
Sister-in-law Sarah: "I can't receive it, the signal is not good...and when did you change your name, Assaulter? What name did you change, shameless."

Marriage Assaulter: "Hee hee~ I'm also a Marriage now, of course I have to change my name."

Volkland: "Wow! There are more and more marriage ships in the port area."

Portland: "Commander, you have so many wives, can you handle it at night?"

[Ding~ Rodney joins the group chat. 】

Marriage Raider: "Portland you idiot, H!"

Marriage Ship Chicheng: "Hehe~ Commander is enough to have me at night, and of course Miss Tiancheng can also be included."

Marriage Ship Tiancheng: "..."

Rodney: "Finally there is a signal... Well, the topic you are talking about is so serious, shouldn't it be better for me to pretend that I am not here?"

Su Hao: "Huh? Where are you, Rodney? Is there a signal on the phone?"

Rodney: "Well, my sister and I are now back in the waters of Area B, and we should be back in two hours."

Su Hao: "That's good, thanks for your hard work."

Sister-in-law Sarah: "Rodney is not from our port area, why is she here?"

Sister-in-law Sarah was silenced by Richelieu for one hour.


PS: 12 o'clock, rush! Emmmmm, when Jianniang speaks in the chat group, there may be characters OOC, mainly to create a more joyful atmosphere. If you see Sister Li or Tiancheng suddenly making sand sculptures one day, please don't be too surprised.

Chapter 414 November, December

Santiago and Atago joined Minato one after another and became a member of the Minato family.

The port area is growing, and Su Hao is also happy in his heart, but it is difficult to deal with the temperament of the two of them.

Santiago is okay, after getting in touch with her, I realized that she is really naive and simple, although she is stupid, but such a simple and beautiful girl, no wonder some people can't help but want to help her when she goes out.

As Guayou's number one fighter, Su Hao still attaches great importance to her training.

Santiago never complained, and Su Hao asked Enterprise to accompany her to train in person. Enterprise is a well-known serious instructor in the port area. He is usually gentle, but he is very strict when it comes to training. Even so, I have never heard of it for a long time. Over the voice of Santiago complaining.

Not only that, but every time I asked her how her training was going, this stupid girl would laugh and say very good, very good, very good, obviously every time she came back from training, she was exhausted to death.

The stupid girl is very simple. Now she works for the boss and the commander. Of course she will do what the commander asks her to do. The commander pays her wages, eats delicious food and lives in a warm house. This is a great blessing. She Of course we have to work hard.

Su Hao has nothing to say about this. He really has nothing to say, but he was inexplicably moved. Seeing Santiago's silly smiling face, he felt healed.

It's just that the stupid girl is not always good. Recently, I was hanging out with Firefly and the others. The good girl was taken away. She was not as fierce as her. The last time I went to the construction site of the new home in St. Louis, I bumped into a bunch of beatings The steel bars of the foundation were fined by St. Louis for not eating for one night.

That's Aunt Sheng, what did you provoke her for?

Stupid girls are sometimes annoying, but most of the time they are good.

It's even more worry-free, Atago loves big dogs, and now she seizes the opportunity to rub against Su Hao, if she can, it makes Su Hao very angry.

If you get angry, you will lose your temper. Let me tell you, Atago, if you continue like this, something will happen to you!

Then, after two days of rubbing their hands, Akagi found out that the scene of the two fighting seemed to be the situation where Akagi and Saratoga stared at each other in the past.

Saratoga immediately laughed at them, and then pulled Victory and Terrible to re-form the Iron Triangle of Sisters-in-law, planning to take advantage of their fighting back and forth to make a secret move.

It's a pity that the Iron Triangle is not very stable. Victory and Kewei are clearly tilted seriously. In the end, they messed around. Victory successfully conducted several experiments, and Kewei also learned a new cake art from Su Hao. Saratoga alone got nothing.

Saratoga failed!

In this way, one day after another, from November to December, from autumn to winter, keep going.

When winter arrives, the temperature in Lingshui City changes quite significantly, and the weather turns cold quickly. Nowadays, almost no one goes swimming on the beach.

There is no way to play in the water at the beach, and the fun is naturally less than half, so the number of people who come here to travel has also decreased at a speed visible to the naked eye.

There are fewer passenger ships and cargo ships, and the burden on the coastal areas is much lighter. Some time ago, because of concerns about the activities of the sirens, the ship girls also spent a lot of effort on daily patrols.

Don't think that the radar base is so accurate, the sea area is so wide, and the Sirens are so small, not to mention that there may be submarines.

Therefore, the further the sea area is expanded, the greater the pressure of patrolling.

Fortunately, there are also many ship girls, so it is much easier to share them.

Think about Lu Dong next door, the radar base was damaged, and it was at the juncture of expanding the sea area. In the end, all members of the port area were dispatched for daily patrols.

The end of the year is over, and after this month, the year-end assessment will be carried out. After the year's results are settled, there will be rewards issued at that time. Something happened at this juncture, and Lu Dong's heart is very cold.

However, the Purifier hasn't had any convulsions recently. Although he said he would definitely come back, he still didn't come back.

After all, the purpose of the observer has also been achieved, there is no need to do it again.

Su Hao also comforted him not to bluff so much, the Siren won't go, don't worry.

Then Lu Dong said, of course you can rest assured, a full man does not know a hungry man.Thinking about it, too, I have indeed been a little too comfortable recently.

