At this time he moved the Christmas tree into the banquet hall.

Richelieu came over and said, "Commander, the Maritime Safety Administration called me just now, saying that a Maritime Safety Administration jointly held a Christmas party, and some people from the ZF organization attended, asking us..."

Su Hao waved his hand: "Tell them, I will be at home with my wife on Christmas."

Richelieu chuckled.

"Okay, that's what I said."

"Well, let's talk."

Christmas party?The labor and management are full, and the dozens of girls in the family are not accompanied, so they go to a party with a group of greasy uncles?

At this time, he was squatting on the ground to tidy up the Christmas tree, and Richelieu called the Maritime Safety Administration back. It was true that my commander wanted to stay at home with his wife, and then he hung up regardless of how confused the other party was.

Then she looked down at the busy Su Hao.

"Xiaohao, where's Dido?"

"Huh? I don't know. I asked her to order clothes. It seems that I went to Minghe Shiranui's store. I don't know if it's all right."

Saying this, Su Hao raised his head and smiled: "I saw the photos, and those dresses are pretty, but they are a bit expensive, but there is a reason for expensive, God knows where those two profiteers bought so many good things. "

"En." Richelieu answered absently.

"By the way, Miss Li, where's Gascogne?"

"I asked her to go shopping for tableware with Joan of Arc. The party is too big for this time. There are not enough tables and chairs."

"Alright, go out and walk more, gain a lot of experience."

Richelieu responded, and suddenly asked: "Xiao Hao, do you want to give Dido any present?"

"Ah?" Su Hao was stunned for a moment, then remembered, "Oh, I said that, but she doesn't seem to know what she wants. Dido's temperament is a little troublesome, and she's a little too humble. Obviously, she has done better than anyone else. Bad, it’s still the same.”

"Born like this."

There is no way to say the character of Jian Niang, each is different, and it is not easy to change.

Sure enough, this is the case, but what Tiancheng said is not right. Seeing Su Hao like this, Richelieu understands that the so-called gift is really just a gift.

Forget it, the younger brother has his own younger brother blessing.

"I'll help you."


The preparations for Christmas continued one after another, and Su Hao never thought that he would casually ask Dido what gift he wanted in the morning. This upright maid would be so entangled. If he had known that she would be like this, Su Hao would have given one directly. Maybe it will be happier if the maid dresses her up.

Victory and the others finally came back around noon, and then they had another day of chores. The Sirens seem to be on vacation these days, and there are very few missions. An Anxin became the house husband at home.

But it's not easy to cook a husband at home. The big family in the port area celebrates the festival together. For Christmas, gifts must be prepared first. Su Hao has been busy for two days just for this link.

After December 12th, the pre-Christmas preparations were almost finished, and the remaining trivial matters were left to the ship girls to deal with.

"Merry Christmas!~"

While resting, I saw a message from Gu Ping.

"Christmas ghost, today is Christmas Eve, tomorrow is Christmas."

"Haha~ It's almost enough. We are not an orthodox foreign festival, so we can come whenever we like."

On the 24th, the temperature here in Lingshui City has dropped to -5 degrees, which is not particularly cold, but the snow is getting bigger and bigger. Su Hao finally saw what is called a feather-like university, which he had never seen in the past ten years , A difference of a city, the scenery seen is completely different.

"By the way, do you want to come to our school for Christmas? The school is holding a party here, which is unprecedentedly grand."

"No, I'm staying at home."

"Spent the holidays at home?"

"Well, together with dozens of ship girls."


Treat friends with sincerity. Su Hao told the truth, but Gu Ping immediately fell silent.

After a long time, just when Su Hao thought he was busy, Gu Ping suddenly sent him a dynamic picture.

In the picture, a blood-red spear pierces through the void. The picture is too fast to see clearly. It feels like a guy in a blue armor with bristling hair suddenly throws a spear.

Su Hao immediately understood that this was Gu Ping wishing himself a new year full of momentum like a rainbow.

It's not bad that he is his good brother.


Responding to Gu Ping with a spear, Su Hao began to stroll leisurely in the port area.

Not long after I left, I saw Dido chatting with other ship girls in the distance.

Looking anxious, the conversation ended after a few words, and then hurriedly left after bowing politely.

Su Hao was puzzled, and followed Dido all the way to find someone to chat with. She was surprised for a while, confused for a while, and then looked anxious again. After about half an hour, she walked to a bench with some disappointment and sat down.

"It's so cold, isn't it uncomfortable to sit on?"

Dido raised her head in surprise, and looked at Su Hao who was walking towards her in the distance.

"Master, master." She hurriedly stood up.

"What's the matter? You seem to be very troubled."

