exquisite and flawless face, the facial features can be called the uncanny workmanship of nature, such an appearance is undoubtedly the mother of the ship, but how could it be?He could identify all the little loli in his port area just by listening to the sound with his eyes closed.

At this moment, Su Hao looked at her, and felt a strong sense of familiarity in his heart.

This voice seems to have been heard somewhere, in a dream?

"Gui'an~ Commander." Little Lolita suddenly raised her skirt and performed an elegant royal etiquette towards Su Hao, "Heck~ Is it like this?"

"who are you?"

Su Hao walked over, feeling familiar but couldn't remember it all at once, but the appearance of this image and the way she spoke fully proved that she was not an ordinary ship girl.

"In my case, it's the person closest to you. In human terms, you should call me 'Mom'."

Su Hao: ? ? ?

He was dumbfounded on the spot.

Mother?What the hell.

I only have one older sister!

Wait, wait, Su Hao suddenly realized something.

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