Richelieu frowned, looked at her, and said nothing for a long time, "Huh?"


As a qualified royal hometown, it is reasonable to enjoy interesting boat life in spare time while achieving glory, right?

Think back, it's been really boring recently.

Of course, there is no harm if there is no comparison. I was playing crazy in this port area before, and after I got back, I stayed in the Maritime Safety Administration all day. The eldest sister of Wales didn’t go anywhere, it was boring.

These days, I have repeatedly talked about the Christmas party with the Prince of Wales. The Donghuang Maritime Safety Administration has been too busy recently to hold any party. Of course I would like to come if there is such a good opportunity to fight back, but the Prince of Wales has no idea.

It's easy to talk about it, and even invited Yixian to say, no, don't go, it's boring.

"The Duke of York is going too." The counterattack acted according to Richelieu's instructions, and she said, "Also, there is a George V in that port area, and there is a Howe, both of whom are sisters of the George V class. "

Having said that, the Prince of Wales finally decided to come and have a look.

"Huh? Where's Big Sister's head?"

Counter-attack, look left and right, and then notice a very eye-catching place in the hall, which can be seen at a glance as the gathering place of 'big ships', such as Glory, Victory, Formidable, Hood, George V, Howe and others Prestige, the Prince of Wales and the Duke of York are also there at this time.

She ran over immediately and heard the Prince of Wales speak.

"George V?"

At this time, the eldest brother looked at the eldest brother, and the two looked at each other, and the eldest brother laughed loudly.

"You are Wales? And you, the Duke of York."

The Duke of York nodded slightly, but did not speak.

"Ah, now we have all the sisters of the George V class." Guanghui smiled, "It's really a fate."

"Hee hee~ Sister, I remember there is also a Prince of Wales in the Royal Maritime Bureau, right?"

"Well, although they all inherited the will of the Prince of Wales battleship, the difference in appearance and personality is quite obvious."

Guanghui remembered that the Welsh character in the Royal Maritime Bureau was more forthright and generous, unlike the one in front of him who was always serious.

Originally, Guanghui was thinking about whether to introduce the Prince of Wales to George V, and the two might have a chat.

But seeing the Prince of Wales appear, Guanghui suddenly understood a little bit.

She looked at Richelieu who was chatting with Dunkirk in the distance, and she felt a little more admiration for the "sister bride" in this port area.

Really spare no effort.


The ship girls arrived at the banquet hall one after another, but the protagonist always appeared last.

"Master, wait a minute, the clothes are a bit messy."

"Master, the tail is a bit dirty here."

"Master, does this tuxedo still fit?"

Dido followed Su Hao along the way, taking care of his image, and then the two walked into the hall together, and the handsome, low-key and connotative protagonist appeared.

As soon as he entered, he heard Vockland complaining.

"Commander, so slow!"

"Sorry, it's a bit late." Su Hao smiled, "Have you started yet?"

"I'm still waiting for you, do you want to say a few words?" Richelieu walked over and said.

"Is there anything to talk about, I'm not good at this... Wait a minute, let's talk about it, it just happens to be something."

There is a microphone at the top of the hall. In fact, there is no need to say anything, after all, they are all 'insiders', but Su Hao remembered something, and walked up.

"Dido, bring that over here."

Dido followed behind, carrying a small bag in her hand.

The ship girls were curious and surrounded them one after another.

"Ahem~ what, Merry Christmas, everyone."

"Meryy christmas!" *N

Immediately, the ship girls shouted in unison as if they had rehearsed.

"Boring." The Prince of Wales put his hands on his chest, watching all this calmly.

She is the king at the banquet now. Of course, if it is a normal banquet, all the kings can be seen at this time. Even the eldest brother is under a lot of pressure.

"No, I think it's very interesting." Counterattack looked at the front without blinking.

"Well, Christmas is here. According to the custom, everyone gathers together. So far, I am very happy to be able to spend it with everyone. The development of this port area until now is inseparable from your contribution."

"I wanted to say something to thank so-and-so, but suddenly I felt that it was meaningless. I think this kind of official polite words should not appear in our port area, because everyone is a family, and the family supports and takes care of each other. It should have been right.”

"But in the end, I still want to say thank you. Thank you for trusting me so much and being by my side. In the past few days, many ship girls have asked me what my New Year's wishes are. In fact, I don't have any lofty ambitions or ideas. What I want to do It has never changed, that is to be happy with everyone every day and live a carefree life."

