In about 20 minutes, the three came to the ground under the pines and cypresses.

Here is a small sloping hole, with an area of ​​about an acre of land, which is not large, but it has been planted for a long time depending on the situation.

I don't know what kind of pine and cypress it is, but it's pretty straight anyway. Su Hao has been eyeing this place a month ago, so it's definitely right to use these trees to make Christmas trees.

After turning around, he picked a straight tree with the right length and width. It can be said that it was the perfect size, and it was also firm and straight.

Su Hao raised the saw and hit the roots, and suddenly felt a chill, not the lower body but the upper body, looked up, oh, the snow has grown bigger.

Fluffy snowballs fell from the sky, and the first real snow of winter began.

"What a beautiful season."

Guanghui stretched out her hand, and her white and tender palm touched the cool velvet, and a charming smile rose from the corner of her mouth, "Commander, winter is here."

"Ha... I heard that Lingshui City has a lot of snow in winter. After a while, this place may be covered in snow."

"I don't hate winter." Guanghui said softly, "From withering to recovery, life that has experienced the severe cold test breaks out and becomes stronger... It seems to be a natural law for human beings to keep moving forward."

Ka Ka Ka ~

The pine and cypress fell down.

Su Hao smiled and said, "Guanghui, when did you become philosophical?"

Guanghui smiled slightly: "I'm expressing my feelings. If the commander doesn't like it, then Guanghui won't say anything about it in the future."

"How come, no matter what you say, I like it."

Su Hao bowed his head to work, Guanghui smiled softly.

She turned to the scenery of the port area in the distance, and looked at the white elves falling under the dark sky, as if they contained the power of light, bringing moisture to this bitter land and nurturing a more tenacious vitality for the next year.


PS: The explosion is over, please ask for a ticket!

emmmmm, speed up the pace a bit, when the Christmas plot is over, let’s go to Sakura~

Chapter 417

It was the first time for Yorktown to participate in Christmas in a place other than White Eagle.

Su Hao didn't assign her any tasks. Now she is a guest in the port area. This period of time is considered the most leisurely time. She walks in the port area every day, goes to the beach, and takes Harman to the port area for a walk. , and became good friends with some ship girls.

I'm glad that Harman likes it too, but the girl is still obsessed with the ring on the enterprise's hand. Some time ago, she asked York City if she could take her to buy one, but she refused, and told him not to talk to Bai Ying about this matter. said the companions.

Of course, the company is now a member of the port area. York City knows this very well. Even if she will work hard for the White Eagle in the future, she will act as a ship girl in the port area, just like Richelieu. What should I say about my current position when I fought for the iris country?It's different.

This is why a port area can affect the international situation. Whether it is a company or Richelieu, in the view of York City, their existence has surpassed the meaning given by a ship girl itself.

Unless after many, many years, this meaning is diluted and replaced by newcomers from the Maritime Safety Administration.But at least for the next few years, the ship girls headed by Richelieu and the enterprise are indeed influencing this era.

Snow seeds started to fall in the morning, and I rarely saw them when I was in Baiying. It’s not that there were no snow seeds, but it’s just that the Baiying Maritime Bureau’s resident didn’t have them. It’s good to go to the beach. Ever since I saw the beautiful snow scenery in other places, I have been looking forward to the season of heavy snow.

The snow seeds turned into snow velvet. I heard that today is 0 degrees. In a few days, according to the past situation of Lingshui City, it will snow heavily.

At this time, York City came to the newly built courtyard in the port area. After the renovation, it seemed to have changed its appearance.

The road into the courtyard is a bluestone road, paved with green grass on both sides, not wide, there is a small bamboo forest near the periphery of the courtyard, a plaque is hung at the door, and there is a piece that says 'joint meeting address', which is Lexington It was done by someone before.

I heard that there will be ribbons and flowers at that time. It feels a bit gimmicky, but none of these York cities participated, and naturally they are not qualified to comment.

Push the door in.

There is a shoe rack for changing shoes in the entrance, cotton mop, and the dark wooden floor extends all the way in, forming a spacious corridor, with rows of sliding doors on the side, and each sliding door is a heavy cherry blossom style. In the small room, the living room is in the center, which will be used for meetings. The living room faces a rockery, which stands in a crystal-clear artificial lake, where some ornamental fish are raised.

In the distance, a maroon figure wearing a Japanese-style suit and holding a cherry blossom umbrella stood on the stone road in the middle of the courtyard.

"Sky City." York City called out.

"Ah~ Yorktown, why are you here?" Tiancheng held up his umbrella, looking back at the smiling scenery, even Yorktown was taken aback.

"It's so beautiful~" Haman blinked her eyes. She had only seen this kind of gentle temperament in York City.

