Newcomer Minato, tell me what's new?

Oh, the Commander is new.

It has to be said that the chat with Su Hao before gave Atago an illusion.

The commander is a newcomer, so the ship girls in the port area are almost all newcomers.

So, she went crazy, she did it, and she was going to take off.

Now, she's wilted, she's blown up, she's going crazy.

At this moment, she walked over and stared at the attacker, feeling a little bit like an enemy.

The attacker tilted his head for some unknown reason.

look!Look!It's cute again!

This kind of art of integrating cuteness into daily behavior is like the coquettishness that she naturally shows around her, it is the highest state.

At this moment, Atago already regarded the Assaulter as an opponent of the same level.

Both Su Hao and Assault were a little puzzled, wondering what happened to Atago all of a sudden.

"Where's St. Louis?" Su Hao asked.

"She is telling the construction team to build the villa, and it seems that she plans to build it before the end of the year."

Su Hao: ? ? ?

It's been more than a month. You told me to build a villa for more than a month?

Forget it, forget it, another world, let's just think that they will build it quickly.

"What are you doing?" Atago asked curiously.

What about Richelieu?Shouldn't Richelieu be the secretary?

"Oh, the Assaulter is guiding me to fill out this mission reward. She worked in the Maritime Bureau before."

"What about Richelieu?" He actually acquiesced in such a thing?Hey, hey, Richelieu, your commander is going to be seduced away.

Seeing Atago's expression, Su Hao had no idea what she was thinking.

No one understands Atago better than her!

Of course, in other words, all LSPs understand LSPs, even if the genders are different, it doesn't matter.

At this time he said: "All day today, the Raider worked as a secretary ship in the port area."

"Huh!?" Atago was stunned, "Can the secretary ship be changed casually?

Su Hao shook his head, what's the matter with changing casually, I change every day in the game, and then there is the secretary group.

Of course, the secretary in the port area cannot be changed casually, otherwise, if a little guy is to be the secretary, how can there be dignity?No one listens to what you say.

If it's for special training, that's another thing. In fact, Su Hao also thought about adding some fun to the port area. For the secretary, maybe he can really use the game set.

"This is the mvp reward for the Raiders." Su Hao smiled, "She also wants to experience the feeling of a secretary ship for a day."

The Assaulter smiled: "Anyway, I can't think of any request from the commander, hehe~ That's fine, working with the commander all day is already the best reward for me. "

Atago opened his mouth.

She originally wanted to say that you are a stupid woman, wasting such a good opportunity.

But, but, she immediately realized, no, if it was an opportunity, her first thought would be to start by grabbing the commander's body.

Judging from her experience, the Assaulter definitely likes Su Hao, and it's not the kind of general ship girl's liking. I heard that the Assaulter is still a veteran, and it's normal after a long time.

So, if you want to be in the top position, a request that you can do whatever you want, isn't that the best opportunity?

But that's walking the body but not the mind, although it is possible to get a ring, but that's all.

It's normal for a man to be obsessed, like the new and dislike the old, and get tired of the body after tasting it. Even as a commander, Su Hao should be better than this.

But if the ring is given under such circumstances, then the relationship between them will almost freeze at this stage and it will be difficult to rise again. After all, they have tasted their bodies and are tired of them.

But it's different now, pretending to make inadvertent concessions, inadvertently showing attachment to the commander, and having the right to accompany him, isn't this the way to gain favor?When the relationship between each other develops, are you afraid that there will be no ring?

With the ring, the body is still there, continue to the next wave, and become an irreplaceable existence in the commander's mind, Gao!

Atago was shocked all of a sudden.

Why is this port area full of bosses!

"what happened?"

The attacker was suspicious, forget it, forget it, time can't be wasted, she took Su Hao's hand and said with a smile: "Commander, let's go and check the warehouse."

Su Hao was speechless: "The warehouse was counted the day before yesterday, and the data entry and exit are recorded. Let's wait for this reward to come before ordering."

