Selling jewelry in a shopping mall is extremely expensive, and the raider thinks it is cheaper to go to the city to buy it. The price difference is at least 10 points for the same quality.

"Commander, what do you want to buy? Go to the city and buy it."

"No, let's take a look first."

Su Hao shook his head, and then asked, "If it's a ring, which one do you like, Assaulter?"

"Eh? Me?"

The attacker's mind suddenly became active.

Commander asked himself to look at the ring, what is the ring doing?Want to buy it for yourself?No, it seems that there is no such trend at all.

Hmm, it should be to help pick, who is the next lucky person?It should be Dido, right?After all, the maid should have had a ring a long time ago.


Looking at the two people who bowed their heads to choose the ring, the waiter froze for a moment, and then showed a bright smile.

Now it's time to get rich!

You must know that they have a commission for selling a piece of jewelry in this kind of sales, and it is not low.

Su Hao bought three at a time before, and she was happy for each other. Hey, handsome guy, the way you pull out your wallet is irresistible.

The handsome guy came here again, obviously a long-term customer, she immediately said: "Hello, our store is doing promotional activities, here are some very good rings, let me introduce you."

Su Hao didn't speak, the assailant raised his head and said, "No need, we pick it ourselves."

"However, there are no promotional activities for the ones you are looking at now, and the price will be slightly more expensive, which is not worth it."

"What kind of promotion, do you think I'm stupid? Raise the price up and give a discount, the price is even higher than the original price." Assaulter shook his head, "Don't worry about it, we'll just pick it ourselves."

The ship's wife spoke directly, not to mention that the assaulter was watching with enthusiasm now, picking out the ring with her commander, even if it wasn't her own ring, it would be happy enough.

what? What?Are you running a promotion?It's not my business.

go away go away.

The waiter was flabbergasted and opened his mouth to say something. The attacker raised his head and glanced at her, then lowered his head to choose a ring.

Then she saw the water droplets hanging down from the other party, and then looked at her poached egg, and stopped talking immediately.

The ship's mother is good, she has good looks and a figure, and there is a commander who loves her, how about yourself?I'm 26 and don't have a boyfriend yet, alas~

By the way, this little brother is so handsome, I wonder if he minds girls who are older than him?

"This one looks good, Commander, this one."

The Assault pointed to one in the glass case.

"It's pretty." Su Hao touched his chin, "Do you want it?"

"I think!" Assaulter nodded, and then immediately shook his head, "Ah no, it just looks good, I think it looks good, Commander, if you have someone you want to give, you will be happy to give this."

Su Hao raised his head and said with a smile: "It's just for you, of course, if you like it."

The attacker froze.


Commander wants to give himself a ring?

Did you hear me right?Did you hear me right?

But, I am just a mere assaulter, and it is a great honor to get the opportunity to be transformed. How can I ask for other things?

Although I have thought about it in my heart, but it is really just a little bit, a little bit, I have thought about the possibility of a little bit, the commander will give me a ring, but please don't make fun of me, I will really Can't help being happy >.

"Don't want it?"

Su Hao was a little hesitant, whether he wanted it or not, he said it casually just now, but now he feels very difficult. Originally, this kind of thing should be treated with more caution, but why did he say it suddenly.

Suddenly I want to buy a ring, and then I feel that I can give it as a gift. I don't know why I came up with such an idea. If Atago, a master of love, knows about it, he will definitely laugh at him.

But it is said that this kind of thing depends on the will of God, the will, the right time, place and people, etc. Nima has nothing, but I just think it can be given away, is it evil?

The assailant blinked his eyes, his face full of anticipation: "It's really going to be given to me."

"Send it, do you want it?"

"If the commander sends it, I will take it."

"I'll deliver it if you want."

"You send it to me."


The waiter is speechless, are you two saying that you are shabby for me?Bullying me for not having a boyfriend?

But for the sake of her performance, she still endured the emotion of running away and ate the bitch.

"Take it out for me." Su Hao said to her, "This one, thank you."


The waiter looked at it, 19999 Donghuang coins.

"Yes, that's it."

"Sir, there is currently no discount on this one, so..."

"There's no need for a discount. I won't buy it if the price changes after a discount."

The waiter is confused, what kind of logic is this?Don't cheap be expensive?

She took out the ring.

I got it, and it is more expensive than the one I bought before, but Su Hao has never paid much attention to the price of the ring, as long as the girls like it.

