Su Hao opened the ring box.

The silver-white ring exudes the same beautiful luster as those ice sculptures.

"Look, what is this?"

He smiled, "It's already been prepared for you."

Dido blinked her eyes, her head seemed to be a little dazed, and she was just holding the mentality of trying, even if it was a one hundredth, one thousandth possibility.

But ah, it succeeded, it succeeded.

Am I dreaming?Who will pinch me and tell me this is not a dream!

Woooooooo~ The master gave me a ring, mere Dido, a mere ship girl like me, actually got a ring.

"What's the matter? Oh yes, there is still a process to go, although my heart is full..."

Saying this, Su Hao knelt in front of Dido on one knee, held her slender hand like a catkin, and gently put on the ring.

I have married countless ship girls in the game, and every ship girl is almost on the same occasion. At the beginning, I was a little flustered, but later on, it seemed that it was really just a matter of a ring, as if I was completing a task.

But it's different here. Every time he puts on rings for these beautiful girls, Su Hao's heart is quite excited. Facing each girl, the feeling in his heart is different.

Seeing that the ring was really worn on her hand, Dido burst into tears.

"Woo...there are people in the world who would like a useless maid like Dido. Master, master, master is so kind to Dido...Master, Dido begs you, please always love Dido, I have always loved Dido..."

Su Hao stood up, gently hugged her into his arms, and said with a smile, "How can it be useless? How many times have I said that Dido is the best maid in my heart, so I will always love her?" Dido's."

"Really? Is it really true? Master, please don't lie to Dido."

"I've put on the rings, can I still lie to you? And your name... Well, do you want to change it?"

"No change, no change!" Dido said immediately, "In Dido's heart, the master will always be the master. No matter what happens, this will not change!"

Dido insisted, speaking in a very cute and stubborn tone. At this moment, she hugged Su Hao tightly, and her heart was filled with happiness at this moment.

Su Hao is also very happy, both physically and mentally. Married ship Dido is the sixth married ship in the port area from today.

Feeling the heavy and soft squeeze from her chest, Su Hao patted her on the back and said, "Okay, have you hugged her enough?"

"No, Dido doesn't think it's enough no matter how long it takes."

Dido wanted to continue hugging, saying some 'willful' words.

"Uh... It's okay to keep hugging, but ah, if this continues, the two of us will become snowmen, and Dido, you hug so tightly, it's hard for me to breathe..."

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Dido hurriedly left, blushing, "I'm sorry, master, it's all because Dido's place is too big and useless."

After finishing speaking, he touched the mountain in front of his chest with some annoyance, as if he was really blaming himself, why did he grow up so big for nothing.

Su Hao glanced at it, it's okay, it's okay, Sara is not here, otherwise she might come to find Dido desperately.

"It's okay, I just like the big ones." Su Hao said frankly, "Well, that's not right, I like it because it's Dido. Whether it's big or small, I like everything about Dido."

"Master..." Dido sniffled, so moved, "Master, Dido will definitely serve you with all her heart in the future!"



It was still in the afternoon when the ring was given away, and when the snow was falling, the sky was gloomy and gloomy, and it was a bit of a bad day. It was such a touching moment, even if you had a clear sky and snowfall, wouldn’t it be an exaggeration?

Um?Wait, wouldn't that be June Feixue, with a big grievance?

Forget it.

Anyway, Dido's wish was fulfilled, as a Christmas gift, although a little early, but it must be her favorite gift.

Dido changed her name to Marriage Ship Dido.

Sister-in-law Sara: "Huh? Dido, why did you change your name? Did you accidentally type it wrong? Change it back quickly."

Sara was the most sensitive about such matters, and she jumped out at once.

Victory: "Wow! Has Dido become a wedding ship?"

Sister-in-law Sara: "It's definitely not, Dido must have made a mistake."

Firefly: "Sara→Cha Lemon.jpg Cha Lemon.jpg, so sour>.

Sister-in-law Sara: "Firefly, you're looking for it!"

Atago: "Has @Commander Dido become a wedding ship too? Well, it's not beyond my expectation at all. By the way, Commander, today is Christmas Eve. Come to my room, I have prepared good things."

Sister-in-law Sara: "Bah, bah, bah! How could it be a real marriage, and you don't have to seduce the commander all the time, you don't have the consciousness of a fiancé at all."

