Walking into the warehouse, the attacker said with a smile.

"What's interesting, it's very troublesome to check the warehouse."

"Trouble is trouble, but it's still fun. If you turn this process into enjoyment, you won't feel troublesome."

Su Hao didn't speak, thinking to himself, Mr. Assaulter, what you said is terrible.

"Has anyone come here for supplies today?" Su Hao asked Lingbo.

"There are..." Ayanami nodded, "Victory and Terrible are here, and the others seem to have replenished yesterday."

"Then I'll make up for it too." The attacker said immediately.

Su Hao asked, "What are you making up for?"

"Of course it's ammunition and fuel. Otherwise, Commander, how do you think I got this mvp?"

"I thought..." Huh?Isn't it normal for the Raiders to get mvp?

Of course, he was also very surprised when he heard what Richelieu said last night, and then regretted that he didn't witness the scene of the assailant chug chug with his own eyes, which is really a great pity in life.

Thinking of this, he said with a straight face: "Assaulter, the next time you fly, you must let me watch you!"


The attacker blinked his eyes, a little confused, what do you mean by looking at me?

"Commander, the Assaulters are actually not that powerful, it's just luck this time."

"Luck is also a part of strength, Ayanami, don't you think so?"

Luckily, Ayanami nodded with torpedoes on her face: "Yeah."

The attacker scratched his hair, looked here and there, a little absent-mindedly.

I'm a little happy to be praised by the Commander, but ah, Commander, the Assaulters are a bit clumsy, I don't understand what you mean.


The warehouse has been replenished, and there are a lot less things. The mission rewards from the Maritime Safety Administration should come in the next two days. To be honest, it is really meaningless to count now.

But the Assaulter is still very happy. She is carefully listing things and enjoying the satisfaction of acting as a secretary ship with Su Hao. At this time, she drags Su Hao to one place after another, and treats the big warehouse as an adventure house. .

Some people say that the reason why you are happy when you are happy is because you have a sense of satisfaction in your heart. The humble ship girl may not be so good as a battleship, but she is also very easy to be satisfied, as long as a small day.

"Qiang~Commander, the adventure house exploration achievement has been achieved, let's go to the next task."

Su Hao was helpless: "You really think it's an rpg."

"It's interesting isn't it?"

"Where's the fun?"

"That's it, that's the fun."

The assailant put his arms around Su Hao's arm, not caring that his big breasts were pressing on Su Hao's arm. She looked like a girl in love, with a sweet smile on her face all the time.

She didn't care, and Su Hao couldn't say anything. How should I put it, the last time I went to the last time, I always felt that I was very close to the attackers, but usually they were far away. There was a feeling that it was because of Sister Li, Enterprise Tiancheng and the others. Both are there so that the Raiders presence is thinned out.

Very close and far away, what is close is the heart, and what is far is the distance.

Behind them, Ayanami who had been following them tilted her head.


After coming out of the warehouse soon, the next task, the assailant thought about it for a while, and said that he was going to inspect the ship girls.

If there is no other work to do, it is also an obligation to accompany the ship's wife as a commander. The port area is so big that not every ship's wife can meet each other at ordinary times. Sometimes some weak ship's girls want to see the commander. And afraid, will it disturb the commander?Forget it, next time you meet, you can say hello and say a word, um, one word is enough, one sentence is enough.

But sometimes there is nothing to say.

Hearing the attacker's proposal, Su Hao said, "Then start from the office? I seem to have seen Sister Li go up just now."

"No." The attacker shook his head, "That may not be enough time, at least today, let's start with other ship girls."

Su Hao was silent for a while, then nodded: "Listen to you."

If you don't count those ship girls that you can often see every day, there are still many choices.

"Does the commander have any suggestions? Who to start with?"

"There." Su Hao pointed to the room with a plaque on the first floor of the office building.

Vicious secret base.


Assaulter remembers it should be...

dong dong dong~

Su Hao knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" a vicious and lazy voice.

"Check the water meter." Su Hao held his throat.

"The water meter is not here, it's outside."

"You have a courier to receive."

"At the door of the courier room."

"The port area is here to send warmth."

"No, there is heating inside."

"You comrade is a bit naughty, open the door!"

"What about the secret code?"

"I'm just a passing commander."

After a while, the door opened.

Viciously wore a long-sleeved pajamas with a black checkered pattern on a white background, with his hands in the sleeves, he rubbed his eyes and yawned.

"Aha~ Good morning Commander...mua~mua~mua~"

Smacking his mouth, he looked half awake and half asleep.

Inside, Lafite's voice came: "Ohhhh!! This is a super kill, z23 you are going to lose!"

"Mu Da Mu Da Mu Da! Look at my trump card, the final moment! A blow that transcends time and space!"

Lafite: "Masaka! Could this be..."

z23: "Kukuku~ You are already very good, temporarily lifted my seal for 30 seconds, but you still have a long way to go if you want to win me!"

Lafite: "Not yet, look at my invincible super killer in the universe!"

z23: "Woo big wood big wood big, hit Varudo!"

Lafite: "GG."

Lafite lay on his stomach, spitting out his soul body.

Raider: ? ? ?

What is going on inside?

Although she knew it was a secret base, she had never come in to see it.

Su Hao walked in, and in the small secret base, the three sleeping gods and z23 in the port area were all there.

Seeing the four big characters 'retirement first' written on the front of z23's clothes, he felt weird for a while.

Once upon a time, z23, who worked hard and never gave in, has become a house girl now, can you believe it?

"Oh? Commander Su Hao, do you want to fight?" z23 raised the handle and asked.

"Come, come, give me a shot."

Su Hao chuckled, "Today I'll show you who is the king of this game!"


PS: I went to eat, I have been blasting updates for the past few days, I feel my mind is empty, but I am very happy to see everyone’s support, let’s not talk, keep going!

Huh, the game is updated, there are many skins but they are so expensive, md, (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻ I'm too sleepy, I'll update it tomorrow~

I’m asleep, I can only update to 4 chapters tonight, the recent explosion is too scary, the content of the outline setting, this part has been almost written recently, continue to write today, I can’t find a good feeling, It's not right to be in a foggy state of mind.

Let’s go to bed first, and write again when I get up tomorrow, I’m too sleepy to force myself to write anything, so let’s do it~ promise at least 4 chapters tomorrow, more than 1.2w words.

Chapter 405 Little Life in Minato

Every ship girl will go through a journey for a period of time before finding what she wants to do.

Some ship girls choose to stay in the Maritime Safety Administration, some ship girls work like humans, and some ship girls travel around.

For most people, they like to divide the ship girls into two categories, free ship girls and port ship girls.

Although they are essentially the same, they are actually different, because the behavior of the ship girls in the port area is quite different from that of the free ship girls.

Among the ships in the port area, some ships were built or salvaged, and generally there is not much change.

But some are added to the port area, and the changes will gradually be reflected.

Getting along with the commander day by day will gradually deepen the bond between each other.

Of course, there are special cases, such as z23.

Although she could be allowed to go at the beginning, she didn't leave but stayed in the end. Su Hao knew it well, iron and blood, this is to observe the situation in his port area.

After all, this time ruined their big event. Knowing yourself and knowing your enemy will win every battle. Sister Li reminded herself at first, but...

"Hit, hit, hit, hit!"

"Up, down, left, right, BABA, super killer!"

"This move is a palm technique that fell from the sky!"

When the two characters 'K~O' appeared on the TV screen, Su Hao gave up.

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