Before this, Su Hao didn't make any drafts at all, and he didn't plan to say anything at first, but now he was standing here, seeing the girls in front of him, all surrounded him, looking at him, Relying on him, my heart was suddenly moved.

In the game, I just raised the ship girls as paper wives. There are too many paper wives so far. Although I call my wife my wife, I have actually downplayed this feeling into a daily behavior in my heart.

Isn't it normal to see a beautiful two-dimensional girl called wife?

But here, now, this sentence of wife is not so easy to call out.

"Hee hee~ Commander seems to be about to cry."

"Ah? Commander is going to cry? Firefly, it's all your fault!"

"What are you blaming me for?"

"You made the Commander cry."

firefly:? ? ?

"The commander is not crying, the commander is obviously smiling."

"Crying and laughing, yellow dog pissing."

"Santiago, you are looking for a fight!"

Su Hao was a little touched, and wanted to cry with a smile. Then he calmed down, waved his hands and said, "Okay, um...that's it, Dido, take out your things."

"Good master." Dido, who was about to pass tissues to Su Hao, took out some beautiful cards from the small bag.

"Everyone should have one of these cards, as a Christmas card for yourself. You can write your wishes on them and hang them on the Christmas tree. Although it may not come true, I hope every wish will come true."


PS: continue~

Chapter 427 The Girls' Festival 【Reward Offer】

"rua! turkey turkey big turkey man man man man man San Diego go go go go!"

In the hall, after Su Hao asked everyone to hang the greeting cards on the Christmas tree, the banquet really started.

At this time, Santiago is wearing Christmas clothes, a Christmas girl, and is dragging two sleds behind her. Yuli stands on the sleds and drives Santiago to charge towards the turkey.

"Haha~ Commander is really a natural speaker, I was almost moved when I first came here."

Tosa stole two turkey legs at some point, one tray in each hand, and handed the other to Kaga.

"That's not a speech." Tiancheng smiled. "It's the expression of the Lord's true feelings. It is because of such feelings that everyone will stay by the Lord's side. This is also the Lord's personal charm."

"Oh? That's right, hehe~ No matter what, I'll find out later, at least in terms of ability, he is the most powerful human being I've ever seen."

Akagi squinted: "Have you seen any other humans who can fight with the ship's mother? Don't talk about those mortals with the commander?"

"Then what is it called? Immortals? Real men? Ancient gods?"

"Well, the man from Akagi... or something like that?"

Saying so, Amagi cast an inexplicable look at her.

Chicheng suddenly panicked, and shook his head hastily: "No, no, it should be the husband of Tiancheng and Chicheng sisters."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Kaga again, and said, "Amagi and Akagi are the husbands of Kaga sisters."

Tosa tilted his head: "What about me? Miss Kaga is your sister, isn't she my sister?"

"Tch~" Akagi clicked his tongue in displeasure. Even so, there was nothing he could do. He should have considered Kaga's feelings, so he said, "The husbands of sisters Amagi and Akagi and sisters Kaga and Tosa? It seems a bit too long. .”

Tosa: "It's okay."

Amagi and Kaga: "..."


Here, Su Hao walked towards Richelieu.

At this time, Dunkirk was here with Triumph and Surcouf. The two girls hadn't seen Richelieu for a long time, and they were talking excitedly. Then Richelieu noticed Su Hao and looked this way.

"Commander Su Hao, hello."

Kaixuan put his hands together in front of him very politely. Su Hao in front of him was elegant and lovely.

Looking at Kaixuan in this way, with his delicate little face and well-behaved and hard-working personality, he looks a bit like Forban, and Su Hao immediately thought of viciousness.

These two guys should be regarded as sister ships, they are also Utopia class, why is there such a big difference?

I really want to see how their eldest sister teaches their younger sisters.

"Hee hee~ Good evening, Commander." Shukuf waved his hand with a smile.

Triumph, Shukuf, Triumph is a destroyer, you can tell at a glance, Shukuf is... Wait, wait, girl, your European school has caught up with Sister Li, are you really a submarine?

Oh, U47 is about the same, that's fine.

Melon tour, destroyers plus bombardment, cruisers plus lightning strikes, big ships are small, small ships are big, traditional arts.

After responding to the two of them, Su Hao turned to Dunkirk and said with a smile, "Hi, boss."

"Ah~ Employee Su Hao, long time no see." Dunkirk pursed his lips lightly, and said with a smile, "Did you miss the boss?"

"Uh, of course I thought about it, as well as the other people in Iris Kingdom, I haven't seen them for a long time."

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