"Wow! This fish is delicious."

"Nevada, don't take my food while saying it's delicious, don't you have it yourself?"

"Hey~ Aren't we good sisters?"

"Whoever is a good sister to you, go away and go away."

"Sarah, happy Christmas Eve."



"Don't try to grab my apple!"

Although the real festival celebrations have not yet begun, the ship girls in the port area have already begun to liven up.

Su Hao was sitting in the corner of the dining hall, facing Richelieu and eating.

Sure enough, it was prescient to make this kind of campus cafeteria. If so many girls were crowded on a big table, like Xili and Firefly, they would overturn the table.

"Half a year has passed." Su Hao couldn't help sighing, "The changes are really great."

"I didn't expect it to become like this." Richelieu smiled lightly. "I thought it would be great to develop the famous Donghuang port area in three years, but I didn't expect it to be achieved in half a year."

In today's port area, the number of ship girls is much more than those in ordinary port areas.

For the Maritime Safety Administration, dozens of ship girls are not too many, but don't forget how many bosses there are in the port area.

Like Richelieu, Tiancheng, and Enterprise, many companions came to kill together at one command, and Iris Kingdom, Sakura, and others were all helpers, not to mention that each of them was far stronger than expected.

The Maritime Safety Administration came to provoke Su Hao when they were full, and because of this, Dong Huang didn't say anything, because it was too late to be happy. You see, this handsome guy has a kind face and a kind heart. He is a good person at first glance.

As for the headquarters of the Maritime Safety Administration, as long as you don't commit crimes, you have privileges if you have the ability, there is nothing strange about it.

"Soon?" Su Hao rubbed his chin, um, half a year, it seems to be really fast.

The game is a game, the game is played for half a year, if you work hard, the collection rate should be very high, those ship girls who have not reproduced the event may not get it, but just build a map, two or three hundred ship girls are still ok.

Thinking about it this way, there are only forty or fifty now, um, I still need to continue to work hard.

Richelieu said with a smile: "How many port areas in the world do you think have as many ships as ours? Maybe there are numbers, but their strength is definitely not as good as ours."

The world is so big, you can always meet European and Kryptonian guys, but in the final analysis, the number of ship girls is the number, it is really difficult to raise them, just look at Su Hao himself, if there is no Sister Li and the others With a few bosses and novices, a large fleet of sirens can push your port area flat.


Su Hao looked around.

The bustling scene made him unable to bear a smile in his heart.

After a while, a figure came.

"Master, happy Christmas Eve."

Not Dido and Xiaobeifa, but another mature and sexy girl.

At this time, Gascogne was standing aside with a plate, looking a little dazed, but Joan of Arc told her to greet everyone during the festival.

Then came Gascogne.

"Oh, happy Christmas Eve." Su Hao smiled and said, "Have you got the apple?"

"Master, Gascogne got the apple...Master, can Gascogne sit here?"

Although not as mechanized as before, Gascony's current actions are all based on Su Hao's purpose.

"Of course, this is your home, you can go wherever you want."

"Thank you, master." After thanking him, Gascogne looked at Richelieu again, "My lord, happy Christmas Eve.

You see, it is clear at a glance who is more important.

Richelieu sat her down.

The two sisters chatted, but basically it was Richelieu who asked Gascogne to answer, asking some things about the past two days, it felt like a child's mother was asking her own child, and then told the child his father, Look, our children are getting more and more sensible.


After the meal, Su Hao returned to the room.

Tomorrow is Christmas, all the preparations have been made, and all the clothes have been distributed to the ship girls. They will wear them tomorrow, maybe it doesn't have to be at night, anyway, it depends on what they like.

I have to say that Ming's clothes are really good-looking. Sure enough, they are made by profiteers, so they must be high-quality goods, right?

Beautiful and generous, well, the kind of clothes that can only cover half of the Opie is simply amazing!

Of course, this is incidental. The main reason is that the clothes look good. If they look good, it’s worth the money, right?If the ship girl likes it, buy it.

