Then he lowered his head, the sea was surging and the wind was whining, as if someone was crying.

Then he heard the cry of the defeated dog.

"Wow! I will definitely be back!!"

In the distance, the Purifier, who fought as the Siren flagship, escaped with smoke all over his body.

When Lu Dong heard this, he became anxious.

Hey, hey, they beat you, don't come back, don't say that, you should say 'I will take revenge on you', right!

Lu Dong looked anxious, even more anxious than when he saw the Purifiers leading a large army to kill them.

After a while, his two good companions approached.

The heavy rain turned into light rain, and the drops fell on the deck without making a sound.

The tall one shouted, his voice drowning out the sound of the sea: "This is the first time I have won against a large Siren fleet, and it is also the first time I have ended the battle so quickly. I heard them say, yes, those seniors Guys, they said that if you encounter such a large fleet in the deep sea, don’t think about anything and just run away, just this!”

Who wouldn't brag after the fact?Another commander also shouted.

"This is probably the most meaningful battle in my life, and I can brag about it for the rest of my life!"

When Lu Dong came out of the cab, the deck shook violently, and he almost fell, because he was too small to withstand the impact of the waves.

At this time, he said: "Our ship's wife didn't attack, how can you two have so much emotion."

"You can win without hitting, isn't that awesome?"

"That's right, the kind that can blow for a lifetime."

Lu Dong thought the same, there is no trick to win, there is a trick, a master, pay attention to the formation strategy, and win the enemy without fighting.

At this time, none of the three of them were fighting. He stood on the deck and took out his binoculars to look into the distance. He saw that after the group of dark forces ended the battle, they stayed where they were and did not come over.

I was wondering, where did the group of shipgirls come from?Donghuang Maritime Bureau's secret weapon?

But why stay in place, isn't the danger over?

At this moment, his ship's wife, their ship's wife, and those from the Maritime Safety Administration gathered together.

"It's over." The captain of the Maritime Safety Administration was quite calm, "Did you see it? In the future, if there is an emergency, don't panic. We have the headquarters behind us to support us."

"Captain, captain, do you know the origins of these ship girls?"

"They don't seem to have as many people as us, do they? But they are so powerful. Those firepower just now will definitely be finished if they hit me."

"I don't know, probably from Bagui District."

"I only saw a blond ship girl, she is so powerful, is it Nelson, Nelson from the Maritime Bureau of Bagui District."

"Where are you holding the flag, the Donghuang flag?"

"Why does a royal ship lady hold Donghuang's flag?"

"You don't take your boss's flag when you work?"


"You are inexplicable."

Blonde girl?

Lu Dong searched carefully again, and finally let her see a familiar blond figure in a circle surrounded by several ship girls.

"Damn!" he couldn't help shouting, "the seal is here!"

Sensitive to the word seal, his two companions immediately looked over.

"Where?" The two asked in unison.

"Seal? What about in the water?" asked the ship's wife.

"You dare to fight so fiercely?"

"Ah no, it's not..." Lu Dong didn't put down his binoculars, he looked carefully several times, and there was nothing wrong, "Let's go over."


The battle is not as difficult as imagined, it is better to say that everything is under control.

The only thing I didn't expect was that the siren's purifier actually led the team to appear.

Fortunately, she was beaten away in the end, and Richelieu didn't even think about chasing her. It is very unwise to chase a siren boss in the sea.

And now there are more troublesome things than chasing the Purifier.

"I just sank 6 warships, am I the mvp?"

"I have 7 ships, and the mvp is mine."

"Chicheng, how can you have 7 ships? There are only 5 ships. I counted them."

"Your 6 ships are also cheap, and all of them are vanguard ships. You don't have any capital ships. Are you embarrassed to say?"

"If there is none, there will be none. We win by quantity. Is 6 greater than 5?"

"Among my 5, there are 2 battleships and 2 sirens!"

"Is 6 greater than 5?"

"All I sink are the main force!"

"Is 6 greater than 5?"

Two people, Saratoga and Akagi, forehead to forehead, compete with each other.

Tiancheng didn't follow, and Lexington wasn't there, so it was the two of them now.

Of course, there were actually more sinkings, but the company did not participate, and Richelieu did not participate in order to show the demeanor of the palace, and among the participating ships, Akagi and Saratoga 100% wanted to fight.

