Reward statistics

So far, the reward results are as follows:

Basic data: word count 116.8w, blade 4997, reward 26.65w

Current: word count 132.1w, blade 11022, reward 76.32w

Update word count 132.1-116.8=15.3w

Blade 11022-4997=6025

Reward 76.32-26.65=49.67w

The number of rewards converted into added words is 21.984w words, which is 22w words.

Excluding the 600 yuan I rewarded myself, I owe a total of 20.8w words for the reward.

Today’s has not been updated yet, so counting from the day when the reward was offered to yesterday, it took a total of 11 days. The basic update word count is 6000 words per day, which is 6.6w.

The number of words returned is 15.3-6.6=8.7w words.

So still owe 20.8-8.7=12.1w words

I still owe 12.1w words! !

In the future, I will not continue to offer rewards, and try my best to pay off the 12.1w words. During this period of time, there have been explosive changes, and everyone has seen it. Well, it is the last day of September, and everyone still has tickets and blades. Don't waste it, you vote, and I'll be in charge of making changes.

October is here, National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival, here I wish everyone a happy holiday in advance, rua!

Chapter 425 The next ring belongs to my sister!

At 12:25 pm on December 3, Kaga and Tosa joined Minato.

After hearing the explosion sound from outside the port area, the ship girls rushed out one after another.

Which short-sighted siren dares to come here to make a fuss on a big festival?

It turned out that after going out, it was not the siren but one of his own.

In fact, in the case of no enemy approaching, the drills of the ship girls in the port area can only be carried out with drill bombs. After all, artillery fire is not eye-catching, and it will be troublesome if you accidentally hit a passing ship.

But fortunately, it was just such a cannonball, and it didn't cause any trouble. When the girls came out, Su Hao explained that it was a salute to celebrate Kaga and Tosa joining the port area, but no one cared about it in the end.

At this time, everyone returned to the port area and dispersed again. Su Hao continued to go to the cafeteria to make the last little cake.

Here, Akagi led Kaga and the two to the courtyard to find Amagi.

Kaga kept looking left and right along the way, compared with the situation when she left, she was surprised by the changes here.

"It's really fast, I just left not long ago." She walked beside Chicheng and sighed: "Commander Su Hao is really an incredible person."

Akagi smiled and said, "Hehe~ is it still called the commander's name?"

Kaga looked into the distance, "I didn't say that Tosa joined Minato after losing."

"Ah, ah, Kaga, when did you become so dishonest? The commander's ability is obvious to all. Could it be that you can find a second human being who is better than him?"

Chicheng praised Su Hao for being unsparing. At this time, she looked at Kaga and said, "I've been waiting for you to come. After all, the battle inside the port area is not at all easier than outside."

Kaga was slightly puzzled: "The battle in the port area? Are there any lurking enemies coming in?"

"It's not necessarily true that they are the enemy. In short, Kaga, you must understand that this is a battle without gunpowder, and I need your help."

"What about Tiancheng?"

"My lord, she, oh~ It's too worrying to always look unhurried, but my lord is well-planned, so we don't have to worry about that."


Kaga didn't quite understand what Akagi was talking about.

Doesn't the port area look good?Why are you going to fight?

However, since she promised Chicheng before as long as Su Hao can get her approval, there is nothing to say now, after all, even Tosa has come in now.

Thinking of this, Kaga turned his head and glanced.

"Tosa, what are you thinking?"

"Ah? Sister, no, nothing."

Tosa shook his head, recovering from his distraction.

Akagi smiled coquettishly: "Are you shocked by the Commander? Hehe~ It's okay to worship, but don't fall in love with the Commander, otherwise I will have a headache because of your relationship with Kaga."

Although Kaga called her sister, Akagi didn't intend to recognize Tosa as a 'sister'. Sister ships are sisters. If they are not sister ships, they can be regarded as good sisters with a relatively good relationship in a port area.

"No, don't worry." Tosa lowered his head and stared at Bai Xue on the road.

The port area decorated with silver is much more beautiful than I imagined, and this port area is not bad.

The commander in the port area is also very good.

So, just stay here for a while and take a look.

After a while, the three of them entered the courtyard.

At this time, the interior of the courtyard has been decorated quite well by Lexington.

Christmas is here, and beautiful ribbons are hung here, creating a festive atmosphere.

The courtyard is ready for people to live in. After all, such a good place can't be left unused just because the meeting hasn't been held, can it?

In addition, the meeting was held in an open space in the middle of the courtyard, and a huge cherry blossom tree was transplanted on it. Unfortunately, everyone knows the appearance of cherry blossom trees in winter, and there is nothing to see...

Lexington plans to decorate a little bit when the time comes to make the place look spacious and comfortable.

In addition, an indoor room was specially prepared for backup. If it rained or snowed on the day of the meeting, they would come in. All in all, Lexington really worked hard to prepare for the meeting.

Sister Sara went crazy every day, and she no longer regards herself as a member of the Maritime Safety Administration.


Arriving at a room, Tiancheng drank tea and chatted with Enterprise and others.

Enterprise, Yorktown and hahahahahaman.

"Are you back at last?" Seeing them coming in, Tiancheng smiled slightly, "Just in time, I made some tea, you guys should come and have a cup too."

The three sat down in response.

Tosa's focus has been on business.

She had heard of the gray ghost all the time.

The strength of the opponent is something that all the ship girls in all countries have heard about.

Thinking of this, Tosa couldn't help clenching his fists, feeling excited.

There are so many powerful guys in this Minato area, it seems that I won't be lonely in the future.


Enterprise turned to look at her.

Then he smiled.

"Are you Tosa?"

Just now, someone in the group has informed that Kaga and Tosa have joined the Minato family.

"Well, are you an enterprise?"

"Yes." The enterprise smiled lightly, "Welcome to the port area."

"Thank you."

Here, Amagi also chatted with Kaga.

Now the two Kaga are merged into one, and the ideas no longer conflict. The combination of a battleship and an aircraft carrier is an example that has never appeared in the history of the ship's mother.

However, Jianniang was originally an elf that appeared from fantasy, and their birth was full of magic, so even if Su Hao was a little surprised before, he didn't care that much.

As long as Kaga is happy.

[Ding~ Akagi invites Kaga and Tosa to join the chat group. 】

Marriage Ship Akagi: "@All Members welcome new members."

Yudachi: "rua! Sister Kaga and Sister Tosa are finally here!"

z23: "Welcome, welcome, that... Lafite, when you come back, bring me a few bags of potato chips from Ming."

Ming: "No need meow, how much z23 do you want, I will send it over now meow!"

z23: "20 packs, and 10 bottles of Coke."

Ming: "Okay, meow, I'll be there in three minutes!"

Marriage Ship Chicheng: "Way, don't deviate from the topic."

Sister Bride: "Welcome to the new member @加赛@土萨"

Marriage Ship Tiancheng: "Hehe~ The port area has become more lively again."

Kaga: "Sister, your name...and Amagi, what are you guys?"

Marriage Ship Chicheng: "Hehe~ Don't be surprised, you will have it in the future."

Tosa: "Is Kaga-san going to become a wedding ship?"

Kaga: "???"

Atago: "Hmph! Impossible, the next ring is mine!"

Sister-in-law Sara: "That's right, Chicheng, don't talk nonsense, the next ring belongs to my sister!"

Kewei: "Yes, the next ring belongs to my sister!"

Victory: "The next ring is my sister's!"

Guanghui: "???"

Portland: "Why can't it belong to my sister? Woohoo~ Where are you, Indy sauce?"

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