Chapter 412 The Bad Journey of the Lost Ship Girl

For any normal person, having money and knowing what kind of transportation to use, the difficulty of reaching the destination should be very low.

At least it's not hard to get to that site.

Special circumstances will be discussed separately.

But the girls are not human beings. Some girls are innocent and cute, some girls are sexy and generous, some girls are cute and smart, and some are not always good, such as the stupid ones.

Um?Wait, maybe this seems better?

In any case, the girl's journey was not smooth.

After being hungry for two days, I ate a free meal in an unfamiliar port area. I finally filled my stomach, and then I heard those people say that there is a richest port area, the richest, right?Once you get there, you won't have to worry about running out of food.

So the girl set off without saying a word.

The kind person gave the money, and the remaining task is to go to the port station to ask the way to Lingshui City, um, it seems to be a difficult task.

However, the girl successfully completed it, and successfully boarded the passenger ship to Lingshui City. Originally, Dingchuan was not too far from Lingshui City. According to the evening of the day, it should have been like this—if it wasn’t for the girl If you make a wrong stop on the way.

It’s okay to get off at the wrong stop, but the problem is that the girl thought she got off right, and fell asleep on the boat in a daze. After getting off the boat, she was hungry again. After paying all the money, and then asked how to get to Lingshui City Port, and answered that this is Qingshui Port, he was immediately stunned.

Hey hey hey!Isn't it Lingshui City! !

Wrong, wrong, wrong, after inquiring, it is not far from Lingshui City, it is not safe to drive at night, I will try to find a solution tomorrow, because I ran out of money, I can only find a chair in a nearby park to sleep for the night , Fortunately, the ship's mother never attracts mosquitoes, otherwise she must wake up the next day with a full head.

Then, it was dawn and continued to set off, but how can a ship girl go from one city to another without money, gas, or food?

Ah, there is a ship there, sneak up on it, okay, okay, I met a siren, let's fight, girl!

After rushing out, I found out that there was no oil or fuel. I fell into the water and almost drowned. Fortunately, the ship lady passing by the port area saved my life. When I brought it to the port area, what is the name of the commander? Remember, what kind of wax gourd it seems?Finally rejected the invitation, the girl set out for Eden again.

Ah, there was another boat there. The farmer, the farmer, the kind farmer took the girl for 2 nautical miles, and arrived at a field. He invited the girl to eat roasted sweet potatoes.

Ah, there was another boat, a yacht, which was said to be able to take her for a ride, about 5 nautical miles, suddenly broke down on the way, I don’t know why, but couldn’t move, and finally had to go ashore, the sea wind was blowing, and the girl was in a panic like a beggar.

"Are you a ship girl?"

Met a living Bodhisattva.

"Where are you going? I'll take you."


When Su Hao came back, he happened to meet Zhu Qiao in her port area. After questioning, she said that she had sent him a treasure. She was puzzled, and finally found out that it was the ship's mother.

"Okay, I still have something to do, that's it, I'll contact you when I have time!"

Zhu Qiao walked away almost without looking back.

So anxious, as if he was worried about something, Su Hao originally wanted to treat her to a meal.

Then, after Su Hao finished listening to the girl's self-report, he fell silent immediately.

She seems to understand why Zhu Qiao left in such a hurry.

"Are you the commander here? I heard that you are very rich here, can you give me food all the time? I can help you with things, I'm super good at jerking off!" the girl patted her chest and said proudly.

Su Hao remained silent.

After a while, he said to Dido: "Take her to take a bath and change clothes first. If there are no clothes, go to Ming's to have a look. Let's talk about it after dinner."

In this way, the girl finally lived as she wished.

Well, by the way, the girl's name is Santiago.



It was such a happy thing to come back from a date with the Assaulter and get a ring as a gift, but suddenly I received a message from Sister Li, saying that there was a surprise.

When I came back, I saw that there were no surprises, but there were shocks. Where did Su Qier come from! ?

In the end, it was found out that it was Santiago. Su Hao could only use one word to describe the girl's experience along the way: awesome!

How the hell can you come to your port area?

If you were an ordinary person, you would have died on the road, right?

Reluctantly, Santiago is a ship girl and not a human being, a stupid girl, stupid people have stupid blessings, and I met many people who helped me along the way, and they were all good people. Although there are many good people in this world, there are actually many bad people. Su Hao dared to say that being a human girl would probably lead to a lot of tragedies.

Then what should I say, after hearing the purpose of Santiago's coming, a free ship girl came here specially after hearing the rumors that the port area is the richest port area, and then he took a look at his own port area, it was as lonely as the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves, and finally There is no rich port area, but there is the richest rich woman.

In the end, Su Hao decided to let Santiago stay.

If it's just an extra mouth, he doesn't mind how much the other party can eat. Anyway, no matter how much he eats, he can't eat more than Xili and George V, right?

But obviously, the arrival of Santiago is not just an extra mouth.

The next day I bought her daily necessities, clothes, etc. This guy’s suitcase was lost on the way. Why did he lose it? The answer was that he lost a suitcase to attract Seymour in order to escape after running out of ammunition while fighting at sea. Ren's attention.