There are too many monks, 5 or 6 are already a lot. Akagi is a bit solid, but Saratoga is cunning and responsible. She bought Xili early in the morning. First, there will be a round of torpedo attacks, and then she will sink when she is about to sink.

She cheated, but she did have an advantage in numbers.

The two couldn't stop arguing, and turned to look at Richelieu.

"Sister~" Saratoga came over and hugged Richelieu's arm and shook it a few times. The loyal little girl began to act like a baby, and said, "Sister Richelieu, come and judge, is 6 bigger than 5?"

She is now a repeater, grasping at this sentence and not letting go.

In fact, when fighting with people, it is best to grasp a certain dead point. You said, is 6 greater than 5? Is A bigger than BCDEF or something?

Richelieu rested his forehead and sighed lightly.

In her heart, she prefers to give it to Saratoga, but there is only quantity but no quality, and the gold content of mvp is too low, right?

"Richelieu, you have to speak with your conscience." Chicheng said with a serious face, "You are the number one wedding ship in the port area, you must be fair and open, if you talk nonsense, I will go back and tell my sister."

To deal with Richelieu, his weight is still not enough, but Tiancheng must be enough.

Not to mention that if the sisters join forces, the two major marriage ships in the port area will be invincible.

Richelieu looked at Chicheng and then at Saratoga.

At this time, I was about to say, and then I heard the enterprise suddenly say: "Assaulter, didn't you sink more than a dozen warships just now? It seems that there are ship girls mixed in."

"Yes, that's right, Assaulter, you seemed to be like this just now, and I saw it too."

"It seems to be. I saw the Assaulters desperately launching the carrier-based aircraft, flying crookedly. I thought who was so good. My God, there were not dozens of carrier-based aircraft in the wave just now? How did you do it? .”

Apparently many ship girls have seen it.

The situation changed, Chicheng and Saratoga looked at each other, Qi Qi said: "Impossible! The raiders are so powerful, how could they sink more than ten ships!"

"That is, although it has been remodeled, how can its strength compare with mine?"

They don't believe it, but there are companies and other shipwives who testify.

The Assaulter said with some embarrassment: "I don't know what's going on, but I feel that the loading state is very strange. There are too many carrier-based aircraft and another wave of carrier-based aircraft. I can't control it, so I just fly over. Throwing bombs directly, I am now empty and empty of ammunition."

The ship girls looked at each other.

Every ship girl has all kinds of strange abilities, some of which exist in metaphysics and magic, and even the ship girl herself can't control it very well.

Regardless of the abilities of the raiders, but in this kind of thing, a ship girl throwing the carrier aircraft like dumplings, the scene is really spectacular.

The enterprise laughed: "So, the mvp should be the attacker."

The attacker was taken aback: "Ah? Is it me?"

Richelieu nodded: "Indeed, although the Assaulter's own strength is still average, it plays a huge role. It cannot be judged by superficial strength alone, but it needs to be tested in actual combat... So I also think that the Assaulter is the mvp."

Enterprise smiled.

The raider helped her so much last time, and it was her turn to help the raider this time.

And the company thinks, whether it's Saratoga or Chicheng, once they gain power, they will definitely be the type to make progress.

She glanced at Richelieu, who immediately said, "Okay, I declare that the mvp of this battle is the Assaulter."

"Ah~~" Saratoga looked reluctant.

Chicheng also snorted coldly, but there was no way, he did perform well.

Damn it, he's big, coquettish, and pretends to be cute, so he's a ruthless character that can't be ignored.

Akagi stared at the attacker for a moment.

Everyone also looked at the Raiders.

The assailant was immediately flattered that something like the plot of a novel actually happened to him.

I can make a request, what request should I make to the commander?The female lead made a request like the male lead. On a quiet night, her fingers gently stroked her smooth body... Ahhh, stop it, let's not do this!

The attacker suddenly blushed and lowered his head.

Saratoga yelled, "What dirty things are you thinking about!"

"W-Where is there!"

"There is! Assaulter, I didn't expect you to be such a person, I misread you!"

Saratoga was so angry that the raider scratched his hair, unable to explain, and fell silent for a while.

"Let's go, don't make trouble, go back."

The ship girls were about to return triumphantly, and then someone suddenly said, "Hey, there's a ship girl over there."

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