Fox Ti: "Is there any relationship between the two?"

Sister-in-law Sara: "This is called artistic conception. The winter of human beings is the coldest, and the last thing I want to get up in the morning is. I think it's cold in my heart, and I'm cold. This is called the environment born from the heart."

Marriage Raider: "Sara always has a way when she talks nonsense."

Victory: "Yeah, Sarah is the best at this."

Kewei: "Sarah, the person who said in the morning that she was going to buy things is getting up."

Sister-in-law Sarah: "Wait, let me sleep for another five minutes, just five minutes."

Rodney: "Sarah, I'm going to buy materials for the Christmas tree. Didn't you say you want to make your own Christmas tree? There are a lot of things to buy."

Sister-in-law Sarah: "Five minutes, just five minutes."

Victory: "Then let's get up, let's go."

Sister-in-law Sarah: "Wait, wait, I'm getting up!!"

Su Hao moved his body, squeezed into Sister Li's soft chest and didn't want to come out. Even though he knew it was getting late, it was like this in summer and winter. Well, if it was summer, he would definitely be able to come out of Sister Li's warm chest , It really doesn't work in winter.

The main reason is that it is too cold, not only the blankets but also the blankets are warm.

"Xiao Hao, wake up." Sensing that Su Hao woke up, Richelieu patted him on the shoulder lightly.

"Wait a minute, let me sleep for another five minutes, just five minutes."

It is common sense to sleep in for five minutes after waking up.

Richelieu was not in a hurry to call him. In fact, she also wanted to say, five more minutes of sleep, just five minutes.

But I can't do much in five minutes. Besides, some things were enough last night. What's the saying?Too much is too much, although my little brother is not a human being and has a great body, but he still needs to know how to control himself.

At this time, the two embraced each other, and their bodies clinging to each other squeezed the cold winter air out of the bedding. This was called warming each other under the cold predicament, and the realm was instantly elevated to several levels.

After hugging for a while, Richelieu got up and went back to his room.

Su Hao grabbed his phone and looked at it, it was 7:12.

The sky outside is far from being as bright as in summer. Looking at the group, many people are discussing preparations for the Christmas event. Although there are still 2 days left, everyone can't wait.

Su Hao: "Remember to buy more decorations. Who will pick out a Christmas tree with me later? We have pines and cypresses in the port area, so go pick the biggest one then."

Sister-in-law Sarah: "I'll go, I'll go!"

Victory: "Sara, go shopping with us, Commander, let Sister Guanghui accompany you, she can hold any tree @光辉"

Guanghui: "This..."

Kewei: "Yes, yes, sister Guanghui, take the unicorns around and pick the biggest pine and cypress."

Sister-in-law Sarah: "Why is Guanghui going? Can't my sister go? @Lexington"

Marriage Enterprise: "Lexington is not in the group."

Orlik: "I just saw Sister Lexington went to the cafeteria, and she helped make breakfast."

Victory: "Then let Lexington do the breakfast and we'll do the rest."

Sister-in-law Sarah: "No, no, just make breakfast for the raiders."

Victory: "She alone is not enough."

Sister-in-law Sarah: "Then let her die."

Sister-in-law Sarah was silenced for 24 hours by administrator raiders.

Victory: "Scared.jpg"

Dreadful: "Sara is dead again."

Sister-in-law Sarah was unmuted by the attackers.

Marriage Ship Raider: "Sarah, would you like me to make you a separate breakfast?"

Sister-in-law Sara: "@Commander Commander, look at this cow, so arrogant!"

Su Hao (pretending not to see it): "Then everyone should act according to the division of labor last night. By the way, who will take care of the warehouse today?"

Chokai: "Commander, it's me."

Su Hao: "Everyone bought things today, take them back and put them in the warehouse, Bird Sea, don't wander around today, and register what you bought when the time comes, everyone remembers the money spent on the purchases, and ask the raider for reimbursement later. "Sister-in-law Sara: "Why do you want to ask the assailant for reimbursement?"

Su Hao: "She is in charge of the finance of the port area now."

Sister-in-law Sara: "Why do raiders manage the finances of the port area?"

Atago: "Commander! Are you up? If I get up, I'll go and play with you, okay?"

Marriage Ship Chicheng: "Just woke up and felt that a dog was seducing my commander. When I came in, it turned out to be you."

Atago: "Commander, can I go and play with you?"

Atago was silenced by the administrator Marriage Akagi for 1 hour.

Marriage Ship Akagi: "Commander, I will accompany you to chop down trees."

Early in the morning, there was a commotion in the group.

Not long after, Dido came to help him get up.

"Master, it's getting cold, wear more clothes."

The temperature dropped rapidly, Su Hao glanced out the window, a little surprised: "Is it snowing?"

"It's just a little snow seed."

"It's fun when it snows."

