The attacker said: "Then I will teach Little Zeppelin from now on. After passing my level, how about letting the company do it?"

Little Zeppelin's eyes lit up.

She has heard about the Raiders' record, but what about the mvp of this attack?Then the enterprise, the enterprise is a legendary aircraft carrier, the leader of the port area.

Immediately, she looked at Su Hao eagerly.

Su Hao smiled slightly: "Of course, Little Zeppelin will become the number one aircraft carrier of iron and blood in the future."

Facing the sunshine, the little guy smiled sweetly: "Yeah!"


PS: Explosion, explosion, enough!

Chapter 406

Accompanied by the commander, the secretary ship has been wandering around the port area, and almost all the other ship girls have noticed the attackers.

Originally, everyone thought that the Assaulter mentioned such a reward, and it felt like his brain was flooded and it was not easy to use.

But in fact, the effect of this reward seems to be far greater than they imagined.

In the past, the secretary ship was Richelieu, so it goes without saying that she has a relationship with Su Hao, so even if she gets along with Su Hao as a secretary ship, her usual behavior seems to be nothing special.

This led everyone into a misunderstanding: the secretary ship is actually like that.

How about that, she is busy with work every day, even if she finishes her work, she seems to be no different from an ordinary ship girl.

"Look, the raider is talking and laughing with the commander now, they look like a couple."

"When did their relationship get so good?"

"Hasn't it always been this good?"

"I mean... well, do you think you still owe something?"

"What do you owe?"

"Like a ring or something?"

Some shipgirls don't feel right.

Are the Raiders about to win big?

At this time, on the beach side, I came to see the situation of the ship girls in the name of inspecting work. To be honest, Su Hao is 100% willing to do this kind of work. After all, these young, energetic and charming girls are wearing swimsuits. The look is really great.

Well, it is necessary to strengthen the protection recently, and no one is allowed to enter within a radius of 10 kilometers from the port area!

Hood was wearing a swimsuit, and Victory was wearing a swimsuit. It was terrifying. The fat dinosaur was indeed a little scary. In the distance, Joan of Arc also put on a swimsuit, sitting on a huge rock with Forbin and chatting.

Atago didn't know where she went, but she saw Chokai, who was standing on the beach in the distance, listening to Portland tell her how to defeat the enemy as a heavy patrol.

On the beach, in addition to the little guys who are still riding horses and fighting in the port area, there are also many girls playing with sand castles.

Little Zeppelin was held by Su Hao, and the little girl left small footprints on the sand with her bare feet. As she walked, she lowered her head to see that the sea water submerged her feet. When she turned her head, the sea water also submerged the way she came.

Everything seemed very peaceful and natural.

Behind him, two heads emerged from the woods.

Fen Mao frowned, feeling that this matter was no small matter.

The brown hair shook his ears, sending out a +1 signal upstairs.

"Chicheng, Commander, what are they doing?"

"Didn't you say it? Touring the port area, the secretary's daily work."

Saratoga raised his head and said, "The secretary's daily work, when there is something for the secretary to do, and if there is nothing for the secretary to do?"

Chicheng glanced at her, but didn't understand what this guy was talking about, but this didn't stop her from wanting to get mad.

"I understand now that the woman who was the attacker made this request on purpose, hehe~ What a cunning fellow."

Chicheng gritted her teeth with hatred. She was determined to win the mvp, and it was a bit hateful to kill a little Gaga. Now?The attacker, who looks pure on the outside, also hides a superior heart!

She lied to everyone!

"Look at you, don't argue with me before, won't it be fine if you give me the mvp?"

Saratoga pouted: "Why don't you give it to me?"

Chicheng was angry: "I'm a married ship, can't I play games with the commander after I get the mvp? What do you want mvp for, a little Gaga? Waste!"

Saratoga thought to himself, what's so great about a marriage ship?I'm still my sister-in-law!

It's a pity, it's a pity, it was such a good opportunity, maybe I can create conditions for my sister and the commander, and then I will become a real sister-in-law, and then... Hehehe~

Akagi looked at Saratoga, who was smiling silly, and kicked her in the ass.

"Stop laughing, the commanders are gone."

Saratoga rubbed her butt, gritted her teeth, and wanted to get mad, but the commander walked away, so she hurriedly followed.

