So strong.

Nima's why! ?

Is this the strength of a good student?

"Hey~" z23 smiled triumphantly, "Commander Su Hao, you've lost again!"

The attacker looked distressed: "Commander, you have lost 8 games in a row."

"Okay, I admit defeat." Su Hao sighed, "z23, how did you practice your skills? Play alone until midnight?"

"Talent, talent."

Z23 fell down and rolled a few times to the table next to the wall, then stretched out his foot and kicked, a brand new bottle of Coke wobbled and fell down.


She caught it steadily, rolled back again, lay down on the mat, took a sip, and crunched the potato chips to eat.

While eating, he said: "This kind of thing depends on talent, just like your commander also depends on talent. Isn't there a saying for human beings? I am born with talent to be useful, um, it should be like this."

Su Hao was ashamed.

Hey, hey, you were born with talent, and then you come to play games, and you are still such a bully, you can't even talk about e-sports.

But playing games, drinking coke, eating potato chips, reading comics, and anime, standard home delivery.

Woooooo~ My lovely z23, you have already...

"Okay, I admit defeat, Lafite Lafite."

Su Hao turned his head.

Lafite: "Snoring~~Zzz...zzZ~~"

"Lafite is asleep, let me do it." He yawned viciously, "Look at me breaking z23's rule."

"Aha~ Impossible." z23 waved his hand lazily.

Su Hao handed the handle to Vicious, walked aside, and saw the attacker standing over the hammock.


"Hush~" The attacker turned his head and raised his index finger, "Keep your voice down, she's sleeping."


"Nicholas, hehe~ so cute."

The attacker stretched out his finger and poked Nicholas' cheek, the finger sunk in, it was soft, so cute, so cute, he covered his mouth and sniggered, so happy that he died.

Su Hao thought that you are cuter like this. Are you a teacher or a student?

"Don't worry, she won't wake up until after she falls asleep."

Did the Three Sleeping Gods of the Minato City get their name in vain?

Su Hao glanced down at Lafite, then picked her up and put her on the tatami beside her and covered her with a quilt.

Lafite is a cute Tutu star person. Tutu is so cute, of course he can't eat it. He touched his face and his head. His white and tender cheeks were so cute. He wanted to kiss him, but suddenly the attacker came over.

"Commander, you can't shoot at children."

"What, I'm caring."


"Hoho what hoho."

"No, Lafite is also so cute."

If you continue, you will be misunderstood, Su Hao stood up: "Let's go."

Although the little girl is cute, when she wakes up, she just kisses and hugs her face, but when she falls asleep, she always feels a bit weird.

"Vicious, let's go." Su Hao shouted.

"Oh." Viciously replied.

"Remember to bring some potato chips next time." z23 said without looking back.

The little guy had his own fun, and suddenly the fragrant Commander was no longer fragrant.

Su Hao was a little sad. He came out of the secret base at this time, wanting to be comforted by Teacher Raider, and then saw a group of ship girls playing on the grass in the distance.

Seeing Little Zeppelin, I was going to take her around the port area today, but I have something to do today, so I can only leave it to Xiao Beifa, let her take care of Little Zeppelin, and get familiar with the environment of the port area first.

The raider said suddenly: "Commander, let's show little Zeppelin around."

"Uh, forget it, I'll take her around tomorrow."

"No need, let's just go together now. It's the commander's job to show newcomers, right? Then, as the secretary ship, I'll accompany you today too."

Now that he said that, Su Hao would not refuse.

The two walked over, and the little guys were playing horseback riding and fighting.

Volkland was riding a firefly, and their combination was now invincible, defeating them all with a small reputation.

Little Zeppelin was still a little suspicious, and stood aside to watch.

Then the heavyweights came on the scene.

Little Beifa was on the horse, and little Guanghui was riding on her shoulders. Both of them were ladies, so they would not have participated in such activities, but ladies are also children, and now is the time for children.

Su Hao was a little surprised. The mere Firefly and Vokland, two destroyers, actually killed the battleship Little Renown, along with Xili Olikhuti and even Tartu.