Instead of wearing down, he wore a slender black overcoat, the clothes matched the man, and his hair was trimmed. Today, he is still the handsome commander of the Minato area.

At this time, he was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror. Dido, who was wearing a maid outfit, straightened his collar for him. The maid stood in front of him, acting seriously as always.

Su Hao smiled and said, "Diduo, is there any gift you want for Christmas?"

"As long as Dido continues to stay by Master's side."

"This is your right, I mean a gift, does the gift know?"

"This..." Dido shook her head, "I haven't thought about it."

"Okay, then think about it more, just tell me if you want anything."

The conscientious maid has always been taking care of her own life, bit by bit, the relationship is formed from the company around her, close and distant relatives, also in the port area, although everyone likes every Su Hao, but this one has always been with her Looking at his maid, isn't it too much to like a little bit more?

Christmas is here, so naturally I want to buy a gift for the girls in the port area, but for Dido, Su Hao doesn't know what she likes. She doesn't want food, drink, or play. What about clothes?Going back and forth as long as the maid pretends to be fine, those who are not greedy are not troublesome, and those who have no desires and desires are the most difficult to deal with.

Coming down from the dormitory, the sky was gloomy, and the snow seeds fell on the roof, on the trees and on the ground, gradually converging into little snowdrifts.

In the distance, Huti and Firefly were squatting on the grass and digging the little snow. It should have started to fall last night, but it was a pity that there was not much accumulation. The two of them spent a long time digging until it was as big as a small ball. It melts quickly in the palm of your hand.

Little Zeppelin who stood watching from the side suddenly laughed.

The little guy integrated into the port area smoothly. Although he is the first aircraft carrier, he is a child after all, and it is easy to mingle with other people.

Su Hao wasn't worried about her being withdrawn. She was U47. I didn't see her all day yesterday, and then came back at night and took out a beautiful big pearl, which really surprised Su Hao.

After breakfast, the ship girls started their own work, went to the port and went to the city, Su Hao went to the warehouse to get the crime tools, and then walked towards the pine and cypress land.

Beside her, Guang Hui, who was wearing a white down jacket, brushed her hair tied in the back of her collar. She looked into the distance and said, "Commander, have you considered buying a few sightseeing cars like that in the future?"

"Is that the kind of playground you're talking about?"

"Well, the port area is so big, these places will always be used to build other things in the future, right? It will take a long time to just walk from one place to another."

Su Hao was thoughtful: "Indeed, it just so happens that the water playground in St. Louis also wants to buy this kind of car, so I'll ask her to help me buy some along the way."

It stands to reason that places like water parks are not too big, unlike zoos that require sightseeing cars, but the scale of St. Louis's is very large. It seems to be of a uniform global scale. It is a Louis product, which must be a boutique.

But Su Hao was worried that she would lose out on this investment.

Guanghui pursed his lips and chuckled lightly: "Commander, are you the kind of wool-grabbing behavior that humans talk about?"

"Uh." Su Hao was speechless, "This is nothing to do with wool, help me, just do me a favor, besides, St. Louis is now a member of our port area, her affairs are the affairs of the port area, and the affairs of the port area are Her business, right?"

"But." Guanghui tilted his head, "Hasn't St. Louis not yet agreed?"

"You don't understand this, people, there is always a proud side, and the ship's wife is also, you can understand it when you look at Nelson, although she didn't say it, she hasn't seen her back to Wujiang for so long, and the Duke of York didn't ask me , it feels like she has tacitly accepted that Rodney and Nelson are now our Docklands people."

"Pfft~" Guanghui laughed, "You said Nelson, indeed..."

The two were talking and laughing.

After a while, Guanghui's cell phone rang.

Sister chat group.

Shengli: "Sister, sister, is everything going well with the commander?"

Guanghui glanced at Su Hao, then lowered his head to reply.

Guanghui: "It's just to chop a tree, what are you talking about?"

Victory: "Hee hee~ Then sister, have fun with the commander, don't worry, no one else will bother you."

Guanghui: "Helpless.jpg, it's nothing to say, what are you thinking about all day long, and the unicorn is here too."

Victory: "Ah! Shocked.jpg, I made a mistake, I made a mistake, I should have brought the unicorn too, it's all that dreadful idiot."

Kewei: "Hey, hey! Why is it me again? It's obviously Sister Shengli, you are too anxious to leave."

Victory: "It's you, it's you."

Unicorn: "That... I am here."

Shengli, Kewei: "It's all the fault of Kewei (Sister Shengli)!"

Guanghui: "Okay, okay, I won't tell you, remember not to buy the wrong things."

Victorious and awesome: "I know!"

Su Hao turned his head curiously: "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Guanghui smiled lightly.

On one side, the unicorn holding the unicorn followed obediently.

You-chan, you-chan, wouldn't it be better if I don't come with you?

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