"Okay." Su Hao looked at Tosa, "I accept your challenge."


Chicheng is in a hurry, no matter how powerful a human being is... no, it has nothing to do with this, no matter how powerful Su Hao is, Chicheng doesn't want to see him fight.

Fighting means danger, and Chicheng has no idea.

"Commander, I am your ship's wife, let me fight on your behalf."

"No, don't worry, I'll be fine."

Su Hao smiled, it might be better to say that he also felt eager to try.

Take this opportunity to test yourself, how far you can do it, so that you can have a bottom line in your mind in the future, right?

Tosa hesitated and said, "Did you really agree? Let me tell you first that I won't show mercy once you start fighting. In fact, you are human and can be recognized by me in other ways, such as... um, kendo, do you know kendo? "

"will not."

"What about fighting skills?"

"I haven't practiced at all."

"Have you ever gotten into a fight?"

"He has been a good boy since he was a child."

Tosa: "..."

She looked skeptical.

Isn't this a weak chicken?So you want to fight me?

"Come on, come on." Su Hao urged, there was no one around, and the officer would not be found out, so he jumped directly onto the sea.


Both Tosa and Kaga were a little surprised, but Akagi already knew about it.

"It's interesting." Tosa looked at Akagi, "Your commander is really going to fight, what should we do? If you stop it, then forget it, and it doesn't matter if you don't fight, anyway, I stayed well in Sakura."

"Sister..." Kaga hesitated for a moment.

Chicheng looked at Su Hao, who made an OK gesture.

"I trust the commander, but...if you hurt him, I'll tear you apart."

Tosa: "..."

Do you want to fight this?

She was a little hesitant for a while, and beat someone's commander in a port area. Although she was confident and arrogant enough, she was not stupid. If she really wanted to hurt Su Hao, she might not be able to get out of this port area.

Thinking of this, Tosa looked at Kaga again.

"Come on, since Commander Su Hao has agreed, he must be sure, don't worry."

Tosa opened his mouth, wanting to say sister, if something happens later, it's not you who will be demolished.

But, um, Kaga-san shouldn't lie.

In the deep sea area, Su Hao and Tosa stood face to face.

"How do you fight? You don't have a ship, and you don't have weapons, so you can only be beaten."

Su Hao smiled and said, "Don't worry, I have weapons."

Tosa sized up Su Hao, but didn't see where the weapon was.

Is it hidden in clothes?

Some powerful anti-ship weapon?

"Should I put on a practice bomb?"

"If this is the case, you will find a reason when you lose."

"I will lose?" Tosa frowned.

Forget it, why think so much, let's talk about it after calling.


Following Kaga's order, Tosa immediately launched his ship and aimed at Su Hao.

Instead of using the main cannon, she used the machine gun to sweep around Su Hao's position, trying to find out the truth.

To her surprise, all the bullets fired by the machine gun were blocked by an invisible barrier.

"Huh!? What?"

"Tosa, your attack is very lacklustre. With such little strength, you still call yourself a battleship?"

Su Hao leisurely stood where he was and smiled.

Tosa ate the ridicule.

She is a straight-tempered type, and she is competitive. How can a human being taunt her like this?

I have no energy?Let you see how strong I am!

Thinking like this, Tosa aimed at the main gun, and fired a round of hot shells at Su Hao.

Battleship straddle, in a 1v1 situation, even experienced ship girls are not so easy to hit people.

Su Hao could have avoided it, but when he saw the naval guns coming, he felt that it was unnecessary.


The shells fell, and there was a violent explosion.

Thick smoke billowed, drowning everything around.

"Commander!!" Akagi stared nervously.

The sea breeze blows past, blowing away the gunpowder smoke.

Su Hao stood on the sea unscathed, looking at Tosa with his arms crossed.

Sure enough, as he expected, although Tosa's attack was violent, it was completely within his tolerance range.

You must know that he was able to resist the existence of the siren big boss laser cannon long ago.

Compared with the cannons of the scavengers, Tosa's side is like sprinkling water.

Not to mention that after such a long period of growth, the power of the Black Rubik's Cube in his body has become stronger.

The more warships that are coherent, the more information Black Cube collects, and the greater the growth.

A mere Tosa, there is really nothing he can do about it.

"how is this possible!"

Tosa's eyes widened.

A human being took a head-on shot from her main gun, it's okay!

What, is this human?Even a siren wouldn't dare to act like this.

This is a siren, right?No, no, how come, where there are men in the Siren, how could the Siren be a human commander.

But how?

Just as she was thinking, she heard Su Hao's figure coming from a distance.

Even though it was so far away, it seemed to reach her ears with some kind of penetrating power.

"You're done attacking, now it's my turn."

Su Hao raised his hand, and mysterious stripes appeared in his hand, gradually converging into a gray spear.

"Be careful~"


Is this an anti-ship weapon?

Before it was too late to be surprised, Su Hao suddenly made a throwing motion.


The spear that pierced through everything flew from a distance, carrying an extremely large amount of energy and skimming over the sea surface, rolling up the sea water to form a waterspout.

Tosa hastily raised his ship to resist.

Boom! ~

Water splashed everywhere, and an irresistible impact hit the surface of the ship's suit, and there was only a crackling sound, and then the indestructible ship's suit on her body was shattered into countless pieces.

The force of the impact continued to knock her into the air, and she fell to the surface of the sea.

Akagi:? ? ?

Kaga: ...

Tosa:! !

Is this human power?

"you lose."

Su Hao floated over and looked at Tosa lying on the sea with an expression of disbelief.

The waves kept beating on her body, covering her body and hair. The clothes were wet, revealing the flesh color under the clothes. Tosa's clothes were very thin, and she was not afraid of the cold, but at this moment, she was haunted by a question.

I really lost to a human being.

At this moment, the sound of a series of carrier-based aircraft flying resounded in the sky.

Looking up, the carrier-based planes flying from the port area were hovering in the sky, and on the distant pier, there were already many ship girls coming towards this side.

Su Hao stretched out his hand towards Tosa, and said with a smile, "Tosa, welcome to join the port area."


PS: The 4 chapters are updated, and it’s the last day of the end of the month. If you still have votes, don’t forget to vote, and count the rewards when the time comes! !

I regret it a bit. I should not write about scientific research. I saw Shinano’s appearance and wrote directly how good it is to build. As long as the difficulty is increased, every country has this kind of unfinished or special hull. Ordinary people It’s fine if it can’t be built.I feel that the ship girl made by scientific research is a bit like a robot... Sigh~

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