"Okay, okay, next time I will thank you well, you go back first, I have to make a plan."

After speaking, without waiting for Saratoga to react, the assailant pushed her out of the room.

Saratoga froze.


At this moment, everyone in the dormitory heard her shout.

Here, Su Hao, who was listening to Sister Li's work report, had a strange expression.

"What about Saratoga?"

What kind of nerves do you have in the middle of the night?

Richelieu chuckled: "She, I didn't give her the mvp, maybe she was in a mood."

"Just sank 6 vanguard ships, I'm ashamed to ask for mvp."

Su Hao shook his head, trying to figure out why Saratoga was there just now.

Looked for the Raiders, then failed, now pissed off.

She is no match for the Assaulters.

Su Hao thinks that although the Assaulter is a little clumsy sometimes, so many books are not for nothing. When he was on the island of Donghuang Maritime Safety Bureau, he almost didn't control his gun and let go. He was really clumsy Cute and seductive, this is the Raider.

At this moment, he said: "Shouting so loudly, Lexington will trouble her later."

"Hehe~ Speaking of which, Xiao Hao, don't you want to take action against Lexington? Now is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

In Richelieu's view, Lexington is already meat in a bowl, ready to be eaten at any time.

With Saratoga, there is no worry about not being able to catch Lexington.

"Let's have a look again." Su Hao spread his hands, "How should I put it, she is also very busy these days, and she handles all the matters assigned to her by the Maritime Bureau headquarters, and Helena is also now... Ugh, being dragged around in St. Louis all day, so it's not easy right now."

"Then don't worry, there is plenty of time anyway."

Lu talked for a while one after another, and the things over there were basically clarified. It was not surprising that Lu Dong appeared. Fortunately, they were fine, so Su Hao was relieved.

Finally, he thought of the Observer, hesitating whether to say it, but in the end he felt like forgetting it, anyway, the Observer didn't do anything, saying it would only make Sister Li worry, so let's take a step forward.

Late at night.

Richelieu stood up and said, "Then I'll go there first, Xiaohao, you should go to bed earlier."

She turned around to leave, but was hugged by Su Hao from behind.

"Don't go." Su Hao whispered in Sister Li's ear.

Richelieu blushed slightly, feeling his ears itching, and then Su Hao put his arms around her hand and began to wander dishonestly.

She was suddenly distracted.


He replied gently.


The next day.

The Maritime Safety Administration called early in the morning to inform about the follow-up handling of the incident.

Surprised by the sudden appearance of the Sirens, the Maritime Safety Administration suspected that they must have a conspiracy, otherwise, if it was just a fleet attack, there would be no need for the Purifiers to appear.

The big bosses have all appeared, so why not just leave in such a desperate manner?

But no one knew what the siren was thinking. After the discussion last night, it was decided to strengthen the defense of the sea area first. In some areas with weak strength, the base construction was temporarily stopped and the firepower was concentrated on defense.

Qingshui Port was the most unlucky. The radar base was kicked in two places, and the fortifications that were just about to be built were pushed back as soon as they started. To be honest, Lu Dong was also quite depressed.

Fortunately, nothing happened this time. The news about Siren BOSS leading a large Siren fleet to attack Qingshui Port has been widely spread today. He has already received many contacts asking about yesterday's situation.

Lu Dong didn't hide anything, and told the whole story.

For a while, something about Su Haibao created a big wave in the commander's circle.

Su Hao didn't know about these things. After a night of in-depth communication with Sister Li, he woke up early and felt refreshed.

At this time, he was in the office, dealing with the follow-up rewards according to the Maritime Safety Administration.

Then there was a knock on the door and the assailant stuck his head in.

"That... is the commander free?"


PS: Continue to code in the afternoon, work hard, everyone vote for rewards and support, don’t hide those who have rewarded props, if you don’t have one, vote every day and like it, it’s not recommended to open the lucky bag, I opened it Hundreds of dollars, all props and no real objects, pitfall~ (Thanks to my sister for the reward, protruding (艹盘艹))

Chapter 403 Why is this port area full of bosses? [Chapter 3! 】

I didn't go to the attack yesterday. After all, I am not a ship girl in the port area. There is no reason to participate, and there is no reason to compete for that mvp.

Of course, Atago is still self-aware about this, after all, no matter how strong he is, he is only a vanguard.

The battle for mvp is a battle for the battleship.

The fleet came back and returned with a big victory. Didn't they hear that the enemy is very strong?

