Su Hao smiled slightly: "Then I'll leave it to you."


In the evening, St. Louis came back from outside and brought back a box of mobile phones.

Su Hao distributed the mobile phones to those ship girls who did not have mobile phones.

"Wow! Honor v587, the latest model this year, costs more than 4000 yuan!"

"I want I want!"

Volkland rushed over and was kicked away by Su Hao.

"What do you want?" Su Hao pouted, "You have a mobile phone."

Vauklan cried: "My mobile phone was bought in Dunkirk for 800 yuan. It is old and broken. Now I can't even play games."

"That's enough, what game do you want to play?"

"I don't want it, I don't want it!" Vockland snarled, rolling, making trouble out of no reason, "I want v587, I want 4000! Not 800! I want Sister Louis, not that cheapskate from Dunkirk!"

Su Hao: "..."

Dunkirk, come here and deal with this guy.

Atsuko is not here, of course Su Hao, as the commander, has to speak out.

"Mobile phones are allocated according to the number of people. You already have a mobile phone, so you don't have one now."

Vocklands lay down.

St. Louis smiled and said: "Don't worry, I bought a few extra spares, don't worry."

Su Hao: ? ? ?

"Wow! Miss Louis, I love you!"

Vokland forgot about her mother when she had money. She seemed to have forgotten who opened the cake shop back then and raised her so much with shit and piss.

Su Hao shook his head. St. Louis is rich and self-willed, so he can't help it. He can't say 'you are all children, you can't use such an expensive mobile phone'. This kind of reason is too weak. After all, ship girls are different from human beings. .

But just in case, he still reminded: "Remember, you must cherish your mobile phone after you get it, don't take it with you when you go to the beach, and be careful when you are playing around, this is not a siren, If you use any force, it will be broken."

"Got it!" *N

Those who don’t have mobile phones are basically little guys. They didn’t care about it before, but now everyone needs it, and I heard that there is a very interesting chat group. Of course they are happy about such a fun thing.

After a while, Su Hao sent out all the phones, and finally there were 4 left.

Although Su Hao's own mobile phone is not as good as this, but he bought a pair from Sister Li at the beginning, so there is no need to change it.

He asked, "Who do you want?"

The adults are not as snarky as Volklan, anyway, it's just a mobile phone, and they don't care if it's expensive or not.

Besides, what Su Hao bought is comparable to what he bought in St. Louis?

At this time, Tiancheng suggested: "Otherwise, give one to Nagato-sama, she has never had one, and sometimes you have to tell Fusang first to contact her."

"Well, will she want it?"

"That depends on who sent it." Tiancheng smiled meaningfully.

Richelieu took one out of the box, "Then I'll give it away."

"Forget it." Su Hao said immediately, "Let me go."

While eating, a group of people from Nagato came over, and Su Hao handed her the phone.

"Mobile phone?" Nagato tilted his head, as if he rarely touches such things, "Is it for me?"

"Yeah." Su Hao nodded, "I'll get you a card tomorrow, and it will be more convenient to contact you in the future."

Nagato glanced at Fusang, who smiled and said nothing.

"Well then, since it's your wish, I'll accept it, thank you~"

Nagato took it and asked Jiang Feng to hold it for her.

"By the way, Commander Su Hao, I'm going to go back in a few days. It seems that the Kaga side has come to an end."

Su Hao nodded: "Well, then I wish you all the best."

"Will do."

The corners of Nagato's mouth are slightly raised, and there is a sense of confidence between the brows. The small body is majestic, but there is no sense of disobedience. The charm displayed by this strong contrast is simply amazing.

I have to say that Nagato is really one of the most special ship girls Su Hao has ever seen.

Things seem to be going well with Sakura now, Nagato wants to go back, but definitely not to Higurashi Island.

In this way, maybe the heavy cherry matter can be resolved satisfactorily, and then I can really rest assured in the future.

At that time, Kaga will come over, and the first flight battle will be assembled, and the other ship girls of Shige Sakura will be together. Everyone will come to the port area for tea and chatting, isn't it very happy?

"Commander, are you playing with Nagato?" The attacker suddenly appeared and stood beside Su Hao and asked.

"Don't talk nonsense." Su Hao looked serious, "Let's go and eat."

What does it mean to make up your mind?The commander's matter, the matter of salvaging the boat, can that be called an idea?


PS: With the addition of two chapters at noon, it is now Chapter 3!

