"Fang Xili!"


Returning to the port area, the ship girls all seemed very happy.

The assailant looked at everyone, and then secretly looked at Su Hao.

I am the mvp, although I was surprised, but I am really happy. I feel that all the hard work during this time has not been in vain. God is helping me. Although I was a little confused during the battle, I must not be confused now.

Don't be confused, but what kind of request should be made.

If you go too far, you will definitely be scolded if you are known by others, but if you don't go too far, think about what you want... Mmm.

The assailant glanced at the enterprise walking beside him. The ring on the latter's hand was not taken off even when he went to fight.

No way, no way, I said to myself, Assaulter, you are just a mere Assaulter, there are dozens of ship girls in the port area who are better than you, what do you have, you have a pair of navels, no one else has any Ah, it's not an urban love story here.

Strange thoughts popped up in his heart, and the attacker hurriedly shook his head.

"Huh?" Enterprise looked at her, "What's wrong with you, Raider?"

"No." The attacker blushed and shook his head, "I'm a bit tired from fighting."

"Who made you work so hard." Enterprise smiled, "But you can make a request to the commander, it's worth it."


"Assaulter, you can tell the commander what you want."

"I, I think..."

She fiddled with her fingers a little uneasily, raised her head for a sneak peek, then lowered her head, raised her head, and lowered her head again.

In front, Su Hao lowered his head and was talking to Little Zeppelin. He noticed an inexplicable sight, but turned around and saw nothing.



PS: Chapter 2 will come soon, it has been written, and it is under review for typos!rush! !

Chapter 402 The Rewards the Assaulters Want [Chapter 2! 】

There is a little cutie in the port area, of course we need to take special care of it.

Although Little Zeppelin is not Zeppelin and has no suffocating shock, seeing her cute appearance still heals people's hearts.

A human heart does not necessarily mean a human heart. A pure heart sees everything as pure. An impure person can only have a human heart.

There is one more cutie in the port area, and there are many little Zeppelins including the ones before. Little Guanghui, Xiao Beifa, and Little Renown are all little ship girls. Now there is another little Zeppelin, if there will be more in the future , how about little Saratoga?

Well, but if there is a little Saratoga, how can it be clear who is who in the mix?Forget it.

Newcomers came to the port area, coupled with the celebration of victory in the battle, the evening was a bit extravagant, so Su Hao asked Fusang to prepare some delicious food early in the morning, so that he could spend the night happily.

Dido arranged a room for little Zeppelin. She was dragged away by other little guys, but she came back after feeling a little strange. I have to say that the newly awakened ship girl just likes to stay by the commander's side, even though it wasn't Su Hao's first time. But little Zeppelin came back to him from the fireflies and the others, which once made Su Hao feel that he was the most popular boy in the port area.

But little Zeppelin also complained when he came around, complaining that the port area is so big, and the people are all so big. In fact, she is so small, how many of them are as small as her?

In the end, Xiao Guanghui used a holy light attack, turned into a little angel to lower her vigilance, and successfully took little Zeppelin away from Su Hao.

"Sister Li, beware of the Royal Ark at the beach in the future."

Su Hao finally gave a worried reassurance.

After dinner, the ship girls separated.

The assailant returned to the room, turned on the computer impatiently, and tapped the rhythm.

"If you win the heart of a boy."×

"How to get along well with the commander." ×

"No, no, what, idiot, idiot."

She knocked on her head, feeling that she was so stupid for being so anxious, and she didn't know what to ask for, so the assailant pulled her crotch.

dong dong dong~

There was a knock on the door of the room, and the attacker was a little surprised. Who would come here at this point.


No, I don't seem to be here today.

"Raider, it's me, Saratoga."

The assailant was suddenly a little surprised. Saratoga was looking for him, probably not familiar with him.

She walked over to open the door, and Saratoga stood at the door with a smile on her face and greeted her. This action reminded the assailant of a sentence inexplicably: Weasel pays New Year greetings to chickens.

However, I am not a chicken. Although I am a little weaker, I can still resist in battle.

"what happened?"

Saratoga looked in.

"No one, just me." The attacker was a little suspicious, "Who are you looking for?"

"Looking for you, looking for you."

Saratoga couldn't wait to get inside, and the assailants couldn't stop her from entering.

The Assaulter's room is nothing special. If I insist, there are more books. There is a special large bookshelf, and there are always physical books on it.

Although there are e-books in this era, there are not so many. Online literature has just developed, and physical books occupy a dominant position.

When I was in the Maritime Safety Administration, I bought books to read when I had nothing to do. I saved so much in a few years, and I wasted a lot of time when I moved.

Saratoga lost interest after just a glance. She is not interested in these theoretical things, and she prefers to gain true knowledge through practice.

In addition to the bookshelves, there are many desks, wardrobes, and dressing tables. There are potted plants on the balcony. I don’t know what species they are. It’s okay to be so cold in autumn.

The bed suites are used by everyone in the port area, but the alarm clock is bought by myself. It is in the shape of a yellow mouse with a lightning tail, which is a bit cute.

There is nothing else, unexpected surprise, the astringent chug chug assaulter, the room is like this?Sarah was shocked.

On the side, the assailant looked suspicious.

What was Saratoga doing in her room in the middle of the night?

To say that the intersection between the two is indeed quite rare. After all, the "Tao" is different, and they do not conspire with each other. It's too big to be misunderstood.

"What's the matter with you?" she asked.

"Hee hee~ The room is quite clean." Saratoga suddenly bowed his head, "Here!"

There was nothing under the bed.

What, really none?

Raider: ? ? ?

She lost her patience, put her hands on her chest and said, "I told you that no one is in my room. If you have nothing else to do, go out. I'm going to sleep."

"Don't worry, don't worry." The room depends on character, well, Saratoga clapped his hands and said: "Today's battle, you are the mvp."

"Oh, yes."

"Give it to me, okay?"

The attacker immediately shook his head: "You tell me what to do, you talk to Richelieu and the others."

"It's the same if you talk to them. Now that the flower falls to your family, you are the mvp."

"Then I can't help it."

"There is a way, there is a way." Saratoga was a little anxious, "Now it is yours, you give me your things, you can decide."

Sure enough, there is still a conspiracy. Saratoga is thinking about the mvp, although he doesn't know what he wants to do, the Raiders don't care about it.

She shook her head: "Then why should I give you my things?"

"I'll change it with you."

"What do you give me in exchange?"

"I'll take...uh..."

Saratoga took out a bank card from his pocket, "Here, there are more than one million yuan in it, and I gave it all to you."

The Raiders were rather surprised.

Saragaga is fighting hard.

Although money is nothing to Jian Niang, the basic security is still needed, otherwise the port area will not think about paying wages, after all, Jian Niang also has things she wants to buy.

One million in one breath, Sarah is stud!

Just for an mvp award?

Assault suddenly felt that his awareness was really bad, compared to Chicheng and Saratoga, it was simply too bad!

Even though he holds the mvp in his hand, he is still hesitant!

Holding Saratoga's shoulders with both hands, the attacker said seriously, "Thank you, Saratoga!"

Saratoga: ? ? ?

What are you thanking me for?

"I see!" said the Assaulter.

Saratoga's face brightened: "You promised to give it to me?"

"No, I know I have to ask the commander what to ask."

down face.jpg

Saratoga fell silent for a moment.

I asked you to buy mvp, and then you suddenly thanked me?

I thank you for a bubble teapot!

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