"You are... a siren!?"

Little Loli pursed her lips and smiled lightly: "Hehe~ Sir Commander is very smart."

Su Hao's heart skipped a beat, damn it, it's really a siren!

I said, why does it feel so familiar? It turned out to be 'fellow folks meet old folks'.

At this time, he paused on the spot to guard, and asked pretending to be puzzled: "What do you mean by the mother you just said?"

"Hee hee~ Well...I can't tell you now."

Little Lolita obviously didn't know that Su Hao already knew that she didn't know that he knew that she was a siren.

"However, it's not malicious that I came to you, you can rest assured about that." Little Lolita smiled slightly, "Let me introduce myself, my name is Observer, and I'm also a siren in human's mouth."


That's right, that's how it feels!

Su Hao recalled that time when he was in a hazy dream, it should be the observer doing something to himself.

If you have no malice towards yourself, only ghosts will believe it!

What did you do to me last time, you still stuffed such a big Rubik's Cube inside my body!

Thinking of this, Su Hao took a few steps back.

It must not be a good thing that the siren came to find him suddenly.

Maybe there will be some strange means to control himself, after all, what secrets are hidden in this body, Su Hao has no idea at all.

"Hee hee~ You don't need to be so vigilant, Commander, this is your own home, don't you still worry about who is going to harm you in your home?"

"You're right, I'm just worried." Su Hao continued to play dumb, "I'm a human, and you are a siren. It's not a matter of minutes to kill me."

"Oh, that's such a sad answer."

The observer shook his head, his expression full of regret.

After finally coming over to see her 'child', in the end, she was actually on guard as an enemy.

It has to be said that her "mother" was heartbroken at this time.

However, now is not the time to be honest, the observer sighed softly: "You are right, but think about it, if I really had malice towards you, I would have done it long ago."

"Indeed, so what is your purpose?"

If you know it, you have to pretend you don't know it, and getting as much useful information from the observer as possible is the kingly way.

"Purpose? Well, I'll tell you when you come over, come over and let me touch it." The observer said with a smile.

what! ?

Su Hao thought he heard it wrong.

Let you touch it in the past, what a mess!

So after talking so much, are you just greedy for my body?

Seeing that Su Hao didn't speak, the observer immediately pouted and said, "Are you so afraid of what I'll do? I've already said that I won't do anything to you. We sirens always say the same thing."

Su Hao shook his head: "You only have one life, let's do it and cherish it."

Observer: ? ? ?

This child, why is this so.

She wondered if she was led astray by that guy Richelieu.

Obviously such a cute child, alas~ that's all, who let himself be his mother?

"Even if I don't care about myself anymore, I still have to think about my ship girl in the port area, so I can't get too close to you."

The observer was slightly taken aback, and then smiled coquettishly: "Hehe~ You really have grown up, and you know how to think about such things, my lord is very pleased."

The observer thought for a moment, then shook his head again: "Well, since you don't believe it, I can only show you."

After finishing speaking, she suddenly jumped lightly, dancing in the air like a beautiful white butterfly.

The white butterfly flew over the distance between Su Hao and her, and then landed steadily beside Su Hao.

Then, under Su Hao's bewildered expression, he jumped up and hugged him around his neck.

The observer laughed: "Hee hee~ I caught you now."


He kissed Su Hao on the cheek.

At the same time, there was an exclamation in the distance.

The coat in Dido's arms fell to the ground with a clatter.

Master...is playing kiss with a little lolita! ?


PS: Chong Chong Chong, there will be more! !

Chapter 399 The Purpose of the Observer [Chapter 4, Ask for Tickets and Rewards! 】

Dido stood at the junction of the pier and the beach.

At this time, she unfolded her ship suit and looked into the distance with vigilance.

Although Su Hao has said that it's all right, as long as that nasty little loli dares to mess around, Dido will definitely rush to fight with her as soon as possible.

She was just a little guy, she didn't believe how powerful he was.

You know, under the special training of Mistress Richelieu, I have become a professional maid who can fight, resist and be exported!

Whether in life or in battle, Dido's ability is very good.

But that being said...

Woohoo, the master actually kissed a strange little loli, and now he still doesn't allow himself to be by his side, Mistress Richelieu, come back quickly...

On the pier, Su Hao took a look at Dido to confirm that she would not really fire, and then looked away.

Looking at the smiling observer, feeling the temperature and humidity on his cheeks, Su Hao's heart suddenly had ten thousand horses galloping past.

Although the siren is very good...ah no, even though the tester is great...no no, even though the other party didn't have any malice towards him, Su Hao was still worried.

"What's your purpose?"

He doesn't want Dido to know that this guy is the observer, and it's best not to be known about his relationship with the siren.

"Hee hee~ Now believe that I have no ill intentions towards you?"

Su Hao twitched: "What do you believe? Suddenly ran over and kissed me? Does that make me believe?"

The observer blinked his eyes and was slightly puzzled: "Then what? If the face is not enough, should we change it to another place? The mouth is also fine."

Su Hao: "..."

Did this guy do it on purpose or was he just like this?

No way, no one really believes that Sirens are innocent, right?No way?No way?

Believe it or not, Su Hao doesn't believe it anyway.

At this moment, he shook his head and asked, "You sent the sirens in Qingshui Port?"


"Why? Is there anything in Shimizu Port that is worth attacking by your sirens?"

The observer spread his hands: "No, I just want to transfer some people from your port area, otherwise there are so many perverted guys around, I wouldn't dare to appear so openly."

Not to mention others, Richelieu has a 1000% bonus to the Siren's hatred.

And companies have always been jealous of evil.

Anyway, the more these ship girls in the port area go, the better.

Originally, she was still thinking about how to meet Su Hao and how to give him a surprise, but she happened to see Su Hao standing at the pier.

Hearing the observer's words, Su Hao was speechless.

So Lu Dong actually suffered for him?

If Nima's actions caused Lu Dong's port area to be hit, he would feel guilty for the rest of his life.

"Okay, okay." The observer seemed to know what Su Hao was thinking, she waved her hand and said, "Don't worry, I told that guy, the purpose is only for your port area, Commander."

Su Hao frowned: "That guy?"

"Well, a very simple girl."

Purifier?Or scavengers?

"In this case, why did she go to Qingshui Port?"

The observer suddenly laughed: "That's why I said she is very simple."

Su Hao: "..."

He is now 100% sure that the one who led the team to Qingshui Port is definitely the Purifier.

The poor baby was sold by the observer again.

"Huh~" Su Hao let out a light breath, "Then you should talk about your purpose?"

"Hee hee~" The observer put his hands behind his back, "You lower your head and touch my head, and I'll tell you, or you can give me another kiss."

(╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

Are you the boss of the Siren or the slut of the Siren!

Why are you touching my head, you should touch your own, the Siren has so many heads, so many big heads are not enough for you to touch!

henshin... Ah bah! hentai!

Even more perverted than the pervert who mistakenly thought that Atago was a foot-picking uncle!

Especially for myself, although she is very cute and super cute, but she is a siren, even though she is so cute to explode, but she is a siren and plots evil, although she is so cute and wants to hug her, but...

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