The two ran this way, pulling each other while running, grasping, forehead touching forehead, squeezing back and forth, staring at each other like they wanted to eat each other.

It is naturally due to Tiancheng that Chicheng was able to find this place.As for Atago, she found Xili, the most powerful tracker in the port area, and asked Xili to tell Su Hao where she was at the price of a pack of sausages from the tea shop.

So, the two immediately killed them.

"Atago! Please stay away from the commander, you bitch!"

"Hehe~ Of course Commander prefers to be with Atago, Akagi, you flirtatious fox, you only get your sister's glory."

"I don't know who begged the commander to allow you to enter the port area."

"Ah, ah, who told you that I begged the commander? My relationship with the commander is not as simple as you think."

"Sao'beep--', get out of the way!"

"You should get out of the way, I have to train the commander alone!"

"Training alone is the task of our marriage ship. What qualifications do you have?"

"The commander is not satisfied with his married life, of course I will satisfy all his desires."

The two rushed over from a distance.

Void had fought tens of thousands of times, and it stopped only after reaching in front of Su Hao, and then occupied the position beside him from left to right.

Su Hao: "..."

So can you two not be so energetic every day!

There are also individual training and so on, let alone no more, even if I ask you to tell me in private.

"Commander~ why didn't you call me?"

"Commander, this coquettish fox is an eyesore, wait in my room, sister, I have prepared a lot of fun things."

"Atago, are you looking for a fight? It's just a heavy patrol. Of course the Commander is leaving with me. Nah~ Commander, Sister Amagi is over there in the courtyard. Let's go find her together."

"What's so great about the aircraft carrier?"

Chicheng puffed out his chest and proudly said: "Aircraft carriers are amazing."

Atago refused to accept, and pulled Su Hao to his side, with his arms stuck between the big breasts, provocative.

Chicheng immediately fought back, put his arms around Su Hao's head, buried his cheeks in his chest, and sneered.

This stalemate lasted for about a minute.


Guanghui couldn't help reminding, "If you don't let go, the commander will probably suffocate."



Su Hao panted heavily.

What, inexplicable.

Is this gone?

No, no, wait, Su Hao shook his head, and looked away from Chicheng's huge fruit.

"Chicheng, Atago, why are you fighting again?" He said with a helpless face, "Didn't I tell you? Minato sisters should be united and friendly."

Akagi: "It's Atago who is too self-righteous."

Atago: "Is it wrong to pursue the person you like?"

Akagi: "No?"

Atago: "Is there?"

"Sex dog!"

"Sexy fox!"

Su Hao rubbed his temples, "If you keep doing this, go out on patrol on Christmas Day."

That being said, the two finally did not argue.

"OK OK."

Guanghui walked over to separate the two, and finally 'picked up' the pine and cypress. He said with a smile, "Commander, hurry up and get ready. Victory and the others will be able to decorate directly when they come back from shopping later."

"Well, that's right, there's still a lot of preparatory work to be done."

The two walked side by side towards the banquet hall on the first floor of the office building.

On the spot, Akagi and Atago looked at each other.

"Glory! Stop for me!"*2


PS: 12 o'clock, rush~

Chapter 418 The Gift Dido Wants

Everyone is preparing for the upcoming Christmas activities, and Dido, who is a maid, is no exception.

Her task was to order dresses for events, but even so, Ming and Shiranui stopped her when she was going out, saying that the dresses were too big.

Dai Duo, the prestige of the store in the port area, has long known that although she actually doesn’t go there many times, but after hearing everyone talking about the good products here, many things that are not available in Lingshui City, I don’t know where these two profiteers came from. Where did it come from.

Although the things are good, the only downside is that the price is too expensive, but expensive is relative. I always like to come here in St. Louis. I heard that the last time I bought a piece of clothing in the store, it was very good. Well, it is very good in every sense .

At this time, I came to Minghe Shiranui's shop. The shop was still in the original place. There were too few people going to the pier in winter, so the two discussed it. From now on, it is better to stay inside in winter and outside at other times.

"Ming, do you really have good clothes? If not, I have to hurry up and go to the port to have a look."

"Some meow~"

Ming and Shiranui went inside and fiddled with it for a long time, and it took a while to drag out two large boxes.

There are several sets of clothes that look like dresses stacked on top of the box. I don’t know what they are inside. I don’t know what they are. I don’t know what they are. , longer than Shiranui's whole body, no wonder he has to stand on the table.

Dido looked around.

A fiery red dress, with a white ribbon pulled out from the back, looks beautiful and elegant, but the neckline is very low, if you wear it, half of your European style will be exposed, right?A little astringent.


The master should like it, right?

"Quite good looking."

She said so, and compared it in her mind, she felt that it would be great if George V wore it.

"Yes, meow~o( =∩ω∩= )m"

With Dai Duo's affirmation, Ming was overjoyed.

This is a big business. There are so many shipgirls in the port area. If each person has one piece, it will cost forty or fifty pieces. Moreover, everyone thinks they look good after wearing them, and they will continue to buy clothes in the future. Big bucks.

"And this one only costs 1180, isn't it cheap?"

Dido didn't say anything, she was actually a little dissatisfied with the price in her heart.

The prices in Lingshui City are so high. For the price of a piece of clothing, if she goes to the port area to buy it, the budget is about 880 a piece.

As a result, when it comes to Minghe Shiranui, it costs 1180 a piece, which is much more expensive.

But after all, you get what you pay for.

"I want to ask the master for instructions."

The price exceeded the budget, and Dido didn’t dare to make up her own mind. One piece is 300, and 50 pieces is 15000. The difference is 15000, which is quite a lot.

Dido took out her mobile phone, Shiranui said immediately.


Dido took a photo and sent it to Su Hao, and Su Hao replied soon.

"Buy! Everyone buys a set!"

Dido was a little surprised. Even if she couldn't see Su Hao's expression, she could tell from the lines that he was very excited. Although Dido admitted that this gift was pretty, it was still too expensive in terms of prices in Lingshui City.

Alas~ That is the master, he is reluctant to spend money, for the sake of the port area and everyone, he is willing to spend any amount of money.

"Let's take a look at the others, too."

The task of ordering clothes was handed over to Dido, so she naturally had to do it well, and the ones she showed you were all good, which is generally the case in the shops outside, but after Ming and Shiranui took out all the clothes, Dido found out that the things they have here are really good.

"Can't it be any cheaper?"

"Meow that can't be discounted!"

Shiranui opened her mouth, originally wanting to offer a 9% discount or something, but when she heard Ming say this, she immediately swallowed the words back.

Dido didn't care either. She always heard that the shops in the port area were old and black. She just mentioned it in passing. It's great if you can get a discount.

It took almost an hour before the dresses of all the personnel were selected.

Dido was a little curious: "Where did you get these clothes?"

Ming shook his head: "Secret."

"Forget it... look at the total amount."

Shiranui had already settled it, and then she asked, "Doesn't Dido want it?"

"No more."

Saying this, Dido remembered what Su Hao asked her in the morning. Although she said she wanted a gift, it is only natural for a maid to serve her master. How could she ask for a gift?

But since Su Hao said so, Dido was worried that she wouldn't make him angry, even though it was impossible.

She looked at Minghe Shiranui, and suddenly asked, "Do you have any Christmas presents you want?"

"Hoo meow?" Ming blinked, and the eyes turned into golden coins, "Of course it's a lot of money."

Dido looked at Shiranui, who also nodded without hesitation.

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