"No, I want to experience it. When the reward comes, it won't be my turn to order."

"Uh, well, I will listen to you today."

"Hee hee~"

The assailant pulled Su Hao out.

Su Hao turned around and said, "Atago, I'm busy first."


Atago's throat was a little dry, she watched the two leave, the backs of the two were talking and laughing, intimate and lively.

But the excitement is theirs, and they have nothing.


PS: In review, there will be another chapter soon

Chapter 404 Secretary Ship Assaulter [Chapter 4! 】

As an MVP award, the Raider is the secretary ship today.

Su Hao was very surprised when he heard her request before, and didn't understand the meaning of this reward.

After all, for him, it was normal for the Secretary Ship to come and go.

But the Assaulter is very happy, that's enough, anyway, he is the mvp... Well, well, Su Hao actually expected some request from the Assaulter, such as this and that, right?

What?You don't expect it?fart!A group of lsp.

Su Hao didn't care, and the others didn't care even more.

Rather, they were all staring at the assailant and making demands on Su Hao!

"What do you think the raiders want?"

"She has been remodeled, and there seems to be nothing left to ask for."

"It can be even more powerful after transformation. For example, if you ask the commander for a carrier-based aircraft, don't humans claim that she is a bomber? The carrier-based aircraft on her body are all used for bombing."

"Then why not ask for a Dreadnought bomber?"

"You want the commander to sell blood, how can he have the money to buy this?"

"Actually, there are, no need to sell blood..."

Someone said that, and then mentioned a ship girl who was under construction in the port area, and suddenly laughed again.

"Tsk tsk tsk~ You are still too young to know the importance of mvp. You see, Chicheng and Saratoga are going to fight for mvp. They don't even look down on a mere carrier-based aircraft."

"Chicheng doesn't like it. The carrier-based aircraft on her is already super good. Will the Assaulters look down on it?"

"If you don't like this, what do you value?"

"If it's a ring then..."

"Assaulter is so shy, maybe we won't be able to see the commander tomorrow."



"What did you just say, Portland?"

"No, no... Ahhh! Richelieu, I was wrong!!"

In this way, the voices of the previous discussions were everywhere, and then today it was suddenly announced that the Assaulter will serve as the port training secretary ship for one day.

Humble reward.

Richelieu agreed on the spot, and Chicheng and Saratoga also smiled and said congratulations.

They were all worried about what the attacker really took the opportunity to propose. After all, you see, with that figure and appearance, Richelieu was not sure whether his younger brother could stand the temptation. You must know that Su Hao is now considered a carnivore. .

This is it now?

Immediately there was laughter in the port area.

"Come on, Raider, try to win the mvp next time." Richelieu patted her on the shoulder to encourage, and left with a smile.

And now it's Raiders time.

Come down from the office at this time, and the goal is the warehouse.

Check the warehouse regularly. Although there are records in the system, some materials are easy to get confused. Richelieu usually counts it once a week. After all, there are rewards for daily tasks, but not many, once a week is enough.

If it is such a large-scale task, the rewards are so large that they can fill half of the warehouse, so they must be counted carefully.

Walking down, to the warehouse side, I turned my head to look at the entrance of the store in the port area next door, Ming yawned and enjoyed the sunbath caused by it.

In the past few days, Ming and Yubari have been making adjustments to Gascogne, and occasionally basking in the sun when they are free. As a cute cat, Ming has no pursuit. Her biggest wish is to sell things and earn a fortune. Pots full pots full.

So sometimes you can see the scene of Ming worshiping St. Louis in the port area, it must be the younger brother worshiping the eldest sister.

The two walked into the warehouse.

The ship's wife who manages the inventory is Ayanami, at least today, the warehouse manager in the port area takes turns, and there is a fixed phone number, whoever is the warehouse manager today will take it, and contact her first if there is anything to do.

Su Hao notified Ayanami in advance, and when he came with the attackers, Ayanami was already here.

"Hee hee~ It's so interesting, it's like a role-playing game."

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