At this moment, Voklan rushed over with her two-pronged gun in his hand, and Xiao Guanghui threw the carrier plane at her, whirring~, Voklan was beaten so hard that he ran away.

"Firefly run!"

The fireflies ran quickly.

The carrier-based aircraft can be thrown, but it can't fly. After the two ran away, Xiao Guanghui still couldn't reach them.

After a while, the firefly rushed over fiercely, invincible, knocking Xiao Beifa and Xiao Guanghui into the air.

Vaukran was condescending, waving his spear in a victorious gesture.

"Hmph! Who else?"

Su Hao is ashamed, does this match have anything to do with you?You were beaten all the way, and in the end the firefly defeated the enemy, what are you so proud of?

After watching for a while, Su Hao shouted, "Little Zeppelin."

The little guy turned around: "Why?"

"Come here and show you around the port area."

Little Zeppelin left his friends and ran over.

There is a new member in the port area, and it is reasonable to take her around, and everyone else is familiar with it, so no one cares, and the horse riding game continues.

Su Hao left with the two of them, and heard Xiao Guanghui's voice behind him.

"Let's change horses!"

"No, Firefly is my exclusive horse!"

"Then Xili, if you come to be the horse, we will definitely win."

"rua! I won't lose when I'm a horse!"


"Look, this is where we ate last night. It was so dark that you probably didn't notice it. There is a small road here that leads directly to the dormitory building."

"Behind the dormitory building, the sweet-scented osmanthus forest is far away. I'll take you to see it."

There are no sweet-scented osmanthus in the osmanthus forest, and I am afraid that snowflakes will come in more than a month.

It took me a while to arrive, but Nagato and the others were not here. Cleveland came over to talk about the construction of the courtyard before, so I probably went there to see the house.

At this time, the sweet-scented osmanthus forest is a bit deserted, the sweet-scented osmanthus has long since disappeared, and everyone is not there without the fragrance of the flowers, but the sweet-scented osmanthus tree is an evergreen tree species, even in autumn, it is a large area of ​​green.

"It used to be very fragrant here, and you could see sweet-scented osmanthus half a month earlier. Well, now you have to wait until next year. Then, there is a large field over there, but it is full of trees, and there is nothing to see."

"It's so big." Little Zeppelin complained, "I'm getting lost in such a big port area... Well, I'm not getting lost, I just don't think it's necessary to be so big."

"Pfft~" Su Hao laughed, "Don't worry, you won't get lost with us."

Little Zeppelin puffed up his face and shouted: "They said they were not lost, you laughed at me, I am the number one aircraft carrier, idiot, idiot, give me a shot!"

As he said this, he put a palm on her head.

The assailant smiled and said, "Little Zeppelin, you can't aim the naval gun at the commander."

"Hmm." I couldn't lift my head up in front of the big ship, and it was still so big. Little Zeppelin immediately felt aggrieved, "I didn't take out the naval gun..."

It's just a catchphrase, I like to say that, it seems that I have been taught a lesson now, little Zeppelin is so wronged.

Su Hao immediately said: "It's okay, Little Zeppelin is so obedient, how could he do such a thing? She was just joking, don't scare her, the attacker."

"Hee hee~ I see, the commander loves his ship girl the most."

"As far as you know."

The attacker deliberately acted cute, but he didn't pretend at all. Su Hao smiled, and then took the hand of little Zeppelin.

"Okay, let's continue shopping."

Little Zeppelin didn't say anything this time, just glanced at it, holding hands with big hands, feeling the warmth in his palms.


After visiting the port area, it is too big, and some places really don't want to go.

At this moment, Su Hao came out with the attacker and Little Zeppelin.

"In those places just now, the important thing is the cafeteria and dormitory. The office building is nothing interesting, and nothing has been built yet."

"There is also the warehouse. The supplies are in the warehouse. The other is the store in the port area. I will give you pocket money every month in the future. You can buy what you want by yourself, or let others take you there, but Let me tell you, you must choose what you want to buy, and don’t listen to the boss’s introduction there.”

Little Zeppelin nodded straight, remembering it.

Then to the sea.

In the afternoon, there are many people at the seaside, people are training and having fun, and the sea breeze is a bit cool.

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