Red ribbons wrapped her entire body.

From top to bottom, no breasts, abdomen, thighs, even underwear!

I saw her squatting down, squatting on the bed, holding her legs with her hands, and slightly lowering her head, so that the 'twig' on her head swayed in front of Su Hao's eyes.

"Master, please taste the apples on Christmas Eve."


PS: 12 o'clock, rush!

Chapter 422 Why Was It Exposed?

The day of Christmas starts with a wonderful morning.

It snowed a lot last night, and it rained in the middle of the night. Everyone could hear the crackling sound clearly.

I have to say that the weather here in Lingshui City is changing really fast, especially the temperature has plummeted in the past few days, but for the ship girls, although summer is very beautiful, in winter, the port area is covered with silver and everywhere It's all snowy and the sights are quite nice.

For Christmas, I have been preparing for a long time recently. At this time, when the ship girls woke up in the morning, not only the ship girls preparing breakfast, but also many ship girls came out one after another.

The dresses I bought from Ming include long ones, short ones, thin ones and thick ones. Although the mother of the ship is not afraid of the cold, it is impossible to rush out wrapped in a cloth in winter, right?Although it's not so exaggerated, but everyone understands, can things in Ming's place be simple?

Thin clothes are of course not good, but thick ones are fine. For example, the one St. Louis picked up is a red Japanese style suit with pure white plush on the back.And Chicheng's is similar, it's not that less fabric is good-looking, although less fabric is really good-looking, what is it called?What I wear is artistic conception.

This is not something that all girls can wear. For example, little girls can't do it, and Oupai's mediocre ones. If you can't see the peak from the side, then it's better to wear less fabric.

It was Christmas morning, and at this time, many ship girls came down from the dormitory one after another.

It was rare for Saratoga to get up early, and she became unrestrained in the group.

Sister-in-law Sara: "@All members wake up!!"

But it was of no use for her to shout.

Victory: "Sarah, what are you doing so loudly, you are not an administrator."

But I: "That's right, little Gaga, you should have a picture bombing."

Portland: "There is Shitu!? Where is it?"

Saratoga posted a lot of pictures, all of them playing with Lexington on the beach, and they were all in swimsuits.

Atago: "Shizuto, hurry up!"

Marriage Ship Assaulter: "???"

Sister-in-law Sarah was silenced by the wedding ship raiders for 1 hour.

Sister bride: "Don't brush pictures early in the morning."

Sister-in-law Sarah was lifted by her sister's bride.

Marriage Ship Amagi: "Everyone, Merry Christmas~"

Marriage enterprise: "merry christmas!"

What follows is a slice of emojis celebrating Merry Christmas.

Firefly: "Sister Richelieu, can you bring Santiago in?"

It was a part-time job before, so Su Hao and the others didn't bring Santiago in.

[Ding~ sister, the bride invited Santiago to join the chat group. 】

Santiago: "Huh? Where is this?"

Portland: "@San Diego welcomes newcomers, newcomers burst into photos, give out red envelopes!"

Vicious: "Red envelope, red envelope~"

Santiago, a member of the group, sent an ordinary red envelope.

Portland received your red envelope.

Xi Li received your red envelope.

Hood received your red envelope.


Portland: "Wow! It's really posted, and it's a lot, I grabbed more than 30 yuan!"

Tartu: "I grabbed 52.15."

Your red envelope will be snatched within 30 seconds.

Sister bride: "San Diego, how much money did you send? Why are there so many red envelopes?"

Marriage Ship Tiancheng: "A total of 1323.17, it is generally impossible to send out a few cents in red envelopes, right? I suspect that she sent out all the money in the card."

St. Louis: "Impossible? There's only so little money in the card? It must be the change in the chat software... It's not right, the change can't be so little."

Everyone: "..."

St.Louis was silenced for 3 minutes by the wedding ship Amagi.

Sister Bride: "What's going on @SanDiego?"

