
Dido said in her heart, why would she think of asking them?

She went to the doctor in a hurry, but Ming and Shiranui's opinions were of no reference value at all. Dido put the clothes in two large boxes, and then easily lifted them out of the shop.

On the way, a group of little guys from the port area ran over, laughing and joking. Christmas is coming, and the festive atmosphere begins now.

In fact, Christmas is not very popular here in Donghuang, but other places pay special attention to it. I heard that Christmas in White Eagle is more lively than Chinese New Year. There are ships from all camps in the port area. Christmas is a common and very important festival. .

At this time, she was holding the box and walking towards the banquet hall. Although she bought it according to the head, she didn't know who liked it and who didn't.

The only troublesome thing is that there are several adults and children in the port area, and it is really difficult to buy clothes of this size.

Why?For adults, the European style design is very big, for children, the clothes will not be too long. All in all, it is the shop here at Ming, which saves Dido a lot of work. Otherwise, it will take at least two days to choose everything that suits you. time.

When they came to the banquet hall, a few ship girls were cleaning inside. Dido saw Richelieu and walked over.

"So fast?" Richelieu was a little surprised.

"Well, I bought it at a store in Minato."

Richelieu immediately understood that there are really many good products in that place, but they are a bit expensive.

After putting down the things, Dido helped to tidy up the hall.

At this time, she was beside Richelieu, raised her head, and glanced at her intentionally or unintentionally.

"What's the matter, is there something wrong?" Richelieu asked.

"Ah? No, no, I..."

Richelieu chuckled lightly: "Just talk about it if you have something to do. You are no longer an outsider. I have always regarded you as my sister."

Dido was moved.

After hesitating for a moment, Dido said, "Mistress Richelieu, actually... Well, I want to ask, if you want a Christmas present, what would you most like to get?"

"Gift?" Richelieu thought for a while, then shook his head: "Since it's a gift, you can accept what the other party gives. It doesn't matter what the gift is, what matters is the heart."

Richelieu doesn't lack anything. Of course, if it's a gift from Su Hao, no matter what it is. If it's a gift from the sisters in the port area, she should accept it. If it's a gift from others, forget it.


Dido thought about it.

"Why, do you want to give someone a gift?" Richelieu smiled and said, "Don't overcomplicate things, we are a family, no matter what you give, as long as you have a heart, the recipient will definitely be happy."

Dido nodded, but said nothing.

After a while, the sanitation here was cleaned up, and Dido came out from the hall.

After thinking about it, what Richelieu said made sense, but she still couldn't be sure. Sure enough, it would be better to ask those marriage ships about this kind of matter.

Dido found Enterprise outside the kitchen.

Seemingly intending to help, Enterprise stood at the door and watched for a while, and then a voice came from inside: "Enterprise, please don't come in, absolutely, never come in!"

The company is helpless, and he just wants to help a little. As for the problem, it is purely accidental.

Dido walked over immediately.

"What gift do you want? This... I don't really want anything."

"Then what if the master wants to give you a gift? What do you want?"

The commander sent it, of course anything is fine.

Enterprise smiled and said: "It's fine, if you insist, I hope it will help me or have special meaning."

The enterprise is a practical and capable type, Dido wrote it down, thanked her and left.

She found Amagi not long after.

"A about a piece of clothing?"

Dido was a little surprised, "Is it just clothes? Is it too casual?"

Tiancheng smiled: "Whether you want it or not depends on whether you need it. If you need an umbrella and someone gives you a book, it must feel bad, right? So, if you give it to someone else In terms of gifts, it’s best to think clearly about what the other party needs. Of course, if it’s too much, let it be. It should be within the acceptable range, and it should not exceed the meaning of the friendship itself. Well, to be specific, it is... (Balabala five thousand words) "

Dido left Tiancheng in a daze.

Continue to ask, found Akagi.

Chicheng chuckled: "Of course it's the commander's warm embrace!"

No reference value, pass.

