It was not thought that the Raiders had paid for a ring and put it on.

After thinking about it, and studying the Assaulter's routine for a while, everyone seemed to understand something.

Especially Atago, she had expected that the attacker would be extraordinary. As an ordinary big ship, now she has successfully counterattacked and turned into a wedding ship. The tricks in it are enough for her, a love master, to study carefully.

After researching and researching, I thought about it all night yesterday, and finally found that there is something wrong with my policy.

She is now coming to Hong Kong to experience a different life. No matter what she wants to do, first of all, it is not appropriate for you to be an 'outsider' here.

Unless you don't want to do anything, if you really want to do it, you have to change your identity.

This brings up a serious question.

So, after spending the whole night realizing it, Atago spent another hour of mental construction time, and finally he was about to take that step.

She's going into the port area!

If Pennsylvania were here, it would probably be crying tears of laughter.

What did I say?What did I say?

This port area, you can get in, but you can't get out!

No matter how bad it is, Atago is rushing over now, and he is forcing the palace with a straight ball.

"Su Hao, give me a ring too."

She did this for a reason.

You have to be quick, precise and ruthless in your moves. Boiling a frog in warm water is another situation. What is your situation?It doesn't even count as a ship girl in the port area. The water is warm and warm. Let alone frogs, the water can't even be boiled. How can I cook it?

At this time, use big fire!

Su Hao was a little dumbfounded, and only talked about Santiago with Richelieu, and then met a forced marriage in a blink of an eye, the leap is a bit big.

"What ring do you want?"

Needless to say, Su Hao, Richelieu frowned, and the majesty of the main palace in the port area could be seen at a glance.

Atago was already at odds with her, but if he wanted to counterattack, he had to pass Richelieu.

A good man doesn't suffer from immediate disadvantages, and so does a good woman. Atago is not that kind of straightforward character, one moment and another moment.

"I want it too. I found out that I really like Su Hao."

Atago pursed his lips, lowered his eyebrows, and looked quite pitiful.

"Richelieu, you are also the ship's mother. You should know that the ship's mother's heart is coming, even if you can't control it, right? Although we haven't been together for a long time, I already like Su Hao very much. .”

Richelieu: "..."

Her eyes flickered slightly.

The younger brother was approached by a strange woman.

That being said, the ship's mother is the ship's mother, if you really want to recognize the commander, at least your intentions are true.

Different ship girls have different situations. It is normal to say that it is love at first sight. In fact, if you think about Santiago’s inexplicable killing from a long distance, you will know. Once the ship girl decides on something, she will try her best to complete it.

So, what was Atago thinking in his heart?

Richelieu was a little uncertain, after all, she didn't know much about Atago.

Atago laughed.

It's going to be big.

Asking for a ring is just to cover up her purpose of joining the port area, in case Richelieu refuses.

Although this kind of thing only needs Su Hao to make up his mind, but Atago has been observing for so many days, Su Hao attaches great importance to Richelieu's opinion.

So, this wave is called Darkness Chencang.

"The ring is impossible for you."

Richelieu shook his head.

"You are not even a ship girl in our port area. If Xiaohao suddenly gave you a ring, what would the other ship girls think? How long have you been here, let alone love at first sight, we don't know if it is true or not, but even if it is true Yes, what contribution have you made to the port area? What have you paid for Xiaohao? It’s impossible to ask for a ring if you reach out.”

Richelieu has always started with Su Hao's interests and the interests of the port area.

The ship's mother is not a wooden person. Su Hao and the ring were given to the attackers. Everyone has no objection, but it's a little surprised.

In fact, this is better. In Richelieu's view, Su Hao gave the Assaulter a ring. The Assaulter is not such a bright ship girl in the port area, but as a veteran, she is also very hardworking and excellent. It may be possible to think about it this way. One is myself.

Not all ship girls think so, but at least it shows that their own commanders are not the kind who only give rings to ship girls who are good at them.

So Richelieu had long regarded the Assaulters as a member of the 'Sisters of the Marriage Ship'.

Who is cute?Who are you?Why do you want a ring?

Thinking of this, she looked at Su Hao, wanting to hear the latter's opinion.