During this period of time, there were many sorties and battles, but they were all easily resolved by the ship girls, and then piles of supplies were moved home. Even with the previous large-scale sortie rewards, the warehouses in the port area are almost full now.

The Minato store next door protested, meow meow, there are so many supplies in the Minato, how can she sell the supplies there?

But after Su Hao told her that the pier had been built, Ming immediately stopped protesting and meowed that the commander was number one in the world.

As for Gascogne, it can be regarded as a 'normal' range now, but Su Hao found that she was a bit of a noob, that kind of big girl who doesn't know much about the world and doesn't understand anything.

In the end, Richelieu was eager to love his sister, and took her for a walk in the port area every day, looking here and there, and telling her some ways of life.

For example, this is everyone's home, and everyone is her family.For example, if you are a sister and you are a younger sister, the younger sister must listen to the older sister.For example, the commander is number one in the world, he must listen to everything, and so on.

Of course Su Hao has no objection, what Sister Li said is always right.

As for himself, he really hasn't done any big things recently, and spends all his time with the girls every day.

Lafite: "@Commander Commander Commander, come to play the game."

Portland: "Commander, you won't be allowed to sleep today! (Referring to drawing a book all night)"

Akagi: "Commander, let's not sleep tonight! (referring to some kind of exercise)"

Firefly: "Commander, Santiago is in trouble again!"

Vicious: "Commander, potato chips are half price in the supermarket next door, buy some for me."

George V: "Commander, there is a new barbecue restaurant in the pedestrian street. When is it time, let's try it together with Howe."

Hood: "Commander, come over for tea."

That's basically the case. Although he didn't do anything important, Su Hao still wanted to say: I'm really busy!

Su Hao is very busy. Even so, the rhythm of his daily life cannot be messed up. He has become a master of time management now.

"Su Hao, the courtyard of the heavy cherry blossoms has been completed, but I don't know much about decoration, and Cleveland doesn't know much about the research of the heavy cherry blossoms style, so..."

Everyone is making waves, only Lexington is working hard.

Most of the work assigned to her by the headquarters of the Maritime Safety Administration has now been completed, and the construction of the Cherry Blossom Courtyard has been completed. It is a bit difficult for the single-family villas proposed by Su Hao.

If it needs to be built here, it must be built over there. How can there be so many construction teams in the small Lingshui City?

What?You said her house in St. Louis was completed in a month?Nonsense, people have brought the best construction team from Wujiang City all the way, can you be unhappy?

"I don't understand either." Su Hao rubbed his chin, "Nagato and the others went back again, so we can only ask Chicheng and Tiancheng to go and have a look."

Lexington opened his mouth, thinking that's what I mean, but I can't move them.

"I'll talk to them later."

"Well, then hurry up, and start decorating when it's about the same time. It's not long before the New Year's Day."

Everyone is talking about the New Year, it will be after December, and there is less than half a month left.

"Yeah." Su Hao nodded and looked at Lexington, "Did the Maritime Safety Administration headquarters tell you when they'll be here?"

"The meaning over there is to wait for Sakura to make a decision before coming."

Chong Ying invited Su Hao to participate in the New Year's Festival, Su Hao had already mentioned this matter, and the Maritime Safety Administration had no objection, just wait, as long as Chong Ying is willing to come and participate.

What?Worried about Su Hao colluding with Sakura?

It is useless for the Maritime Safety Administration to express their worries. Even if they knew that Sakura's Miko had been in Suhao Port area before, they could not say anything.

You can't criticize Su Hao just because of this, right?

Not to mention whether Donghuang will give it or not, even if Donghuang doesn't stop it, the Maritime Safety Administration will be a little scared just because of the army of ship girls in Suhao port area.

So, do whatever you like, anyway, I can see at a glance that you are also a patriot, a good boy who loves mankind.

In fact, Lexington also made an evaluation report on Su Hao and handed it to the Maritime Safety Administration headquarters during this period. Generally speaking, her evaluation of Su Hao is very good. The ship's mother looks at the commander, what is good?

Dutifully?Bow down and die?

In fact, it is not, because there is no way to look at these things, and it is also true to be conscientious. After all, the waters around Lingshui City are now the safest area in Donghuang and even the world. There is no way to create the current conditions in Minato.

It's fine to do your best and die, but if this is really the case, the ship girls in the port area will have to go crazy?

It is mainly judged by Su Hao's behavior in daily life. The most intuitive thing is the relationship with the ship's wife. Well, there have been a few more marriage ships in the port area recently, and a few more ship's girls in the port area. Several ship girls are ready to move and want to take the top position, the port area is harmonious, the port area...

Oh, by the way, Commander Su Hao seems to have lolicon tendencies. (cross out)

"Then I'll tell you when I come back from Sakura."

Lexington nodded and left.

After a while, Su Hao visited Chicheng and Tiancheng in the group, and asked them to go to the courtyard to see how the design would be better.

This courtyard has been built for a while, the main one is very large, and a large area is left in the middle for decoration. When the time comes, we will build a pond, a fake mountain bamboo forest, or something like plum blossoms?Then sit down and enjoy the flowers while drinking tea in the snowy season, listening to the frolicking sounds of the ship’s mother, how relaxing and comfortable, isn’t it?

At this moment, Aite glanced at the two of them, and a message popped up in the group.

Marriage Enterprise: "Commander, my sister is here."


PS: There are more~

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