Oh, it's Richelieu leading the team, and the company is with them, so it's okay.

Anyway, Atago has completely lost the calculation of the combat index in this port area. Whether the combat power is tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands, she feels that she can only use 'very high' to describe it.

After a small celebration, on the second day, Atago went to find Su Hao as usual.

It has been a few days since she came to the port area, and she basically understands the life here.

Su Hao has to deal with work in the morning. If that time passes, it will add to the chaos. The first time and the second time are okay, but it’s not good to be coquettish and cute after a long time. Think about it differently. Is someone coming to bother you?

Well, although it is an office style, it is a pity that I am not a secretary, otherwise how could I let go of such a good opportunity?

By the way, Richelieu is a secretary, and it seems to be a wedding ship. The two of them usually have a lot of thunder and lightning in the office, right?Maybe there are some special ways to play, but there are scenes like this in the children's channel.

At this time, she came to Su Hao's office at the right time.

Just entering the door, Richelieu was not there, but saw a somewhat strange figure.


It's called Raiders.

At this time, the attacker stood beside Su Hao, watching him work with a smile.

No, it should be said to be a guide.

"Yes, click here, and then attach the combat report, here is the same as the normal mission... In addition, I need to make a special note, because it is a sortie mission of a large fleet, the number of enemies must be filled in, it does not have to be particularly accurate, but at least There is an approximate range."

"Whether there is a flagship attack here, you have to choose. Then there is the large Siren unit, a boss-level ship girl. Yesterday, as the flagship, she was also a boss-level ship girl. Just write Purifier."

"It didn't sink, let her run away, and I have to write about it, and then the loss problem, 0 casualties."

The processing of large-scale missions is much more troublesome than ordinary missions, but the corresponding rewards are very high. As for how high it is, the assailant said it was very high, as high as a three-story building.

"All right."

Su Hao breathed a sigh of relief, and worked on this thing for half an hour, thanks to the help of the assailants.

"Hee hee~ It's done, it's troublesome." The attacker walked behind Su Hao and gently squeezed his shoulders for him, "When I first learned this, I also found it very troublesome. I may not be able to use it after learning it. Quests like this happen too rarely.”

"Yeah, I only show up once in so many months."

"Once a few months is not bad, but you still want to once a month, people don't meet once every few years."

Once a month?That's what.

Enjoying the attacker's shoulder rubbing, Su Hao looked towards the door.

"Atago, is something wrong?"

Atago didn't speak, but looked at the attacker.

How to evaluate it, at first glance it seems to be very weak, in all aspects.

It’s just that the sense of presence is not strong, there is no strong or easy aura like Richelieu, Enterprise, and Tiancheng. Particularly striking character.

But at first glance, Atago felt that something was wrong.

You see, those with orange-red hair are relatively rare and very beautiful.

The nai is huge, even bigger than my own. Not only is it big, but also the shape is quite perfect. It is the kind that you pinch, which is particularly soft and feels great. And as a ship girl, it will never sag. This is 1000% for men. lethality.

In addition, in terms of behavior, Atago observed it just now, he looks a little clumsy, is he pretending to be cute?But I can't see it at all. She is an adult, but she suddenly looks so cute. Can you imagine a girl in the image of Yujie knocking her head and sticking out her tongue in front of you?

Atago was taken aback, it's amazing!This guy has a high level!


Su Hao didn't know anything about the inner activities of loving big dogs, and he wondered how he could stand at the door like a face-changing actor.

Suddenly serious, suddenly puzzled, and suddenly surprised.

Is there anything strange about the way I dress up today?

No, Dido should take good care of changing clothes, and her style is as cool as before.

Or did Ai Dagou smell something?

Su Hao vaguely remembered that after Sister Li left this morning, Dido came into the room and asked what the smell was so strange, and then immediately covered her mouth, obviously understood but became a little nervous because she accidentally said it out.

He has already hesitated whether to ask Dido to come over in the morning or not.

But I really like the lazy life, it’s easy to fall, but it’s super hard to cheer up, there is a maid who takes care of you in every possible way, if you leave her aside in the cold, you should be struck by lightning a hundred times a hundred times.

"Nothing, nothing."

When Atago walked in, he lost the feeling of being at ease before.

In fact, she is not saying that she can handle tasks with ease now, she is already a little bit like an enemy.

(╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

What kind of port area is this!

A ship girl pops up casually, and it feels like the level is so high!

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