Guanghui: "Mr. Sara, this sentence from your mouth is really..."

Lafite: "Sara failed."

Vicious: "Sarah's big failure."

z23: "Sara failed."

Nicholas: "Snoring~~Zzz...zzZ~~"

Sister-in-law Sara: "Furious.jpg, what nonsense are you talking about? When did you join z23? You are not from our port area! And Nicholas, don't sleep in the chat group!"

Terrible: "Have said so much, why didn't other people come out to confirm it? @姐姐妻@婚船天城@婚船企业@婚船阿城@婚船战者"

Horrible discovered Huadian.

There is an extra wedding ship in the port area. It stands to reason that their reaction should be the biggest, right?

But in the end, no one stood up?

St.Louis: "I think it should be @commander"

Cleveland: "@commander"

Vocklands: "@commander"

George V: "@commander"

Howe: "@commander"


Here, looking at the situation in the chat group, Su Hao twitched.

He originally wanted to come out and say something, but what to say in this situation.

Aunt Sheng, Aunt Sheng, let me tell you that you will be spanked like this!

Marriage ship Dido: "That... the master took pity on Dido and gave Dido a ring, but even as a wedding ship, what Dido does every day will not change, so please don't blame the master, Dido is very grateful. "


With a word from Dido, the rhythm of repeating the army was interrupted immediately.

Hood: "Ah, ah, isn't it just a ring, whoever wants it, today is Christmas Eve, I suggest going to attack the commander at night."

Group member Hood's message was withdrawn by the administrator's sister, Bride.

Sister bride: "Hood, if you talk nonsense again, I will be banned."

Hood: "Hee hee~ Act cute.jpg"

Aunt Hood passed the level cutely, and the message she sent just now was almost retracted by Richelieu in seconds, so everyone didn't see anything.

But when Dido got the ring, the girls of course had no objections, for example, everyone took it for granted.

It's just that at the juncture of Christmas, envy is definitely still envy, which can be said to be the best holiday gift.

So everyone asked Su Hao for gifts one after another, Atago Zhangkou came right away, no ring, and wanted Su Hao a chance to go to her room to play games tonight.

Of course, this attempt was impossible to realize, and she was banned by Chicheng in a blink of an eye.

A green hat is prestige, and power can make people lose their minds, which is absolutely true.

Seeing that the turmoil gradually calmed down, Su Hao breathed a sigh of relief.

However, today is Christmas Eve, and the most wonderful thing has yet to happen.


PS: Chapter 4 is complete, please ask for a ticket!

md, after brushing Jiyi for so many days, emptying the oil every day, I just noticed that I swiped the wrong map today, and swiped to t5!Isn't Nima's one the last one to come out with a golden skin?I didn't expect that there would be t6 after the comeback. I played t6 before, and I didn't pay attention to the number. No wonder, I just said that I am so European, how can I not get Ji Yi?

Chapter 421 Christmas Eve, the most beautiful apple

A lot of apples were prepared on Christmas Eve, and each ship girl could get one at dinner.

"rua! Is this apple made of meat?"

Xi Li was holding a plate of meat, but the apple on it was a bit of an eyesore.

She wanted to secretly hand it to Olik, but was seen by Tiancheng, who smiled and said, "Xili, you have to eat apples on Christmas Eve."

"Hey sister Amagi, I see that Oreo likes to eat apples very much, how about giving them to her?"

Orlik immediately said: "It's Olik, not Oreo! I won't eat it for you if you're like this."

"Okay, okay, Ollie, let me eat for you."

"It's Oreo, not Ollie..." Orlik was stunned for a moment, and walked away angrily with the plate.

The best friend left, Xili had no choice but to eat the apple under Tiancheng's supervision.

Xili likes to eat meat, and is very picky about fruits and vegetables. As expected, his picky eating habits are not very good. Santiago, who was watching the sumptuous Christmas Eve dinner, sniffed and whimpered.

"Good time, really good time, Commander-sama is really kind to me..."

"Vaukland don't run, give me back the sausage!"

"Fox Ti, Hu Ti, don't bully the goddess of fate."

"Little Shengfu, you idiot, give me a shot!"

"Stop quarreling, there's nothing to eat if you quarrel again."

The Raider became a nanny, taking care of a large group of little ones.

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