There are many girls in the port area, beautiful, sexy, gentle and generous, but when it comes to temperament, York City still thinks that Amagi should be no.1.

Gentleness is one side, although it is very strong, there is an inexplicable feeling of weakness that I still feel pity for, coupled with the innate elegance and leisurely, soft and beautiful like an orchid in an empty valley, but under this seemingly weak appearance, But it hides a strong heart.

The powerful and weak sides blend together flawlessly, so powerful that one cannot help but be amazed.

My sister's opponents are really stronger than the other.

Not to mention Richelieu, this Tiancheng usually lives in secluded places, but this sense of stability comes from her extreme confidence in herself. Even if the port area is changing day by day, she can always occupy a place, no, it is a large area.

"come and see."

At this moment, she led Harman into the courtyard, with a puzzled expression on her face, "Where is Lexington?"

"She went to the warehouse to get things, and she will decorate this place later."

"What a beautiful garden."

Tiancheng smiled slightly: "It's ready to live in now, you can come here anytime you want."

"This... Let's forget it, we'll talk about it when everyone comes."

In any case, this place was funded by the Maritime Safety Administration and built in the name of a joint meeting. Who would live here first.

York City looked around, and there was a piece of grass in front of them where they were at this time, the grass was not yellow, and there was a big hole in the middle.

"What will it be used for?"

"I plan to transplant a cherry tree, but I haven't found a tree of the right size, so I put it on hold for now."


Cherry blossoms are really artistic.

Just as he was talking, there was a booming sound from the corridor, which felt like the rumbling sound of a monster trampling on the ground... well, it's not that exaggerated.

At this time, it was not a monster but Akagi who rushed in.

"elder sister!"

Chicheng was wearing the same style of clothing as Tiancheng, and she looked similar in appearance. She rushed in, looked around, and saw Tiancheng in the middle of the courtyard.

"Sister~ Where did Commander go?"

Tiancheng was helpless: "How do I know? You can ask in the group."

"You know, sister, you and the commander are soul fused." Akagi walked over, coquettishly: "Sister, tell me, I asked in the group, the commander didn't answer me, and now that naughty dog ​​Atago is also Looking for the commander, she must not be in front of me."

Akagi would act like a baby, and York City on the side was stunned.

Is this still the ruthless Yihang battle against Chicheng?

"Okay, the guest is here." Tiancheng shook his head.

Akagi immediately looked at York City and Harman.

York City pretended to look elsewhere, but Harman was taken aback and hid beside York City.

"It's okay, sooner or later they will also be from the port area." Akagi said.

Sky City, York City: "..."

Sister, if you say that in front of your face, how will the lord get the boat in the future?

However, Akagi doesn't care about these things, she has started racing with Atago now.

"If you don't help me, then I can only use the carrier-based aircraft to find it."

Random flying of carrier-based aircraft is prohibited in the port area, but left and right are just being scolded. Akagi doesn't care, finding the commander is a big deal.

"Alas~" Tiancheng sighed, "Over there, the commander has gone to the pine and cypress land, you can go in that direction."

"Hehe~ I know!"

After finishing speaking, Chicheng ran away in a hurry.

Yorktown watched her go.

"Akagi this..."

Tiancheng smiled and said, "Just get used to it."


Harman muttered: "The wild fox is terrible."


Here, Su Hao walked back carrying a half-processed pine and cypress.

Guanghui looked and looked aside.

Although she repeatedly stated that as a ship's mother, this kind of "rough" work is fine for her, but Su Hao refused on the grounds that a lady should be elegant, and then said that this kind of weight is easy for him.

You know, I am a person who can easily carry a tens of thousands of tons of ships, just a tree.

Guanghui was very helpless, thinking that I just came here to help you get things?

And ah, this is so light, no normal human being can easily lift a tree that weighs dozens of kilograms like you, right?

It was the first time for Guanghui to see Su Hao's 'inhuman' side.

How should I put it, I was a little surprised, but it felt like nothing. Compared with the situation in the port area, Su Hao's ability is really nothing.

In fact, Su Hao's ability is special, and many ship girls in the port area know it.

It’s just that he basically hasn’t shown it during this period of time, oh no, he only has the opportunity to show it at night. At other times, the weather was warm before, and he could show it even if he went for a swim, but now he can’t.

Who goes swimming in the winter.

Of course, taking a bath is more comfortable.

At this time, the three of them walked back, and Su Hao planned to drag the tree back and repair it again, and then put it directly in the banquet hall on the first floor of the office building for decoration.

Before approaching the office building, two figures quickly rushed towards this side.


Akagi and Atago shouted at the same time.

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