"Uh." Hearing Sister Li's suggestion, Su Hao responded: "Okay, you can call and ask. It's not convenient for me now. You can tell her that I invite you."

Pennsylvania still takes good care of the port area and has been doing her duty. Su Hao has a good impression of her.

It would be the best if it can be brought to the port area, but, Su Hao felt that the port area maritime safety bureau in Lingshui City was not divided, and the division was so clear that it was unfamiliar.

"Okay, yes, we need Wujiang Maritime Safety Bureau."


"Duke of York, don't you have a good relationship with her?

"Me? Have a good relationship?" Su Hao was stunned for a moment, "Is there?"

To be reasonable, I don't seem to have spoken a few words with the Duke of York, so how can I have a good relationship?

"Yes, um, let me invite you by the way."

Su Hao was speechless, Sister Li, as long as you are happy.

"Also, when the counterattack was in our port area some time ago, I thought about it for a long time. I sent an invitation the day before yesterday, and she said she would come if she could."

"Counterattack... well, come on."

"I asked her to bring the Prince of Wales with her. If she is alone, she should not come."

Su Hao: "..."

So, Sister Li, you drunkard doesn't mean to drink, the intention is too obvious!

But having said that, the Duke of York, the Prince of Wales, plus George V and Howe at home, the George V-level sisters are all together.

"I also sent an invitation to Yixian, but she seems to be busy. It's the end of the year, and the Maritime Safety Administration has a lot of evaluation activities, which is a pity."

Su Hao: ? ? ?

So Miss Li, what do you want to do?

"Okay Xiaohao, I'll contact Pennsylvania first, that's all."

After hanging up the phone, Su Hao shook his head helplessly.

"What's wrong?" Guanghui asked.

"It's nothing, Sister Li wants to add a baby to the family."

After finishing speaking, feeling the strange eyes of the ship girls around, Su Hao hurriedly explained: "I am looking for someone, Pennsylvania and the Duke of York, even notified the counterattack side, if she informs Iris Kingdom and Chongying again, The family joint meeting is about to be held in advance."

"Eh? Didn't the two sides notify you a long time ago? Didn't Richelieu tell you?" Hood said in surprise, "I seem to have said it when we drank tea together last time. Do you remember Guanghui?"

"Well, she did."

Su Hao: ? ? ?

So you all know, but I, the Patriarch, don't know that someone is coming to my house?


Sister Li notified many people, and she was taken aback, and then called her to ask her, saying that she wanted to surprise herself.

Su Hao was helpless immediately, the surprise was indeed a surprise, but a little bit surprised.

The iris country, anyway, has been peaceful recently. Sister Li means that she will come over at the beginning of the year anyway, and ten days and a half months in advance is not a big problem. As for the heavy cherry, it is said that there are surprises, but I don’t know what surprises are.

Then in the afternoon, Chi Chengxing came to look for Su Hao in a hurry.

"Commander!~ My sister is coming!"

The younger sister that Akagi mentioned was of course Kaga, and Su Hao smiled and said, "That's great, has the matter with Sakura been resolved?"

"Yeah, Kaga is here now, she's coming soon, Commander, let's go to the pier to meet her o(*~︶~*)o"

Kaga is back, of course we should pay attention to it, Su Hao asked others to continue making this snack here, and then came to the pier with Chicheng.

It has been snowing for a few days, and the sea breeze blows the air-conditioning. The beach is all white and bright along the road, not to mention that the picture is very beautiful.

It's just that compared to the past, no matter how beautiful the scenery is, without the scenes of girls playing in the water, it will not be so beautiful immediately.

After waiting for a while, two figures appeared on the sea in the distance.

"Wait, who else is Kaga?"

Akagi showed an unexpected deep smile: "Commander, you will find out later, Kaga has become stronger this time."

In the distance, two figures sailed over.

"The one who looks dumb is my sister, your commander?"

"That's Miss Akagi's commander, not mine."

"Oh? Tiancheng's follower... Well, sister, don't look at me with such terrible eyes, at least I don't call her that when I'm with you. By the way, I heard that this commander is a bit special? "

"Well, to fight the siren with a human body."

"Huh? I'm interested if you say that."

"My sister told me. It's a secret. Don't tell others."

"I will remember."