Two figures, one big and one small, walked on the beach treacherously, immediately attracting the attention of other ship girls.

"What are Akagi and Sara doing?"

"I don't know, I'm following the commander."

"Oh, I got it."

Got it, got it, seeing Su Hao in front, these ship girls immediately understood, and after that, this is already a daily routine in the port area.

However, I was still worried about being discovered if I followed in a sneaky way. After all, there were a lot of people and it was broad daylight.

Follow, follow, people are gone.


Saratoga and Chicheng came out of the woods, looking at the little Zeppelin who was sitting on the beach with Hood eating biscuits in the distance, they were a little confused.

The two walked over.

"Little Zeppelin, where's the Commander?" Sarah asked.

Little Zeppelin Little Zeppelin, they call me Little Zeppelin, they're so big, you call me Little Zeppelin when you're so small, why?

The little guy also has a temper. She is not a good baby like little Befa. At this time, she kept her head down and continued to eat biscuits, ignoring Saratoga.

"Little Zeppelin, I'm talking to you."

"Hmph~" Little Zeppelin turned his back, facing Saratoga.

Sarah suddenly became angry, a mere aircraft carrier, a mere aircraft carrier dare to despise herself?

Oh no, it's actually an aircraft carrier!Sara was startled, yes, she is an aircraft carrier and has a temper.

Hood smiled: "The commander and the raiders went back through this path."

After turning around, the inspection work is almost done, there is no need to stay at the beach all the time.

The whole day today is precious time, and the attackers are not willing to waste it.

As soon as the two heard this, they rushed towards the path in a hurry.

Little Zeppelin took a look and snorted, "Sneaky."

Hood chuckled and said, "Don't worry, this is what they like to do. Every ship girl in the port area has something they like to do. You can also find what you like to do, Little Zeppelin."

"I like it?" Little Zeppelin tilted his head, "I want to be the number one aircraft carrier, can I?"

"Hehe~ Of course it's ok, our port area is much more powerful than you imagined."

Little Zeppelin blinked, and suddenly looked forward to the future life in the port area even more.


Here, Su Hao turned around with the attacker, and then turned back.

I chatted with a lot of ship girls along the way. I never thought about doing this kind of thing on purpose before, but now that I did it once, I realized that the task was far more difficult than I imagined.

There are a lot of ship girls, if you talk to each one, it will be gone in half a day.

Especially those like Chicheng, if you talk to her, you won't be allowed to leave. Not only do you want to talk, but you also have to do other things.

However, the Assaulters had a request, and the ship girls that Su Hao went to inspect were all those who didn't have a high sense of presence in the port area.

Let's not talk about Lafite being vicious, these guys are just lazy.

As for Orlik, he wanted to have a chat at first, but he didn't call because he was too happy to see her playing the game.

Then there are the Tartu centaurs who prestige them, some are veterans, and some newcomers only pay attention to them for a while at the beginning.

In fact, when I think about what I have done during this time, if it is mapped to the game, there is actually not much difference. After getting the new ship girl, I will pay more attention to it at the beginning. One idea is 'she may not be strong, but I can't. No'.

Although the idea is good, but after I have it, I will be a warehouse manager. The port area is okay. There are hundreds of ship girls in the game. There are only a few of them in the daily attack. In the end, I don’t even bother to change the secretary to gain favor Do, if there is no activity, it will take several days to go online. It is really the Changcao Port area.

Although there are many ship girls now, they are far behind the game. Su Hao reflected on it, and felt that he had started to walk on the old path in the game again.

But it's unrealistic to talk like this every day, and the port area is so big, some ship girls don't know where to hide, and no one can find them.


With a flash of inspiration, Su Hao quickly walked to the desk.

The assailant was slightly puzzled, and after a look, he saw that Su Hao was opening the chat software to create a chat group.

"Assaulter, what name would you like to name?" Su Hao asked.

"Huh? Name?"

"I plan to build a group where everyone in the port area chats together. I have an idea before, but I haven't done it yet."

The Assaulter quickly understood that as the ship's mother, she could still feel some of the commander's thoughts.

At this time, she pursed her lips and smiled lightly, and said, "The ship girl chat group?"

"What about me? I'm a human being, I don't want it anymore."

"Well, of course... well, how about the Minato chat group?"

Su Hao rubbed his chin, it's okay but it feels ordinary, do you want something more warm?

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