
Su Hao looked at her.

After a while, he asked: "Touch it for you, and you will tell me your purpose?"

"Well, a kiss is fine." The observer said.

"Then touch it and tell me."

"A kiss is fine." The observer tried to divert Su Hao's attention.

Su Hao didn't speak, but squatted down.

"Come on, but you must do what you say. If you lie, you will swallow a thousand needles."


The observer suddenly felt a little regretful, she originally wanted to tease Su Hao.

I didn't expect Su Hao to be so straightforward. It really didn't follow common sense. He had been refusing just now, with an awe-inspiring look.

But I had no choice but to touch my head in front of my face.

In the distance, Dido's heart beat into her throat.

Master, master, danger, master!How could you allow a ship girl to touch your head unsuspectingly!How can you let a little loli come out of nowhere touch your head?Master, why don't you resist? Could it be that master...

Touch it, touch it.

The Dido-class naval gun is loaded.

Touch it, touch it.

Dido aimed the main gun.


Su Hao was always on guard, and if he felt something was wrong, he would immediately fight back.

However, from the beginning to the end, the observer didn't do anything strange, and really touched it lightly, as if touching a beloved baby.

"Hee hee~ What a surprise, if it were you, you might be able to fulfill the wishes of the 'mommies'..."

The observer whispered.

"what happened?"

"It's nothing."

Having touched enough, the observer takes a step back.

Su Hao stood up and scratched his hair, the hairstyle should not be messed up.

In the distance, Dido retracted the naval gun.

"Actually, um, there's no purpose."

Just when Su Hao was expecting what the observer would tell him, the latter's words almost made him spit out a mouthful of old blood.

No purpose?You still touch me! ?

"However, there are things that I have to say. Although it is not a purpose, it is more like a suggestion."


"Hmm..." The observer tilted his head, "Commander, do you have any plans for the near future?"

"What?" Su Hao looked wary.

"Just want to ask, if it's around the beginning of the year, if you have time, you can go to the extreme north."

"The Far North?"

Su Hao froze for a moment, "Isn't that where the Northern United is located? What are you going to do?"

"It's not that we want to do something, it's that someone wants to do something." The observer looked innocent, "Am I so embarrassing in your heart? Whenever something happens, you think we are behind it?"

Su Hao didn't speak, and had an expression of 'couldn't it be'.

"Sure enough, love will disappear, obviously before..."

Su Hao's face was covered with black lines.

I'm not, I'm not, don't talk nonsense!

We have no love!

Su Hao wisely chose to ignore the observer's sadness alone.

Although he is the body of a siren, he is the soul of a human being.

No matter what, it is impossible for him to stand on the Siren's side.

He can't control what the Siren does, and he doesn't want to. A person's strength is always limited. Under such circumstances, he can only try his best to do what he can do.

Even if his port area becomes more powerful in the future, he will not take the initiative to advocate and lead a large force to kill the sirens in the deep sea.

Likewise, if the siren comes, hit it as it should.

Sirens did harm, and that was a fact that couldn't be washed away.

But to say that the existence of sirens is purely a hazard is not necessarily the case.

Anyway, Su Hao will judge these things by himself, instead of standing on which side and implementing justice based on the so-called consensus position of everyone. What is right and what is wrong can only be known after he has experienced it.

In a word, he doesn't want to get too involved with the Siren now.

"I will consider going if I have time." Su Hao shook his head, "But I don't think so, the extreme north... is there anything there?"

"Hee hee~ If you want to know, just go and see for yourself." The observer put on a show.

"If you say that, then I won't go." Su Hao shook his head decisively.

I have nothing to do when I am full, so why go to the extreme north at the beginning of the year, blowing the northwest wind?

Besides, at the beginning of the year, I was also the host of the joint meeting of the port area at the beginning of the year, so how could I leave.

I, Su Hao, was squeezed dry by Sister Li!Squeezed dry by Akagi!I also feel right not to go to that extreme northern place!

The observer blinked his eyes and said playfully, "Northern United, there are many ship girls here."

Su Hao shook his head: "It's none of my business."

"Fighter, there are so many powerful fighters, don't you want them?"

"Do not want to."

"The figure and face are all very good, not worse than your Richelieu."

"And then? I'm not the kind of person who builds one and loves one."

The observer wondered: "Isn't it?"

"No! Please, what do you think of our commander?" Su Hao was dumbfounded.

"Don't you just want to see the ship's lady?"

"No, I only like my own ship girl. Fishing a boat is of course what every commander wants to do, but fishing a boat also needs to pay attention to fate, stalkers and guys with strong evil intentions, Do you think that kind of human ship girl will like it?"

The observer laughed.

"Okay, I don't really understand, but...well, maybe they need your help, hehe~"

Saying this, she suddenly jumped off the pier, stood on the sea and looked up at Su Hao.

"I know you have your own ideas, well, then I won't force you, but ah, I believe my vision, child, come on~"

Su Hao opened his mouth, whose child are you calling?

But watching her leave slowly, slowly, from a back to a small black spot, I suddenly felt a sense of loss in my heart.

"Master?" Dido rushed over from the pier, "Who is she? Do you know Master?"

Su Hao thought for a while, then nodded: "I know, let's just call it... an old friend."

Dido looked weird.

The master is actually a good 'friend' with a little loli who came out of nowhere?

What should I do, should I tell Mistress Richelieu about this?


"Huh? Master."

"Don't tell anyone about this, you know?"

"Yes! Dido absolutely never told anyone else!"

Dido turned her head and threw the words "Mistress Richelieu" somewhere.

Hee hee~ There is also a secret between me and my master~


PS: Rua! Chapter 4, I already have 1.2w words today, go to dinner, and try to write another chapter tonight!

Chapter 400 Who is the mvp? [Chapter 5!Ask for votes and rewards! 】

During the battle at Qingshui Port, the roar of artillery fire spread quite far, overshadowing the sound of thunder and lightning.

The residents near the coast were evacuated under the arrangement of the government, and they were in disarray, but this is something people in coastal cities are used to.

Sometimes I evacuated once, and when I came back, I saw that the store was gone. Sometimes the store was still there, but the things were gone, and the things were there, but the people were gone.

Messy things have happened, but this time it came slowly, and there was plenty of time for preparation.

Come slowly, but go quickly.

From the sound of the naval guns to the end, someone with a heart calculated the time. In the past, it might have taken two or three hours to play, and the situation was more than serious. But this time, it took less than an hour, which was a bit ridiculously fast.

What, not even an hour?That's it?

On the surface of the sea, Lu Dong raised his head and looked at the sky, there was a glimmer of light between the dark clouds.

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