"So?" Richelieu didn't know what Su Hao was going to say.

"Let's do this first, Miss Li, don't you think I've given you too much rings recently?" Su Hao rubbed his nose.

Richelieu glanced at Su Hao, but didn't say anything.

Based on her understanding of Su Hao, it is obvious that the latter should have the idea of ​​giving a ring.

But my heart is not ready yet, and the past few days have been a little one after another, alas~ My Xiaohao is still a child after all, and he has taken on a lot of weight that was not his to bear.

For Richelieu, if Su Hao really wants to give it away, she has no objection, as long as the attackers will accept it.

However, there is still a problem that the two of them did not reveal any relationship at all. Of course, the relationship between the ship's mother and the commander is good, but to what extent, the assaulter is a bit clumsy but very serious girl at certain times. Let's see when she Be more active.

Richelieu thought to himself, he can't let his brother take the initiative all the time, he has worked hard enough recently.

Thinking about it this way, if Su Hao keeps giving out rings, Richelieu feels that this kind of behavior may cause some misunderstanding to Su Hao, making him feel that the most important thing for a commander is to give out rings, thinking about it every day How to send a ring on the line.

Xiao Hao probably fell into this kind of doubt himself, right?

Well, it should be.

Rather than.

Su Hao really didn't pay attention, and then the day passed like that, and when he looked back, he realized that it was time to wash up and go to sleep after eating.

It doesn't seem very good to go to the Assaulter's room to chat with her at night, and Su Hao doesn't have a ring on his body. After thinking about it, Chicheng came over, and then...

The following is a description that omits five thousand words.

Then I chatted with Richelieu about the secretary group, and I felt that it was not impossible. However, although there are many ships in the port area, it seems that it is not time to set up several secretaries, so I plan to put it on hold for the time being, and wait for a chance. Let's discuss it together.

Then in the afternoon, the rewards from the Maritime Safety Administration arrived.

"It's really fast. I thought it would take at least a day or two."

After receiving the notice, I came down to see that it was Pennsylvania himself who was responsible for the transportation.

There is no way, Atlanta has been accompanying the Assaulters today, and has not gone back at all. As for the others, except for a few newcomers, they are either busy or have other reasons. In the end, the captain of the combat force in Pennsylvania became the captain of the transport brigade.

"Why do I feel that you are being sarcastic." Pennsylvania rolled her eyes. According to the normal situation, Su Hao's estimated time is correct. After all, there are more supplies this time, and it will be troublesome to mobilize.

But still the same sentence, who made you a boss.

Pennsylvania moved away from the subject and said, "Now you're famous."


"This matter." Pennsylvania watched Su Hao's ship wife move the supplies in the container, the huge container was lifted by the small body, and then said: "A large siren fleet was killed by your port area, It made it useless for the Maritime Safety Administration to formulate a series of ABCD plans, and many commanders were ready to go there to support, and then I heard, ha~ The Sirens are gone."

She rarely spoke in a brisk tone, and then couldn't help laughing: "In the past two days, we have received many inquiries from other places, some from the Maritime Safety Administration and some from commanders. They all come to ask us, the port area of ​​Lingshui City, How powerful is the port area of ​​Su Haibao?"

Saying this, Pennsylvania looked around and saw a lot of new faces when I came here just now. There were big ships and small boats, and I even saw Atago. Mother?

"Uh." Su Hao didn't expect this kind of situation, "No one seems to tell me."

"You are a big brother, who dares to come over and disturb you rashly?"

Pennsylvania shook her head. In the commander's circle, a strong port area will be respected and become a senior and a big boss. The surrounding area of ​​Lingshui City is not a big place, so why did those newcomers bother Su Hao just now?

As for places farther away, Donghuang is temporarily on alert because of the attack of the Purifiers, and they can't come to places that are too far away.

So, Su Hao is comfortable here, and the discussions outside have already taken off.

"Don't you know?" Pennsylvania was a little surprised, "You can go to the official forum to see this kind of thing, many people are talking about it, or you can go to a commander chat group and you will know."

"I don't have any chat groups. As for the official website... Uh, I've been a little busy recently so..."

Su Hao was ashamed, these two days belonged to Zeppelin and the Assaulter, how could he care so much.

"Yes yes yes, I know you are busy, now even Atlanta is here to help you, when can we simply move the office of our Maritime Safety Administration here."

"That's a good relationship. Anyway, I'm very big here."

Pennsylvania got angry and clenched her fists, no, no, no, no, something will happen, Pennsylvania, calm down.

I feel comforted in my heart, if she makes a move, the Maritime Safety Administration will probably be implicated by her and destroyed from then on.

"Wonderful thinking." Thousands of anger welled up from my heart, and finally turned into these three words.

It is not unreasonable for Pennsylvania to say that Su Hao is famous, although Su Hao himself does not know.

The commander's circle was only this big, and now that he was a newcomer, the reputation of this matter began to spread.

At this time, in a certain place, a young girl came looking for this figure in fame.


PS: Chapter 4 is up, 1.2w update, ask for votes and rewards, the data will be added in a few days to count the rewards.

Let me tell you, return to the normal update status, and continue to update at 12 o'clock every night in the future, so that everyone will not understand the update time and wait for nothing.

Chapter 409 The Mysterious Girl at the Banquet

In an area adjacent to Bagui District, the provincial capital city is called Dingchuan City, which is a large port city with a more developed economy than Wujiang City.