Santiago: "Hey hey~ It seems that I accidentally made a mistake and sent out all the money in the card. It reminded me that I can send so much at most. I thought it was something, hehe~"

Sister bride: "@All Members, please return the money you received to Santiago."

Santiago: "No, no, it's a red envelope anyway. How can I return a holiday gift? It's okay, this is friendship, hehe~ I'm so smart, I'm very happy to think so."

Sister-in-law Sara: "It's all because Portland said they want to give out red envelopes."

Xi Li: "rua! Thank you for the red envelope! You can go buy delicious food!"

The sister bride sent an exclusive red envelope.

Sister bride: "@San Diego Come, it can be regarded as a gift for you from the big family in the port area."

Santiago received the red envelope - 1888.

Sister-in-law Sara: "Fools are blessed with fools."

Portland: "Blessed are fools."

Firefly: "Fools are blessed with fools."




Victory: "Interrupt the repetition, Santiago is a pure and good boy."

Chokai: "Yes, Santiago trains hard and is simple. He is a good example for all the little girls."

Firefly: "She almost brought down the Christmas tree yesterday."

Vockland: "She ate vegetables yesterday, but was chased out by the sister of the attacker with a kitchen knife."

Hu Ti: "She acts stupid every day."

Everyone began to count Santiago's crimes in detail.

However, as the eldest sister of the port area, Richelieu still affirmed the title of San Diego's good boy.

Xiao Beifa: "Well... Has any of you seen Sister Dido? There is no one in her room, and she didn't reply to the message I sent just now."

Xiao Guanghui: "I didn't see it, it's so strange, I should have woken up earlier at this time before."

Atago: "@婚船维多 Are you in the commander's room?"

Admin sister Bride withdrew member Atago's message.

Sister Bride opened the entire silence.


A beautiful day starts from Dido's gentle hometown.

When I woke up, I didn't know what time it was, and my body was so lazy that I really didn't want to move. Although I wasn't afraid of the cold, it was uncomfortable. As expected, it was the most comfortable to be warm in winter.

Then, the cold wind blows in winter, and you can hear the whining wind from the balcony from here. The cold wind is biting, and only naizi can warm people's hearts.

So Su Hao chose warmth.

People are not judged by appearances, of course Su Hao is aware of this. In fact, he knows that Dido is very oppressive, and he can tell it when he gets along with each other. However, the truth is still beyond Su Hao's expectations.

It's not very big, but it's very big. After breaking away from the shackles of the clothes, what escaped Su Hao's field of vision was a pair of translucent red jade beads.

Milky milky white, where did the word come from?Those who have met Sister Li, those who have seen Chicheng, it is true, the ancients did not deceive me.

Milky and milky white, round and full shape, one full grip is not enough, two full grips, full of meat, full and soft Q-bomb, it feels heavy when held.

A day of Christmas starts from Dido's gentle hometown.

At this time, Su Hao put his arms around her, hugged her gently, and woke up, both of them, but Su Hao didn't want to wake up, so did Dido, the maid was waiting for the master's first order after getting up in the morning.

Last night was crazy for a long time, with the sound of wind and rain, and the falling of ice cones hanging from the branches, there was a crackling sound. In the morning, the heavy snow turned into small snow seeds, and the crackling is still ringing outside.

"What time is it?" Su Hao closed his eyes and asked lazily.

Dido was hugged by him, and at this moment she could only stretch her hand out of the quilt to get the phone.

"Master, it's 7:20, do you want to get up?"

How can a mere maid overstep?

Being blessed by the master, Dido was so crazy last night that she was a little worried that Su Hao's body would not be able to bear it. It would be good to sleep a little longer if possible, but today is Christmas, so it is a little troublesome.

The news in the group kept beating, some of which belonged to Aite, and Xiao Beifa sent her privately, Dido didn't reply to any of them.

"Sleep for another five minutes." Su Hao said.

Dido put down the phone.

Hugging Dido at this moment, the two of them don't have any strands on their bodies, and the friction between the smooth skin feels a little itchy, which is very comfortable.

Aware of this, Dido twisted her body lightly, the movement was small but just right.

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