On the sea, the two slowly approached the pier, landed, and then came to Su Hao and Chi Cheng.

"Kaga." Akagi called with a smile, "Welcome back, hehe~ You have become even stronger."

Kaga nodded slightly, "Living up to my sister's expectations."

"Welcome back." Su Hao smiled kindly at the two of them, "Kaga, and this is..."

Beside Kaga, a sexy girl with silver-gray hair stepped forward and came to Su Hao.

Her imposing manner was very strong, and there was an undisguised arrogance and pride in her eyes.

"You are the commander of Amagi? I am the second ship of the Kaga class, Tosa. I only serve people I like. As for you——I heard from my sister that you are very powerful and can compete with the Sirens? I don't know. Can you stop my naval gun? If you can satisfy me, I don't mind joining your port area with my sister!"

Su Hao: ? ? ?

Tosa said loudly: "Human commander, fight with me, defeat me, and I will be at your disposal for the rest of my life!"

Su Hao: ? ? ?

So, so what is going on with this wave?


PS: continue~

Chapter 424 Human vs Ship Girl? [Reward plus more]

Although Su Hao has been very confident in his body so far, after all, even if he fights with Sister Li, he can fight like a match.

But if you really want to talk about the confrontation with the ship's mother and the siren, it seems that it has never happened in the video.

After all, this situation cannot be casually told to outsiders. If the Maritime Safety Administration finds out, it is likely that I will ask myself to be a guinea pig.

And on the other hand, if a human can dismantle a battleship with bare hands, no matter how you think about it, you think there is a problem, right?

At this moment when Tosa said this, Akagi immediately looked at Kaga angrily: "Why did you tell her?"

In order to make Kaga stay, Su Hao was exaggerated.

In fact, when she and Jiahe met Su Hao for the first time, they found that something was wrong with Su Hao. Akagi, who communicated deeply, is obviously much clearer.

Her own commander is very powerful, even if she is attacked by a siren, she will be fine. She just knew this, and then went to tell Kaga that after all, if he wants the latter to stay in the port area, Su Hao must get her approval.

Being able to become a 'strong man' recognized by her is the key to keeping Kaga.

However, Chicheng had told Kaga not to tell it, it was related to Su Hao's secret, so Chicheng would be a little angry.

"Don't blame my sister." Tosa waved his hand, "Actually, you know it too, right? My sister's situation now is different from before."

Su Hao was suddenly curious: "What's wrong with Kaga?"

Tosa asked back, "Why do you think I called her Miss Kaga?"


Isn't it because you are sister ships?

Um?and many more.

Sister ship?

Akagi and Kaga are sister ships, and Akagi is an aircraft carrier, so Kaga is also an aircraft carrier.

Kaga and Tosa are sister ships, and Tosa is a battle line, so Kaga is also a battle line.


Su Hao was a little stunned. It stands to reason that Tosa should call Kaga BB his older sister.

"It seems that you understand a little bit." Tosa smiled, "That's right, just as you imagined, the current Kaga-sister is a miraculous existence that combines an aircraft carrier and a battle line, so Kaga-sister can say It’s a battle line, or an aircraft carrier, so it’s not wrong for me to call her sister.”

Ah, wait, wait a minute, girl, I don't understand at all, okay, what do I think?I don't even know it myself!

Su Hao sorted out his thoughts.

In the previous Kaga, there were two existences of aircraft carriers and battleships due to different concepts.

At the beginning, Amagi once said that when this concept merged into one, it might be the time when Kaga changed back.

Is it a bit ridiculous?Guayou dare not set it like this, okay?

But with the facts in front of him, Su Hao had no choice but to believe it.

It is precisely because of the influence of Kaga, that he told the secret of Akagi's exhortation. After all, Tosa is also his closest sister to Kaga.

Of course, when she said that, it was obvious that she wanted Su Hao to get Tosa's approval.

This point is also influenced by the aircraft carrier Kaga, because she definitely wants to be with Akagi forever.

And Akagi wants to be with Amagi forever, Amagi has an influence on Zhanlie Kaga...

Well, well, the relationship is a bit messy, but at least for now, if Tosa can get approval, then Kaga and the two will most likely join the Minato area as free ship girls.

Once you figure this out, other things don't matter.

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