A distance from here, there will be a port area stationed in various villages and towns in Dingchuan City. The largest one is located near the port of Dingchuan City. The commander of the port area is Bai Xiao, a senior who is almost 50 years old.

Generally speaking, when commanders reach this age, they will have the idea of ​​choosing to retire and enjoy their old age. After all, commanders need a lot of energy to deal with various things, and a bad decision can easily lead to accidents.

People, when you get older, you tend to get confused and have various emotions. In the position of commander, it will indeed have a lot of influence.

However, the Maritime Safety Administration will also evaluate the overall situation of the port area. If you are old, but the port area is strong and fully capable of stationing, unless you apply yourself, the Maritime Safety Administration will not take the initiative to persuade you to retire.

There are also some people who are young but have problems. For example, the strength of the port area has not been improved for a long time and they have anxiety, mental problems, etc., or they are so discouraged that they have the idea of ​​​​retirement. Yes, although there are not many, but the world is so big, you can see more or less.

Commander Bai Xiao, as a coquettish figure in that era, is still very popular at this age.

The captain of a large fleet member, there are more than 20 commanders in the fleet, the strength is obviously quite good.

With outstanding military exploits, he is at the rank of lieutenant general in the Maritime Safety Administration. This title is awarded by the headquarters of the Maritime Safety Administration, and there are not many in Donghuang.

Military ranks are counted once a year, and some people speculate whether Bai Xiao will be able to have an admiral, but because of his age, he is not too keen on such things as going out to gain military exploits.

Compared to this, he prefers to get in touch with new commanders and teach them how to become an excellent commander, so there are many newcomers in his large fleet.

If you ask Lu Dong, he will proudly tell you that he also received an invitation from the Baixiao Grand Fleet back then. Unfortunately, he had an ambition to build a large fleet by himself, and this wish came true. Without ambition, there are only three people in the Grand Fleet so far, and their strength ranks at the bottom of Donghuang.

That's probably the case, so Bai Xiao's popularity has always been good, and his reputation in the commander's circle is also quite high.

Today is Bai Xiao's 49th birthday.

He didn't intend to inform others, but the members of the Grand Fleet knew that the captain's birthday, how could the members not come to congratulate him?

Although the appearance of the Purifiers caused quite a stir before, no abnormalities have been found in all regions so far, so they gradually relaxed their vigilance.

In this way, in Baixiao's port area, a lively birthday party began.


The melodious and elegant music resounded in the hall. The banquet hall in some years was magnificently decorated at the moment. The light yellow marble floor reflected the lights on the ceiling. The light yellow style rendered the atmosphere more gentle and comfortable.

The hall is full of bar-shaped tables, on which there are all kinds of delicious food, wine glasses, plates, knives and forks, etc. for self-service, as well as delicious red wine.

The fruits on the fruit plate are crystal clear and come in many styles, such as grapes, apples, pears, citrus, etc., all kinds of food and drinks. Once there is a shortage, the waiter will come to add.

At this time, there were a lot of people in the hall, and there were commanders and wives as well. The commanders gathered together to chat with each other. Some were members of the large fleet, and some came over not too far away. The wives spread out and ate. Things, I have long been familiar with such scenes.

In the hall, a red figure kept shuttling through it.

The girl has long fiery red hair, dark blue eyes, and looks a bit immature, but her figure is definitely not inferior to that of the big boat.

In terms that ordinary people can understand, adjectives like childlike face and big breasts are very suitable for girls.

Her immaturity is different from that of Tartu. Although Tartu also has big breasts, she does not have the immaturity of a child, so she is regarded as a real Jungfrau.

As for this girl, she is obviously quite subtle. When the commanders see her, even very experienced bosses may have difficulty guessing what type of ship girl she is in the first place.

It was not surprising that there was a ship lady in the banquet hall, so even though some commanders cared more about her, no one came forward to bother her.

So the girl ate very high.

Yes, very high, quite high!

If you take a closer look, her clothes look a little messy, and it doesn't matter if you say she is in a mess, at least the commanders present, who noticed her, wouldn't think that this guy pays attention to his image.

"Probably some commander's ship's wife, she came here just after the battle."

"Well, the time is too urgent to keep up with the tidying up, so it doesn't get in the way, it doesn't get in the way."

We are all commanders, and we are very tolerant of the ship's mother.

At this time, the girl swept over all the way. Others ate with the plate and went to the side to eat. She was holding the plate, but put the food into the plate symbolically, and then immediately stuffed it into her mouth. It looked like it hadn't eaten in days.

"You seem to be very hungry." A ship girl asked beside her.

The girl's mouth was stuffed, she raised her head to look at her, and said while eating: "Watai."


The girl swallowed the food, "I'm so hungry."

The ship girl asked suspiciously: "Did you just come back from a sortie?"

"Yeah, although I failed." The girl shook her head regretfully, "Hey~ I obviously felt that I could win, why did I lose? Why is that guy a battleship and not an aircraft carrier? If it was an aircraft carrier, I must have won, hehe ~"

"What?" No brains.

"However, I managed to escape back. Why am I so good? At that time, there were many sirens chasing me!"


"However, those people's words are all lies. They said that the sea is full of treasures, so I went to look for them. If the treasures were not found, there would be sirens everywhere."

Unknown ship girl:? ? ?

"Hey, it's a good thing I came in time, otherwise I would have missed this place, um, I haven't eaten for two days, I'm starving to death, I won't follow you, I'm going to eat there."

After finishing speaking, the girl ran away in a hurry.

The ship lady stood there dumbfounded.


After a while, she shook her head and walked to her companion.

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