Thinking of Dunzi, thinking of Dunzi, it's better not to say it too obviously, is there something wrong with Sister Li's eyes?

"Speaking of which, Barr and the others didn't come."

"Hehe~ They are worried that there will be no return. After all, the Iris Kingdom still needs manpower."


There was obviously something in Dunkirk's words, but Su Hao pretended not to understand.

"Xiao Hao, go say hello to the Prince of Wales and the others, they are guests." Richelieu said suddenly.

"Well, then I'm over."

He is a guest from afar, so of course Su Hao, as the host, wants to entertain him.

As soon as he left, Dunkirk suddenly complained: "They are guests, so am I not? I still want to talk to Su Hao."

Richelieu said blankly: "Is there anything to talk about, haven't we talked enough before?"

"Hee hee~Of course I haven't talked enough. I was in the cake shop for a long time, Richelieu, I found that I really like Su Hao, and I feel very happy chatting with him."

Richelieu: "..."

"Hey, Richelieu, do you think I like Su Hao?"

"You think too much, illusion."

Richelieu doesn't care if you are a good sister of Iris Kingdom, she only knows that Dunkirk's temperament is too unpredictable, Su Hao will definitely suffer if he is with her.

"is it?"

Dunkirk smiled without arguing.

On the side, Triumph and Surcouf looked at each other, wondering about the unknown atmosphere surrounding Richelieu and Dunkirk.

Hasn't the relationship between the two of you always been good?


Su Hao came to the large royal scene with a wine glass in his hand.

The light of the big ship is eye-catching no matter where it goes, even in such a dazzling environment in the port area, the royal team composed of Guanghui and others seems to have become a beautiful scenery at the banquet at this time.

This scenery is so dazzling that a certain aircraft carrier with a regrettable figure regards this place as a forbidden area, with a radius of 30 meters, and he will not approach it if he is killed.

However, the hall is so big that now it can only hide in a corner to avoid the dazzling light.

"Commander~" As soon as he approached, Hood waved at him, "This way."

Su Hao walked over, greeted the Prince of Wales and the Duke of York, then counterattacked and looked at him eagerly, raised his hand, and continued to eat with a smile until Su Hao called her name.

The Prince of Wales has the majesty of a big brother as in the impression, but the Duke of York seems a little familiar. No, she and Su Hao are already very familiar, even though they only met a few times, and the conversations were even rarer.

But a few times is considered very familiar, right?When you see Atago enters the soul, and then Santiago kills him directly, if you think about it this way, um, you are already familiar enough.

"Hehe~ Commander Su Hao, you kidnapped the other two, no, three generals, don't you want to say something?" The Duke of York said, shaking his wine glass.

"Isn't this inviting you to come to the banquet?" Su Hao spread his hands, "We are waiting for you to eat and drink. If you want anything else, just say it."

"Yu doesn't have any requirements. How about if you take three of Yu and you alone, and transfer George V to Wujiang Maritime Safety Bureau?"

Before Su Hao said anything, King George V immediately shook his head: "I'm not working in the Maritime Safety Administration, as good as it is now, after finishing the work every day, the rest is my free time with Hao, go shopping and eat something, and then participate in the Let’s take a look at the tea party held by Guanghui, how comfortable it is.”

If the eldest sister is big, Hao certainly agrees.

"Yes, life is good now, my sister and I like it."

The Duke of York sighed slightly: "That's really a pity."

George V immediately laughed: "Why don't you come to our port area, what's the use of being a bad director of the Maritime Safety Administration? Come here and let the commander arrange a patrol captain for you."

Su Hao: "..."

Hey, hey, brother, take it easy, he is the chief of the Bagui District, how do you compare with the captain of our patrol team in the port area?Is it too much?

Unexpectedly, the Duke of York lightly brushed his lips with his index finger, and said lightly at the corner of his mouth: "It seems to be a good suggestion."

"Haha~ yeah, yeah."

George V is crazy, and the Duke of York is also crazy. Should we say that they are sisters?