Otherwise, Sister Li's ring is only 4399. I asked her if she wanted to change it to a more expensive one, but she was blindsided. After all, the meaning of the oath is not the ring, what to change.

Not to mention, Richelieu's ring was Su Hao's hard-earned money, so she was reluctant to change such a meaningful ring.

"I really bought it." The attacker was a little excited, his heart was beating so fast that Oupai was shaking.

She watched Su Hao pick up the ring. The ring was carefully selected by herself. She thought it was for someone else but it wasn't. Now it's for herself?

"Uh, yes, since you like it, you will definitely buy it. How should I put it, I didn't intend to buy a ring at first. I just came here and I don't want to go any further. It feels like a voice in my heart is urging me."

Su Hao pinched the ring and looked at it again and again, thinking about how to explain it, but everything happened so suddenly that he wasn't ready.

This kind of thing is as if you are doing something, but you are clearly not prepared for anything, but you just think you can do it and you can succeed, and then you do it.

At this time, he looked at the attacker and said: "But I think this kind of feeling is good. You feel very natural with the attacker, shopping together, shopping, eating, etc., and then I think this ring should be like this Even on this occasion, would you accept an ordinary, but extremely sincere heart for you?"

Su Hao didn't care so much anymore, just knelt down on one knee, stretched out his hand and waited for the attacker's answer.

"I want it, I want it! I want it now!" The attacker put his hand on Su Hao's hand without hesitation, and asked him to put the ring on him, "Anyway, Commander, if you said you would give it, then I will definitely accept it." Next, but you can't go back on it, you can't go back on the ring you gave away, no matter what you say in the future, don't try to take the ring away from me."

"Of course, how could you go back on your word?"

Su Hao put the ring on her ring finger.

Standing up, the assailant rushed over immediately.

"Hee hee! I'm also married now, so happy!"

Even without a romantic proposal scene, without a particularly well-planned date, that's enough for the Raiders for now.

Just like what Su Hao said, it's plain and ordinary, but it has the most sincere and sincere feelings.

Su Hao was also very happy.

It's not that I married the Assaulter after giving the ring, now that I'm married, I can do this and that with her, but I just feel very happy because my heart was successfully conveyed to the Assaulter.

Of course, some things come naturally, right?After becoming a marriage ship, I can do those things naturally, um, this is incidental.

"Commander, let's go, continue shopping!"

The assailant put his arms around Su Hao's arm and said.

"Okay, let's continue shopping."

Su Hao nodded.

The two walked out, and walked towards the gate of the mall under the astonished, blessed, and sour eyes of a group of people.

The waiter was also stunned.

"Hey! You haven't paid me yet!!" she shouted.


The younger brother went out with the attackers. Although he went to apply for a card, but he hasn't come back for so long, he probably went to play by the way.

Richelieu didn't care about this, she could see Su Hao's thoughts, and felt the attacker's heart even more. It can be said that between the two of them, as long as Su Hao takes out the ring, no matter when and where, how cheap it is The value is good, and the Raiders will definitely take it.

Richelieu knew this feeling very well. She was also like this at the beginning, wanting to receive a ring from Su Hao, but at the time, she had a lot to worry about, and Su Hao was too young, so she really didn't have the nerve to do it.

Now that I have started, I have a ring, and it is the number one wedding ship in the port area, both physically and mentally.

In the past, I was always worried that other inexplicable people would appear to covet my younger brother's body. It was in Dunkirk back then, and I knew her well. My younger brother is so cute and charming. After a long time, Dunkirk will definitely move my heart.

Well, it was great that he chose wisely to leave, otherwise that dude in Dunkirk might have taken the opportunity to do something to Xiao Hao.

As for now, as the number one wedding ship in the port area, the main palace, and the eldest wife, Richelieu must of course have his own heart and a matching demeanor.

"The master hasn't come back yet."

As the evening approached, Dai Duo glanced out of the French windows, the sunset gradually turned the sky red, and the yellowed clouds gathered in various shapes in the sky.

It was evening, and the master had been away for such a long time, so he should have come back long ago after getting the card.

"Don't worry, it's fine." Richelieu chuckled.

Saying this, she picked up her phone and looked at it, wondering if Su Hao had sent her a message.

As a result, someone in the group liked her.

Tartu: "@姐姐妻妹Richelieu sister, come to the port area, here comes a strange ship girl!"


PS: keep going~

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