Chapter 408 Fame is out [Chapter 4, ask for tickets and rewards~]

A great day for the Raiders.

As an unmarried ship girl, her harvest this day is much greater than what the ship girl imagined the day before yesterday.

During dinner, Su Hao talked about the chat group, and then said that he was inspired by the Assaulters.

However, some ship girls are used to it. The Assaulter is a veteran. In fact, she has been silently contributing to the port area when it was not developed.

Many powerful bosses came from behind, not to mention Su Hao, even the rookie Jianniang could see that it was mostly Richelieu, Enterprise, Tiancheng, etc., which gradually led to the fact that the attackers did not receive much attention.

In addition, apart from helping out in the cafeteria every day, she reads silently in her free time.

Then some people think that the attackers have made great contributions and should be rewarded again, or else the secretary ship will come again.

Although Su Hao had no objection to this, the attacker himself refused.

For her, it is enough to have such an experience, and she is not a professional secretary ship. Now that the port area is developing at a high speed, she doesn't understand many things, and it will be troublesome if it is delayed.

"Assaulter, you were really stupid just now."

After dinner, Atlanta found her, and the two walked to the dormitory.

Atlanta shook his head and said: "You don't even want to give you rewards. It's not that you don't know how to do it. You did a good job in the Maritime Safety Administration, and it's the same here. Isn't it the secretary ship? You just do it for everyone to see." .”

"Okay, okay, what are you making such a big deal about?"

Today is her special day, and Atlanta was called over for dinner. By the way, let’s talk about the chat group. Atlanta didn’t know about the so-called mvp until later.

In her opinion, the Raiders are excellent in every way.

"I don't have that big opinion. I just feel sorry for you. Don't you want to see your commander every day? Don't regret it if you don't cherish the opportunity."

"What is your commander, your commander, isn't your commander?" The attacker laughed, "You have already joined the group, and the commander has specially laid out a room for you here, what else do I want to ask you?" It’s time to come from the Maritime Safety Administration, even if you don’t quit your job, you have to move your stuff.”

Atlanta immediately said: "Don't change the subject, I will solve this myself, I'm talking about you."

"My business..."

The Assaulter smiled slightly, "No, I just want to experience it, and I don't really want to be a secretary ship. After today's experience, I know that the secretary ship works very hard every day. Don't think it's easy. You think I'm excellent. , that’s because you haven’t seen Richelieu’s work, or the abilities of the company and Tiancheng, after you’ve seen it, you won’t think so.”

Atlanta was silent for a while, looked away, and said: "Anyway, I think you are very good."

Of course they can't compare, but in Atlanta's mind, there are many kinds of excellence. Sometimes it depends not only on strength, but also on attitude and other aspects. All in all, she just thinks that the Raiders are excellent.

"You idiot," said Atlanta.

The attacker smiled and said nothing.


The next day, the port area returned to normal working conditions.

After handing over the work from the Assaulter, Richelieu looked at what the Assaulter had handled yesterday, and then turned his head to look at Su Hao who was sitting at the desk.

"The Raiders did a pretty good job, in every way."

Su Hao knew what she was referring to, "After all, he has worked in the Maritime Safety Administration for so long and has experience."

"That's right." Richelieu pondered slightly, "I suddenly felt that there are actually many ship girls in the port area who are capable, and it would be a waste to let them go."

Su Hao asked: "There is no way, the work is so complicated every day, it's not easy to divide... How about setting up a secretarial team?"

"Secretary group?"

Richelieu was a little puzzled. He had heard of the secretary of the port area, but not the secretary group.

However, this group of words was used a bit well. She remembered that when she was working in the past, she heard those human bosses had a secretary and several secretaries, so she laughed.

"Xiao Hao, do you want to have more secretaries to accompany you?"

Su Hao shook his head immediately: "No way, I just need a secretary, Sister Li."

"Spoof, don't think I don't know what you're thinking, I'm surprised you didn't give the ring to the attacker."

"Ah, this."

Su Hao smacked his lips.

Nothing happened in the end yesterday, and it felt like everything ended naturally and smoothly, which even made Su Hao feel like Richelieu was acting as a secretary.

It was natural, so nothing happened in the end.

"I don't have a ring on me."

"Then you think so?"

"I don't know." Su Hao shook his head honestly, "I have a feeling that it's good now, anyway, I don't need a ring to say that the relationship is good, I am also very touched by the hard work of the attackers."

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