
The protagonist of the banquet is of course Bai Xiao, but the banquets he holds are always very casual, without any complicated procedures.

At this time, the banquet was halfway through, and after everyone chatted, they were talking about recent interesting things.

Where are the sirens coming, how is the sweeping situation, and what changes have taken place in the international situation, the heavy cherry blossoms and the iris country have changed a lot now.

Then, when it comes to the Sirens, in the Qingshui Port incident that had a great impact recently, it is said that the Siren purifiers rushed over with a large fleet, and in the end only the purifiers escaped with smoke all over their bodies.

Purifiers, many experienced commanders know that the boss of the Siren, although a bit silly in character, is definitely unquestionable in strength.

In this way, the strength of Suhao Port District is worthy of scrutiny.

"You say, how powerful is Su Haibao's port area?"

"What is Su Haibao? His name is Su Hao. Commander Su Hao, in Lingshui City, has been a commander for less than half a year."

"I understand the truth, so how powerful is Su Haibao's port area?"

"Su Hao Su Hao."

"So, how powerful is Su Haibao's port area?"

Someone said: "How powerful do you think it is to be able to defeat a large Siren fleet with the strength of a port area?"

The man shook his head: "It's completely incomprehensible. This kind of fleet information is not public. I only know that there seems to be Richelieu in his port area."

"Richelieu? Oh, that's the one that was making a lot of noise before, the flagship of Liberty Iris, the battleship Richelieu?"

"That's right, it's her. It's unimaginable that such a powerful ship lady is in the Suhao port area."

"So that's the case, no wonder we can win."

"Not necessarily, Richelieu and the Purifier, who is stronger?"

"It's hard to say. It depends on the level of the purifier. The strength of big bosses like Sirens fluctuates. It's too difficult to figure out."

"The key is that there are so many enemies, Richelieu alone can't do it."

"Indeed... so how powerful is Su Haibao's port area?"

"Md, if you repeat the exam again, labor will beat you to death!"

"Haha~ Forget it, he must be very powerful. Although he is a newcomer, his strength speaks for itself. With the strength to kill large fleets, there is no need to worry about the development of the port area. Maybe in a few years, his port area will be the entire Donghuang is the most powerful and richest port area."


The red-haired girl stuffed with chicken legs turned her head.


Wealth = good life = food and drink = no need to eat and sleep = no need to starve to death!

The girl's face brightened, and she rushed over immediately!

"That leopard you mentioned just now, where is he?"

She heard a few vague words just now, but she heard the three words "richest" very clearly.

"Ah?" The commanders who were chatting were all stunned.

Someone asked, "What leopard?"

"That what leopard? You say the richest one."

Everyone looked at each other, and the last person who spoke asked suspiciously, "Su Haibao?"

"That's right!" The girl nodded, "It's Su Baozi, where is he?"

"Uh, Lingshui City."

"Lingshui City?"

The red-haired girl hooked her fingers, then tilted her head and asked, "Where is it?"

"You can find it with your mobile phone."

"I do not have a phone."

"Then go to the port and ask, and buy a ticket to Lingshui City."

"I have no money."

"Then you asked the way, sail over by yourself."

"I'm out of gas."

Everyone: "..."

You don't have anything, and you still ask a chicken feather!

After a moment of silence, the speaker took out his wallet from his pocket, pulled out a small wad of hundred-dollar bills and handed it over.

"Here, go buy a boat ticket and say it's for Lingshui City, you can find it."

The girl froze for a moment.

Someone gave himself money.

Do yourself a favor.


Suddenly she was so moved, she had never encountered such a thing since she became a ship's wife!

The girl took it and bowed solemnly: "Thank you, I will definitely return it to you!"

After finishing speaking, the girl rushed out of the banquet hall in a hurry.

"Lingshui City, here I come! Ride on the waves and attack!!"

The girl's figure disappeared from everyone's field of vision.

"Whose ship lady is that?"

"I don't know, isn't it yours?"

In this way, at this lively banquet, a certain wandering girl left behind a mysterious legend.


PS: 12 o'clock, rush!

Chapter 410

Su Hao looked at the new messages on the chat software.

Commander Bai Xiao?

This was the other party's initiative to add him. As a 'newcomer', Su Hao knew too few commanders.

But he doesn't know it, someone must know it.

"Yixian, are you there? Knock Knock.jpg"

"what's up?"

"Who is Commander Bai Xiao?"

"White smile? Are you looking for him?"

"He was looking for me."

Soon, Yixian told him about Bai Xiao's situation.

A big shot in the circle of Donghuang commanders actually took the initiative to add himself as a newcomer.

This feeling is like seeing those big bosses take the initiative to take care of him in the group before, Su Hao didn't hesitate, and agreed.

Well, wouldn't it be better to pretend you weren't there before and figure out the situation before you act?

Bai Xiao had a lot of free time, and just after Su Hao clicked yes, he sent a message.

Su Hao chatted with him.

As an experienced commander, Su Hao still respects him very much.

"What is the commander doing?"

In the office, the attacker sat on the sofa and waited.

Dido poured her a cup of tea. On the opposite side, Richelieu said, "It seems to be chatting with an older commander."



Raider: ? ? ?

The man is still chatting so vigorously?

Obviously speaking in the big family group chat in the port area is not so enthusiastic.

Since the establishment of the big family, the news inside has been uninterrupted for almost 24 hours. Although there are few people, it is more lively than a large group of hundreds or thousands of people.

The master of the water group is naturally Sara Shengli and the others, they are very active. Although the little ones are also active, they prefer to be active outside, and these little guys can't understand the words, so they have to use voice input every time.

As for group chats in the middle of the night, Lafite and z23 are masters at staying up late. For example, last time the two stayed up late in the same room playing games, and then z23 asked her to help get Coke in the group, Lafite z23 Ask her to help with the chips.

Wouldn't it be nice for the two of you to have a direct face-to-face conversation?

This is the fun of nerds, and raiders generally don't know much about it.

Of course, the Assaulter is actually a nerd, a nerdy nerd, who stays at home and reads novels, pretends to be cute, and if there is a webcast, she will definitely be a popular female anchor.

And even if you just sit there and do nothing, you can make millions a month.


If there is a big Naizi anchor with perfect water drops in front of you, the kind who is cute and not at all pretentious, would you watch it and give her a gift?

The answer is of course... (lsp please speak first)

At this time, she looked at Su Hao who was sitting at the desk seriously, and asked in a low voice, "Richelieu, why did the commander ask me to come here?"

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