She was on the road with Atlanta, but Richelieu called her to the office.

Now that there is a group, try not to call if you can. After all, if you say a word more, the group will be more lively, right?

"Don't worry, have a cup of tea first." Richelieu said with a smile.

Raiders Tactical Leanback.

Big sister, don't laugh like that, I don't know if you laugh like that!

Since joining the port area, the raider has always felt that Richelieu is the eldest sister of the port area, but she has never thought of competing with Richelieu.

The other party didn't care much about her, so it's normal to think about it, but what's going on now?Such enthusiastic attackers are a little flattered.

"what happened?"

Richelieu was a little puzzled.

"Nothing, nothing." The attacker took a sip of tea, sat on the sofa and looked around.

Richelieu immediately smiled and said, "What's the matter? Are you still nervous at home?"


"Relax, everyone is a family, and we will be good sisters in the future."

Raider: ? ? ?

The attacker looked at Dido.

Dido smiled kindly at her.


What's the matter, isn't this the last cup of black tea for my boatman?

Just as he was thinking, he suddenly heard Su Hao's voice.

"Okay, Raider, let's go."

The assailant tilted his head and asked, "Where are you going?"



Although St. Louis bought back a lot of mobile phones, it is not enough to have a mobile phone without a mobile phone card, so today is the day when Su Hao goes to the port to get a mobile phone card.

Originally, he could just go alone, but when he thought of this idea, the Assaulter reminded him at the beginning. Besides, the Assaulter’s secretary ship ended in a hurry that day. Say yes, let's go together.

Here, the two arrived at the pier, and the attacker breathed a sigh of relief.

What, it turned out that I was going to apply for a card, which scared me to death.

She patted her chest, which was soft and elastic, and then a sight came from not far away.

Saratoga: Watch! ~

Atago: Stare~

"Commander, where are you going?" Saratoga saw them arriving at the pier, "I want to go too!"

Atago also followed, and Su Hao stopped them.

"I'm going to do some errands with the raiders, and I'll be back soon, so what do you guys do?"

My sister-in-law was a bad thing in the past, not to mention Atago, she was coquettish regardless of the occasion, and she could flirt outside, Su Hao was worried that it would be difficult if he couldn't stand it.

At this time, he boarded the boat with the raiders, picked up the small broken yacht in the port area, and set sail with a chug.

On the spot, Saratoga pouted and said, "Hmph! The commander must have secretly dated the Assaulter again. A mere Assaulter, after winning the mvp once, he still wants to be promoted."

She complained, but Atago was not surprised, as a master of love, she had seen the extraordinaryness of the Assaulter before.

When a master fights a move, one must learn to predict when there is no move to dismantle.

Obviously, Atago predicted the attacker's purpose.

But she can't help it. Now that things are going on, she feels that her identity as an 'outsider' is really difficult to act.

She stood there thinking, and then Saratoga looked up at her.

"What the hell are you planning? You don't want to attack my brother-in-law if I'm here."

"Brother-in-law?" Atang chuckled, "Your sister didn't even give a single word. You see, Commander ran away with others, and you couldn't stop him."

"Bah, bah, bah! I didn't run away, and my sister hasn't made a move yet, just wait, when my sister makes a move, there will be nothing to do with you, huh!"

Saratoga walked away angrily.

Atago felt pitiful, he was not big, but his tone was not small, he did all kinds of things, and finally failed, failed and stood up, stood up and continued to fail, thinking about it, it felt quite cute.

But shouldn't it be time to do something?


Here, Su Hao tied the broken yacht to the pier.

It's not the first time for the two of them to come here, but it seems to be the first time to come out alone with the attackers?In the past, Dido was with her, but this time it will end soon anyway, leaving Dido to take care of the mistress at home.

The attacker followed Su Hao, looking around with some doubts.

"Commander, why do you want me to accompany you?"

"It's the matter of the secretary ship before, isn't it good from the beginning to the end?" Su Hao smiled, "Let's go, don't think so much."

The attacker froze for a moment, then laughed.

She walked quickly to Su Hao's side and put her arms around his arm.

"Uh, why are you holding my hand?"

"Hee hee~ I like it like this. Doesn't it mean that the secretary ship is not over yet? Then it's okay to hug like this."

Su Hao thought to himself that even if it's not the secretary ship, it's okay if you hug me like this.

"Hey! Commander Su Hao, bring the ship girl out."

"Wow! What a happy couple, I'm sour, sour, who put a lemon in my eye?"

"Commander Su Hao, we've been together for a hundred years!"

On the pier, a group of big men who picked their feet shouted one after another.

These people are all permanent ship bosses at the port, and they have a pretty good relationship with Su Hao.

Facing their ridicule, Su Hao twitched: "Go, go! Go home and hug your own wives sourly!"

The attacker blinked and said nothing.

It's just that the arm holding Su Hao was tighter.

Not long after, the two came to the communication shop.

When Su Hao said the request, the waiter here was stunned for a moment.

"You want to apply for 30 supplementary cards?"

Su Hao nodded: "Yes."

"30?" the man asked again.

The assailant patted the table: "My commander said 30, and you are not deaf. Why do you ask?"

"No, no, 30 cards, you..."

Although the commander package can add unlimited supplementary cards, but have you never seen so many unlimited?

He whispered, "Is it too much?"

"Not much, not much." Su Hao waved his hand, "There are almost 20 cards that I need to use now, keep some for spare, there must be more in the future, if it is not that this thing is too small to store, I would like to have a Let’s do 100 in one breath.”

There are nearly 400 ship girls in the port area, do you know?

How much is it now? More than 40.

When Su Hao thought of this, he felt that it was a bit difficult for him.

Ship Qi Daye Ship Qi Daye Ship Qi Daye, when are you going to write about it?

The waiter was taken aback by the 100 tickets. He was about to refute, but was scolded by the manager who ran out from inside, and the latter immediately asked someone to help Su Hao handle it.

"How do you make me look like the underworld forces?" Su Hao whispered to the attacker, "Can't you talk nicely?"

The assailant laughed softly: "No way, the newcomer is not sensible."

"Who are you talking about?"

"Of course it's about him."

The two are chewing their ears here.

There was a sour smell of love in the store.

After a while, all 30 cards were processed. Su Hao came out with the card, looked at the time and was not in a hurry, took the attackers to eat some snacks, shopping around, matching men and women is not tiring.

At this time, the two walked and ate all the way, living out Xili's chicness.

It has to be said that the date day with Mr. Assaulter is really quite relaxed, and Su Hao doesn't need to read any strategy. Compared with the enterprise, Assaulter's willingness in all aspects is stronger.

She can be cute or sexy, she can act coquettish and cute to you, just do it when you think of it, after all, you see, the relationship is so good, isn't it?

Then Su Hao stopped at the entrance of a shopping mall.

He turned his head to look at the jewelry store inside.


PS: keep going~

Chapter 411 The Ring, A Plain Love

It was the same shopping mall as before. When he came here, he stopped suddenly. He had a strong thought in his heart, so Su Hao walked in.

The assailant followed behind. He didn't pay attention at first, and then saw Su Hao walking towards the jewelry store.

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