Su Hao immediately asked: "And then? Is it effective?"

Santiago shook his head: "It doesn't work, those sirens are not fooled at all."

Su Hao twitched, thinking that you are really a genius for coming up with this method.

She didn't refuse to buy things for Santiago. This guy seems to have really regarded himself as a wage earner in the port area. Since he is a wage earner, it's normal for the boss to buy things for her. Anyway, I just need to work hard to help the boss masturbate That's it.

"Don't call me the boss, just call me the commander." Su Hao finally said helplessly.

"Yes, boss!"

"Commander Commander."

"Oh, Commander, then I am Santiago, you can call me Santiago from now on, hehe~"

Su Hao glanced at her and didn't speak.

Jin Kela came to the port area, and now the team of fighter jets has a core. As the first golden skin that was transformed in the game, Jin Kela became a color carat. When Su Hao was opening up wasteland, thanks to her The ability of the aircraft saved the back row from being bombed by the opponent's aircraft brigade.

How should I put it, after the transformation, the color carat has changed from a gold shame to a super awesome front row in one fell swoop, but the stupid girl is still a stupid girl, stupid, quite naive and cute.

I just want to say that she is a little girl, no, she only has a temperament like a little girl, and her figure is absolutely perfect for many big ships, such as a certain aircraft carrier wearing steel plates.

After seeing Santiago, Su Hao finally saw what it means to have big breasts with a childlike face.

In fact, Naizi's boats are all over the streets, and Xili is the boat topping a giant peak, knocking down a group of big girls.

However, with Xili's appearance, it feels a little bit worse than Tongyan's big breasts. It's not that Oupai is not big enough, but judging from the feeling alone, at least in terms of Tongyan's.

If it's Xiao Beifa and Xiao Guanghui, that's fine.

So although Santiago is no longer a little girl, she looks alike just by looking at her looks, and even more so with her personality, but it's a pity that her figure betrays everything.

"Xiao Hao, what are you looking at?"

In the office, Richelieu walked up to Su Hao and stared at the screen curiously.

"This is the information that Commander Bai Xiao told me. Another commander, named Liu Tao, helped Santiago at the banquet before and gave her money. Santiago asked me to thank him and return the money to him by the way, from her deducted from wages."

Richelieu asked, "Where does Santiago get his salary?"

"Open your mouth."

Said it was to help me masturbate, and then paid her wages.

To be honest, this is quite a bargain, but this Santiago seems to have something to eat. Besides, with his current strength in the port area, there are so many planes for her to fly, so basically she is raising her for nothing.

"It's okay, just treat it as an extra ship girl."

Richelieu, a newcomer from the port area, has always had no objection, but this time she was a little hesitant.

"Xiao Hao, why do I feel that she is a bit unreliable? When I came up just now, I saw her playing with Xi Li and the others, so I got to know her right away."

"Isn't this a good thing?"

Richelieu pursed his lips and said nothing, good things are good things of course, the newcomer Jian Niang blended into the port area, but ah, even if he was far away, Richelieu could feel the stupidity rushing towards him.

At this time, she didn't say anything about Santiago's arrival, but she just made a silent note in her heart. In the future, when the port area arranges missions, try not to let Santiago attack. Even if she goes out, she must not be alone. Row.

"By the way, you gave the ring to the Assaulter."

Richelieu said suddenly.

"Uh, yes." Su Hao scratched his head, "I just bought it when I passed by a jewelry store, and then gave it to her, but she didn't refuse."

Richelieu laughed and said, "You are too casual, aren't you?"

"No way, I think the timing is pretty good. It's the natural way to get along with her. There is no distinction between big and small things in every matter. You can understand your mind without saying anything."

"Hmm..." Richelieu frowned slightly, "I feel a little jealous when you say that."

Su Hao stood up and hugged her, and said with a smile, "Of course I like Sister Li the most!"

"Poor mouth." Richelieu said with a slightly red face.

The atmosphere is very good, and there is no one else in the office, so kissing and sticking is the most suitable.

Just as he was thinking, with a bang, a figure rushed in.

Atago looked at Su Hao and threw a straight ball.

"Su Hao, give me a ring too."


PS: 4 chapters! 1.2. The word [-]w is completed, and two chapters of rewards have been added. Well, after looking at the rankings, it should be fairly stable to reach the top ten. The anniversary is almost over, but there is still a wave of tickets and rewards, and the rewards are up to Let's finish at the end of this month, and we'll talk about it when the time comes.

Chapter 413 Atago Wants a Ring?

Although the San Diego port area is something worth discussing, it is actually another thing that people care about the most.

"The Assaulter has a ring, have you seen that?"

Although the assailant hid it well, after all, she didn't wear it under a coat like a cover. She stretched out only ten fingers, and went out with Su Hao, and caring people would always pay attention.

As a result, the problem was discovered after paying attention.

When I was a secretary ship, I was fine, and I didn't see any changes in the relationship. How come it has become a marriage ship today?

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