It is a heinous crime to ask the master for such a thing.

What is a warm embrace?Dido is not a rookie, she knows such things like the back of her hand after going to Su Hao's room so many mornings.

And finally the Raiders.

As a non-conspicuous existence like her in the port area, but the other party has a ring, Dido thinks the words of the attacker should be of great reference value.


The Assaulter thought and thought, and shook his head: "My greatest gift, the Commander, has already been given to me." Saying this, he smiled shyly, "Hee hee~ I have a precious gift I want to give To the Commander, I'm just a little embarrassed, Dido, can you help me think about it? Eh? Dido, don't go!"

[○? `Д? ? ○]

━((*′д`)Yao (′д`*))━! ! ! !


When Dido was asking people about gifts, a place called 'Wedding Ship Chat Group' suddenly became lively.

Tiancheng: "Does the lord want to give Dido some present?"


PS: keep going~

Chapter 419 The Minato District Needs a New Marriage Ship

Since the establishment of the big family in Minato, various small families have also come out.

For example, Saratoga and Shengli's sister-in-law alliance group.

The sister chat group of the four brilliant sisters.

Vicious z23 and their game group.

and many more.

And what no one expected was that there was a wedding ship chat group behind the port area.

Although in the eyes of outsiders, although the wedding ships are all sisters in the port area, in the final analysis, they still have to fight secretly. Don't talk about other issues, just say one sentence, and the commander will sleep with you tonight?

If it's a wedding ship, then naturally they can do whatever they want.

Two marriage ships are discussing.

The three marriage ships are also easy to discuss.

Four, five, six or seven, there are so many warships in the port area, maybe there will be hundreds of them in the future, and there must be a lot of marriage warships. People who have no foresight must have immediate worries, and the same is true for warships, so Tiancheng had an idea, It is proposed to set up a chat group for marriage ships.

The members of the group at this time: Richelieu, Enterprise, Amagi, Akagi, Assaulter.

When Amagi asked, the others saw it too.

Richelieu: "Did she go to see you just now?"

Reminiscent of Dido's actions, Richelieu immediately thought of it.

Tiancheng: "Well, ask me what I want if it's a gift. It can be seen that the Lord wants to give her a gift, but she doesn't know what she wants."

Enterprise: "Is that so?" Emotional Xiaobai.

Assaulter: "Hee hee~ I've already seen it."

Richelieu was alert.

Richelieu: "What did you say to her?"

Assaulter: "No, no, I didn't say anything."

Richelieu: "Really? Forget it... How about you Chicheng? Did Dido look for you?"

Akagi: "I've been looking for it, I'm not free, I'll tell you guys after I teach Atago a lesson."

Everyone: "..."

Akagi and Atago are fighting, it doesn't matter, anyway, the discussion is the same with her or without her.

Richelieu: "What do you think of Tiancheng?"

Tiancheng: "I watched the sky every day, and found that the Big Dipper deviated, and Xuanyuan Fourteen came. I feel that something big will happen."

Richelieu: "Speak human words."

Tiancheng: "My lord should give Dido a ring."

Then everyone fell silent.

A minute passed.

Assaulter: "What's wrong? I just washed my hands and came back, trembling.jpg"

Richelieu: "I think it should be time."

Enterprise: "Is there nothing wrong with me? I continue to teach Little Zeppelin to train."

Richelieu and Amagi started a serious discussion about the possibility of additional wedding ships in the port area.

Seeing that there was nothing wrong with him, the company continued to practice Zeppelin.The Raider washed his hands, somehow soiled.Akagi continued to fight Atago.

Here, after working for more than an hour, Su Hao finally trimmed the pines and cypresses to look good.

But Victory and the others haven't come back yet, and they lack a reinforcement so they can't stand up.

"Phew~ that's about it, no matter how much you fix it, you won't see it anywhere."

The Christmas tree is very big, almost 3 meters high, that is, the hall on the first floor is high enough, otherwise it would not be able to fit in the house.

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