Su Hao climbed the peak with his hands, holding the heavy fruit in his hands, as if he controlled the whole world.

Drunk on the knees of a beautiful woman, wake up and take control of the world.

Su Hao never thought of taking power in the world. At this moment, he just wants to hold Dido in his arms and sleep quietly for a few minutes, um, the kind without any evil thoughts.

However, I don't want to think about it in my heart, but my body is very honest.

Finally, Su Hao opened his eyes, and stopped Dido's act of wiping the gun.

"Okay, you are awkward, I can't stand it if you continue."

A maid who can be serious and flirtatious is really unbearable.

"If the master wants to, Dido can do it anytime."

"Forget it." Su Hao shook his head with a serious face: "Christmas is such an important holiday, you should get up early."

You must know that the port area has been preparing for a long time for today, um, I can't keep other ship girls waiting for a long time.

When you meet in the morning, you want to say 'Merry Christmas' and show the gentlest smile to the girls.

Thinking of this, Su Hao casually picked up his phone and looked at it.

All under ban.


Su Hao: "What's the situation?"

The group owner lifts the mute mode for all.

Su Hao: "@All Members Good morning, everyone, Merry Christmas!~"

However, after sending it out for a while, there is still no reply.

what happened?

Didn't you get up early in the morning?

Su Hao scrolled up the chat history, but he didn't seem to find anything strange. At most, Xiao Beifa asked where Dido was, but no one answered.

By the way, what did Sister Li withdraw?

Sister bride: "Ahem~Xiao Hao, Merry Christmas."

Marriage Enterprise: "Commander, Merry Christmas."

In order to avoid Su Hao being outrageous, the wedding couples responded to him one after another.

Su Hao scratched his head, why are there only these few people?

"Master..." Dido slumped on the bed, holding the game and looking at him, her eyes full of worry, "I have an ominous premonition."


Just as he was talking, there was a sudden sound of dense footsteps outside the room.

Bang Bang Bang!


Saratoga yelled, and then there was a voice in the group.

Sister-in-law Sara: "Dido, Dido! We know you are inside, come out quickly!!"

Hu Ti: "Diduo, Dido, let go of that commander and let me do it!"

Xili: "rua! Dido Dido."

Firefly: "Dido Dido."

Santiago: "Although I don't know what's going on, rush to the duck, Dido Dido!!"

Su Hao was stunned.

Violent, exposed?


PS: keep going~

Chapter 423 Kaga, Tosa 【Reward Added】

Good day from... well, well, that doesn't matter.

Although it's really great to hold Dido's warm and fragrant arms, but Su Hao's head got big when he was disturbed by a group of little kids in the end. How did he get exposed?

But it's okay to be exposed, the marriage ship Dido, this is recognized by everyone, and now it's nothing more than a closer relationship.

It's just that Dido is somewhat embarrassed to make this kind of thing public.

The mere maid is sorry, she was not with her on important festivals, so Su Hao could only start today's work with his cute little Beifa in his arms.

Although the party started at night, he still had a lot of things to do during the day.

Bake a cake.

It’s not easy to make this stuff in advance. Although the temperature is low now, it’s fine to leave it for a day or two, but it’s better to eat it fresh.

"Master, let me help you."

Xiao Beifa stood beside him very obediently.

It is not an easy task to make cakes for dozens of people in the port area and for dozens of ships.

Not long after, Su Hao's two apprentices - Shengli and Kewei came over.

The two got Su Hao's true biography. Although their skills are still far behind, they are both proficient in one or two things, and they can do it well.

"My sister came with Hood later, and George V went to find Hao, and they will do it too. Although they eat a lot, they cook well. Xili doesn't know anything, and she eats the most." Shengli said to Su Hao.

"Xili is a child."

"Children?" Shengli tilted his head and looked over, meaning to say, 'You call such a child? '.

Kewei laughed immediately: "Then Santiago is also a child, little Gaga is going to cry."

Su Hao was speechless: "What, be serious, don't persecute Sister Sara all the time."

"Sister Sara, Sister Sara, are you missing Sister Lexington?" Shengli asked.

"No way, she is not from our port area."

"I don't think it's from the port area. I recently saw a sentence called 'Eat what's in the bowl and look at what's in the pot', right? Commander, you must have thought about it."

Shengli is a smart and supportive girl, how could such a thing be hidden from her?

Kewei went on to say: "And Helena, Helena doesn't want to leave now, Commander, please work harder, go to Cleveland and St. Louis to enjoy the pillow, if they help, it will definitely be fine."

Su Hao said seriously: "What are you talking about? Am I that kind of person? Even if I'm fishing for a boat, I have to rely on my sincerity."

Shengli squinted: "I don't know whose room Dido was in this morning."

"Ahem~ I won't talk about it beforehand, um... you two, make some cookies, and I'll do the rest."

"Then there are many more, Commander, can you do it?"

"How can a man say no?"

Kewei laughed: "That's right, Sister Shengli, you can try it with the commander and see if he is still bragging."

"Looking for a fight!" Shengli blushed and raised his hands to beat Kewei, "Why don't you try?"

"I want to try it too, but Miss Shengli, you and the commander have kissed each other, don't you mind going a step further? How about I tell Miss Guanghui?"

The secret was discovered by his sister-in-law, Su Hao was dumbfounded and pretended not to hear.

Shengli's face was flushed, and he secretly glanced at Su Hao a few times.

Xiao Beifa blinked her eyes, feeling that the adult's topic was so difficult to understand, what the hell were they talking about?What to try?

If it's a kiss, you can do it yourself, right?

Thinking of this, she saw two figures coming from the kitchen.

"Sister Guanghui, Sister Hood."

Shining and Hood came to help.

As two people who drink tea every day, they still have a lot of experience in snacks, but they are not proficient, so it is no problem to help out.

"What style does the commander want?"

"What do you like, Hood?"

"Hmm... macaron, how about it?"

"Okay, I will do this."

"Really?" Hood smiled, "The commander is really reliable."

"Haha~ small meaning, small meaning."

Beside, Kewei suddenly said: "Sister, Sister Shengli has something to tell you."

Victory stared: "No!"

Kewei covered her mouth and snickered, she had already grasped the weakness of Victory.

Guanghui was slightly puzzled, what happened to the two girls?

"Make some macarons, make some cookies, tiramisu and castella, whatever style, and finally make a super-sized cake, be more domineering, and put a Santa Claus on it."

"Is there enough time to do this?" Guanghui was a little skeptical, "Commander, there is still gingerbread left."

"Waiting for Hao to come over and ask her to do it. I asked her just now, and she will do it."

There is a clear division of labor in the port area, but when it comes to dim sum, Su Hao, as a pastry master, of course has to show his skills.

In case some ship girls always think that they can only eat and drink, and show them their hands, the little guy will come over every day to find what he wants to eat, and then he can... Hehehe... Ah bah!You can play with them.

Thinking of this, Su Hao's phone rang.

"Xiao Hao, I suddenly thought of it. Do you want to invite Pennsylvania to come over? Atlanta has already said that we will spend Christmas together. She is now our ship girl in the port area. What about Pennsylvania? I think I can try it."

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