In fact, Su Hao also thought so.

He couldn't do the inexplicable handing out of the ring.

Although it is said that loving big dogs is really fragrant, flirty and dancing, men generally can't stand it.

The body can't stand it, the willpower has to resist, besides, he knows Atago quite well.

He shook his head: "Atago, you speak with your conscience, there are several layers of sincerity in your words."

Atago didn't hesitate: "100% sincere!"

I believe you a ghost!

"Come on, I don't know you yet? Anyway, there is no ring." Su Hao twitched the corner of his mouth, "Other things are easy to talk about, but this kind of thing... don't talk about it casually in the future."

Most of the ship girls have a good temper, and they are very tolerant of Atago, an outsider.

But as Saratoga said, if you dance like this, you will be beaten sooner or later.

"Hee hee~ Brother Su Hao still understands me." Atago smiled.

This title made Richelieu frowned.

"Okay, okay, it's true that I don't seem to be qualified to get the ring yet, um... at least give me a chance, Richelieu, you said that you have to pay for the port area and the commander to be eligible to get the ring, then I If you want a ring now, do you want to give me a chance to pay?"

Richelieu understood immediately.

This woman came here to join the port area from the very beginning.

After letting yourself say something like that, it's okay to say no.

After all, if I have any objections to Atago's joining the port area, wouldn't it mean that I don't want a ship girl to come to the port area to pay for the port area and the commander?

Not only that, if Atago really made some contributions to Minato in the future, she would have a reason to want the ring!

Richelieu looked at Atago silently.

Atago looked back with a smile.

"Xiaohao, you decide." Richelieu sighed secretly, giving up the idea of ​​being impulsive.

In any case, Atago is an excellent heavy cruiser, if it can join the port area, it will still be of great help to the port area.

Although there are many people in the port area, many of them are novices.

In order to become more influential in the future, of course, the stronger the port, the better.

Especially now that countries all over the world are focusing on this.

Richelieu did not want his younger brother to be coerced by the outside world.

Therefore, the stronger the port area, the more power it has to speak.


Hearing Richelieu's words, Atago's mouth twitched.

"Why do you feel like you guys have fought behind my back?"

Feeling the strange atmosphere in the office, Su Hao was a little puzzled.

"It's all a big family in the Minato District, please be more harmonious, Atago, please restrain yourself, of course I welcome you to the Minato District, and everyone welcomes new members to join, but it's all a family, don't think about things that are too much in the future ,do you know?"

"Hehe~ I'll pay attention, Commander, I'll take care of you in the future." Atago said with a smile.


Atago wanted the ring, but it was just a cover-up. She and Richelieu had a secret contest, and finally took advantage of it.

Su Hao couldn't understand what she was thinking. After all, if he loves big dogs, coquettishness must be coquettish, but as a ship girl, his nature is always good, so Su Hao decided to use his actions to influence her and let her restrain herself a little in the future. .

"Sister Li, don't worry, Atago is like that."

After Atago left, Su Hao said to Richelieu.

"I don't care. If I cared, I would have thrown her out." Richelieu said with a light smile, "How should I put it, as a newcomer, it can be regarded as giving her some benefits."

Su Hao was stunned for a moment, the feeling was still within Sister Li's expectation?


Su Hao shook his head, he couldn't understand, the battle between women, he couldn't understand.

[Ding~ Atago joins the group chat. 】

Sister-in-law Sara: "Huh? Why did Saogou join our group?"

Atago changed her name to the quasi-marriage ship Atago.

Sister-in-law Sarah: "Hey, hey! You shameless bitch!"

Marriage-to-be Atago: "Ah, 'little' Gaga is here too, I thought there were only people from our port area here."

Sister-in-law Sara: "Why do you put quotation marks on it? And when are you from our port area?"

Su Hao: "@All Members Keke~ Please pay attention, from today onwards Atago is a member of our Minato District. From now on, everyone should be united and friendly, and don't cause conflicts, you know?"

Marriage Enterprise: "Received."

Marriage Ship Tiancheng: "Got it."

Assaulter: "Got it."

Raiders changed their name to Marriage Raiders.

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