But the Duke of York is just talking, even if she leaves from the Maritime Safety Administration, her identity is not that simple.

It will take a long time to solve the work handover problem alone.

On the side, Counterattack looked at the joyful atmosphere of the scene, opened his mouth, and looked at the Prince of Wales again, hesitant to speak, then hesitant, he thought about it for a while, and finally forgot what to say.

And the Prince of Wales didn't say much from the beginning to the end. He ate steak and turkey, and tasted red wine from time to time. Only when George V spoke, she would pay a little attention. As for Su Hao, she saw a lot of handsome guys, so she didn't care too much. Rare.


Sitting in the corner of the hall, Lexington couldn't help sighing.

"What's the matter?" There were several people in St. Louis sitting beside her, at this moment Helena asked with some doubts: "Aren't you happy Christmas?"

"No." Lexington shook his head, "It's just that the preparations for the joint meeting have finally come to an end, so I'm relieved."

Speaking of this, Helena immediately apologized, "I'm really sorry, you've been busy all this time, and I haven't been able to help you much."

"It's nothing, idle is idle anyway."

"Ah~ Lexington, don't be so depressed." St. Louis got a paper fan from somewhere, and smiled while folding the fan: "How about enjoying the atmosphere of the port area when you put down your work once in a while?"

"Hey~ That's right, besides work, there are many happy things." Cleveland said with a smile, "Don't you see that Saratoga has a lot of fun every day?"


Lexington didn't know what to say.

She is a little worried now, with a playful character like Saratoga, now that she has tasted the sweetness in the port area, she probably doesn't want to go back.

What if Saratoga doesn't want to go when this joint meeting is over?

Thinking of this, she glanced at Helena.

"Helena, when do you plan to go back?"

"Eh? Me?"

"Helena won't go back, stay with us and live in the house built in St. Louis." Cleveland said.

Helena blinked her eyes, looking at Lexington with embarrassment.

If he doesn't go back, that's what Cleveland has always said before. Although St. Louis didn't say anything, he didn't object, so it's a tacit agreement.

Helena was actually a little tangled up, she didn't even think about it, and then Cleveland kept chattering in her ear, making her feel in a mess.

Lexington was surprised.

It's over, it's over, Helena won't leave, and Saratoga doesn't want to leave, what should I do?

She suddenly felt uneasy, unable to eat anyway, two words suddenly popped up in her mind: cannibalism.

St. Louis suddenly asked: "Isn't Lexington planning to stay in the port area?"

As soon as the words fell, a figure suddenly flew over.

"Sister! I seem to have heard you say that you want to stay in the port area? Is that so? Do you really want to stay? That's great, sister! From now on, we sisters will unite to cross the port area!!"

"Oh no, Gaga me..."

"Hey! I'm going to tell the commander the good news!"

"Gaga wait!!"

Lexington raised his hand, and Saratoga flew away in a gust of wind.

Then she suddenly realized what Saratoga had just said...

"Wait? What did Jiajia call Su Hao just now?"

She looked sharply at the others.

St. Louis: "Come on, Cleveland, let's toast."

Cleveland: "Cheers, cheers ~ merry christmas!"

Lexington: "..."

What, why did things turn out like this?


PS: continue~

Chapter 428 Laughter

[Ding~ Sister-in-law Sara invites Lexington to join the chat group]

Sister-in-law Sara: "@All Members Welcome new members to join the group!"

Victory: "How many times have I said it, you are not an administrator, Aite is lonely."

Kewei: "Yes, yes, look, no one is bubbling."

Sister-in-law Sara sent out a lucky red envelope.

The wedding ship raider has received your red envelope.

Portland received your red envelope.

The wedding ship company has received your red envelope.


Marriage Ship Assaulter: "Huh? Why is someone joining the group at this time?"

Marriage Enterprise: "@lexington welcome welcome."

Firefly: "Thank you big brother for the red envelope!"

Xi Li: "rua! There is meat in the red envelope!"

George V: "@夏立Where are you? Get me a turkey."

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