Su Hao asked her, and then saw Dido's eyes flickering, the image of the usual elegant maid disappeared, and when she came back, the anxious maid Dido suddenly lowered her head and apologized to Su Hao.

"Master, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, Dido is too useless, Dido doesn't know what kind of gift to ask the master at all... Dido can only do some trivial chores, it's really nice to make the master look forward to it." I'm so sorry!"

"Uh, why is it useless again?"

Su Hao is helpless, Dido is good everywhere, but she always likes to get entangled in such inexplicable places.

But that being said, seeing her like this makes me feel inexplicably cute.

Su Hao smiled, stretched out his hand to touch Dido's head, and said, "Okay, how many times have I said, don't apologize every now and then, you have to apologize for doing something wrong, Dido, you didn't do anything, I Let me tell you this, the last person in this port area who needs an apology is you."

"Eh? But I...Master, a mere maid actually gets such a high evaluation from you, me, me, me..."

Dido was a little incoherent, the confusion and irritability accumulated in her heart these days, and she showed it at this time, she was so anxious that she didn't know what to say, tears were about to flow out soon.

"Why are you crying?"

"Because... because..." Dido lowered her head, humming and holding back, still blaming herself, "Master, Dido is so useless, so useless, please don't abandon Dido, master? "

Su Hao knocked on her, with a reproachful look on his face: "They all said don't say such things again, Dido, you did a great job, I like this kind of Dido very much, how many times do I have to say it before you believe it? Keep Dido by your side for the rest of your life."

Dido was a little apprehensive: "Really, really?"

"Well, for example, I hope Dido you can be a little willful sometimes and act according to your own ideas. That's why I said gifts. The gifts I want to give you must be what you want most in your heart."

Dido opened her mouth, what she wanted the most, seemed to ask everyone these days, and the answers she got seemed to mean something similar to this sentence?

Some don't understand, but they seem to understand again, if it's what you want the most...

Dido raised her head slowly, with tears still hanging from the corners of her eyes.

She looked at Su Hao with beautiful red eyes, and asked with some trepidation and expectation, "Master, can you give Dido a ring?"


PS: continue~

Chapter 420 Dido Changes Name to Marriage Ship Dido

After much deliberation, she really didn't know what to ask for. After struggling with it for the past few days, Dido felt that this matter was about to become her own demon.

The ship girl is different from human beings, the so-called inner demons are not so mysterious, but compared to human beings, the entangled things in the heart have a greater impact than imagined.

If this continues, she feels that she is really going to become a hip-pull maid.

In any case, this is not the only way to do it. As a maid, there are limited things you can do. If you still stretch your hips, well, in human terms, it is hip stretching, which is absolutely not allowed.

At this time, Su Hao's words moved Dido very much.

If you talk about willfulness, even if it's just one time, Dido raised her head and expressed her thoughts.

a ring.

If Dido wants anything, there is no shortage of gifts, only a ring is enough.

"Master, this is Dido's only wish. Hug, I'm sorry, if it bothers you, just pretend Dido didn't say anything."

Dido seemed a little cautious at this time, a little cautious.

She is a maid and also a ship girl. The ship girl will act according to her own will. For example, her maid's will makes her look weird, but as long as Dido feels comfortable.

So now, the only thing I want, if I say it a little more willfully, is only the ring, and I don't want anything else.

Here, Su Hao was also taken aback for a moment.


He remembered what Richelieu told him before, that there are so many wives in the port area, and if you give this ring, you have to give that ring. Although the ring is up to Su Hao to make his own decision, he must think carefully.

How is Dido?

Do you want to give the ring to Dido? Richelieu asked this question. At that time, he didn't pay much attention to it. After all, judging from Dido's temperament, it is really impossible to determine whether she thought she was the master or because she really wanted to. Only accept it.

After all, as long as it is something given by Su Hao, Dido will definitely hold it tightly in her hands.

So now, Dido listened to what she said, and she could be a little more "willful". At this time, what she said should be the expectation in her heart, right?

"If it's what you really want..."

Su Hao touched his pocket.

Here he wants to quibble, this is not the case of the scumbag carrying the ring with him, but because of that... um, that... just...

Yes, Amagi's fault!

Because Tiancheng inexplicably said something yesterday asking him to prepare a ring, although he didn't quite understand it, but since it was Tiancheng, he would definitely not be aimless.

So in line with the principle of wife first, Su Hao braved the wind and snow to go to the port, and went to the familiar counter to buy this ring.

At this time, the north wind was blowing, and snowflakes were falling from the sky. When I looked up, I saw a crystal ice sculpture hanging from a huge camphor tree, like a crystal decoration hanging from the ceiling in a wedding hall.

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