It seems that I can't go outside to buy clothes in the future.

Going back and reminding Minghe Shiranui again, when winter comes, can summer be far behind?Don't forget to buy more good-looking swimsuits and come back.

Su Hao doesn't care about money at all when buying things for the ship's mother. After all, isn't the commander's money just for the ship's mother?

Thinking about it this way, his image suddenly became taller.

After taking a shower, Su Hao walked to the balcony wrapped in cotton pajamas.

It is very cold at night, only about -5 degrees. It has been snowing and raining these days. When I woke up in the morning, I saw a lot of huge ice cones hanging down from the corners of the buildings. It was dangerous but very beautiful.

The leaves are also covered with ice, and the leaves of the sweet-scented osmanthus tree can directly peel off a whole leaf-shaped ice cube from above.

I remember that when I was a child, I would put this kind of leaf ice cubes in my mouth and bite. At that time, I didn't know if it was clean or not, but I thought it was fun and interesting, like eating popsicles.

"It's not very cold."

Su Hao touched the nightgown on his body, it was actually not very thick, but his body seemed to be completely unafraid of this level of cold.

Wonderful feeling.

If it's possible...if it's possible, if only I can live like this with my ship's mother for the rest of my life.

The body, well, I don't know how long it can live, 100 years, 200 years?

There are too many uncertainties about the secrets of this body, he doesn't care if he is human or not, he just wants to continue living like a human, and just be with his wives.

Thinking about it, a cold wind blew by.

dong dong dong~

There was a knock on the door.

Who is it tonight?Sister Li or Chicheng?

Opening the door, she found Dido in a maid outfit.

Although it was a maid outfit, but a strange thing protruded from its head, a bit like... a tree branch?

Dido carried a tray with a covered white porcelain bowl on top.

It's not very good to eat at night, but if it's soup, it's okay, although it's a little late, it's surprising that Dido would order it at this time.

"Master, I made chicken soup, why don't you try it?"

Dido's cooking skills are hard to describe, but if it's just soup, it should be okay, right?

She seems to be seen frequently in the kitchen lately.

"It's still playing like this."

"It's cold, it's more comfortable to drink a bowl of chicken soup to sleep."

Dido didn't know if she made an excuse, but the soup was ready and brought over, so Su Hao naturally wanted to taste it.

Open the lid of the bowl, and a fresh fragrance comes oncoming.

"It's very fragrant."

Su Hao immediately looked forward to it. Dido is actually good at crafting?

Thinking about it this way, I scooped it up and tasted it, and my thoughts suddenly disappeared.


Dido was full of anticipation: "Master, how is it?"

"Uh, it's hard to say."

How should I put it, the ingredients are good if you can drink it. Chicken is a good chicken, and there is no need to put any messy things in good ingredients, especially chicken soup, the original taste is very sweet.

But Dido is just...

Goji berry, red dates, longan...

Well, it’s pretty good, but by the way, is there too much salt?

And what's with the slightly bitter taste?

"It failed again." Dido was suddenly a little frustrated.

"Not bad, it's improved a lot from last time, come on." Su Hao smiled and said, "It's already in the drinkable range."

Su Hao continued to drink soup, Dido blinked and watched.

If it was before, she would have stopped Su Hao.

After all, it is simply a maid's dereliction of duty to let the master drink something that is not on the table.

However, she didn't come here as a maid tonight, so it's okay to be a little willful, right?

After a while, Su Hao drank up the soup.

A warm feeling spreads through the body.

"Yes, keep going, I believe you can do better."

"Well, master, don't worry, Dido will definitely make chicken soup that satisfies the master."

After finishing speaking, Dido became a little shy again. She stood up and moved to the spacious place beside her, with her head slightly lowered, her cheeks flushed, and she seemed hesitant to speak.

Su Hao suddenly felt a little puzzled: "What's wrong?"

"That...Master, Dido didn't come here tonight to bring you chicken soup."


Dido suddenly took off her shoes and climbed onto Su Hao's bed, then slowly took off her maid outfit.

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