Nevada: "You want to eat a whole one? Horrified.jpg"

Oklahoma: "You almost ate a whole one yourself, excuse me?"

George V: "I ate with Howe, as well as the Prince of Wales and the Duke of York. Maybe they don't want to leave after eating. I am contributing to the port area!"

Hao: "Sister, there are so many people, one is not enough, I need two."

Su Hao: "Xili, bring two turkeys here."

Yudachi: "rua! Good commander!"

Su Hao: "@Lexington Welcome to the port area."

Lexington was stunned.

Hey hey hey, I never said that I want to join Minato!

Sarah you idiot! !

Lexington: " sister made a mistake, sorry..."

Cleveland: "Haha~ From today on, Lexington will be our ship girl in the port area!"

St. Louis: "Welcome, welcome!"

St. Louis sent out a lucky red envelope.

The wedding ship raider has received your red envelope.

Sister-in-law Sarah received your red envelope.

Sister and bride received your red envelope.


All of a sudden, the words of Lexington were brushed away.

Marriage Ship Assaulter: "188!? Thank you rich lady for the red envelope!"

Sister bride: "St. Louis, you are really rich."

St.Louis: "Hehe~ It's nothing, it's a holiday, won't someone come out and express it? @Commander"

Su Hao: "..."

Lexington: "That... what I just said is true. I didn't say that I would join the port area."

Su Hao sent out a big red envelope of 1000 yuan.

Marriage Ship Assaulter: "???"

Sister-in-law Sarah: "???"


Fox said: "???"

Centaur: "???"




Lexington: "Look at what I said, cry.jpg"

Seeing a group of question marks, Su Hao decided he couldn't bear it anymore.

Su Hao: "Interrupt the rereading, what are your expressions?"

Marriage Ship Assaulter: "Is it gone?"

Firefly: "Is it gone?"

Little Zeppelin: "Is it gone?"

Little Guanghui: "Is it gone?"




(╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

Su Hao turned off the phone resolutely.

Here, Lexington is about to cry.

She looked up and said, "St. Louis, Cleveland, look what you've done!"

St.Louis: "This wine is good, come here, Cleveland, cheers~"

Cleveland: "Cheers, cheers ~ Helena too."

[Group member Cleveland invites Helena to join the chat group. 】

Helena: ? ? ?

St.Louis: "Welcome newcomer!!"

St. Louis sent out a lucky red envelope.

The wedding ship raider has received your red envelope.

History is always so similar.


Taking advantage of the festival, there were inexplicably two more ship girls in the port area. Although it was unexpected, Su Hao was still very happy.

What?Saratoga and Cleveland got it wrong?

If there is nothing that does not exist, if you join the chat group, you will be a member of our big family.

Anyway, at this point, they couldn't argue with each other, and some people gave out red envelopes as soon as they spoke. In this situation, Su Hao couldn't help sighing, there are some good girls in his family.

Then not long after, the Raiders directly brought Atlanta and Pennsylvania into the mix.

This time it was completely lively.

Atlanta is okay. Anyway, everyone defaults to being the ship girl in the port area. Su Hao plans to invite her directly to try it out recently. As for Pennsylvania...

She didn't seem to look at her phone at all. Everyone sent red envelopes to say welcome, and she didn't say a word from the beginning to the end.

Su Hao didn't say anything about it, let's take a look first, anyway, there are no secrets in the group, if Pennsylvania really has an idea, that's fine, Haimah, Father, and Auntie are all there, and Sister Beng is just right to get together.

It's a pity that there is no Wichita, otherwise the era of the Three Illusory Gods will come again.

"Huh? A strange guy has sneaked in."

Su Hao, who was chatting with Guanghui and the others, suddenly heard a voice.

The atmosphere in the hall is quite lively. After all, there are a lot of little guys making noise together, led by Saratoga, and recently joined by Santiago, zz...ah no, the combination of innocence has become a daily sight in the port area.

At this time, Xili and the others ran past, Oakland was at the end, and suddenly saw a sneaky figure at the door.

In fact, it can't be considered sneaky. It is a Santa Claus with a bag on his back, but he can tell that he is a Christmas woman with long hair, a hat and a big white beard. She looks quite familiar.

The Christmas woman slipped in, and then stared straight at the little guys who were making trouble in the hall.

Su Hao is suspicious. It seems that except for Santiago, no one else's dress seems to be Santa Claus, right?

"That guy is Ark Royal, right?" Guanghui said suddenly.

Victory replied: "Well, it should be the Ark Royal."

"It must be the Ark Royal."

Su Hao wondered: "How did you find out?" Seeing that Oupai knows people?

Guanghui shook his head: "You can feel it at a glance. Before, she always stared at Xiao Guanghui and Xiao Beifa, and I taught them a few times."

It is really rare to see Mrs. Guanghui teaching people a lesson.

But it is understandable to think that it is to protect the two little angels.

No wonder I haven't heard much about the Ark Royal's commotion in the port area recently, and even Guanghui has taken action. Obviously, the girls in the port area are now wary of this guy.

But today is a holiday, and there is no one at the pier, so Ark Royal probably came here secretly.

Su Hao walked over, and this guy was staring at those cute little girls, with a wretched laugh, matched with her attire, the loving image of Santa Claus disappeared immediately, it looked like a big bad wolf staring at with little sheep.

Of course, even if the Royal Ark is the big bad wolf, the little guys are not necessarily little sheep at her mercy, little brilliance, little prestige, and little Zeppelin, which one is the most fuel-efficient lamp?They are all big ships, even Saratoga, which played the role of big sister at this time.

At this time, Royal Ark only dared to look at it from a distance. Fortunately, this outfit fit the festive atmosphere tonight. If it were normal, her appearance would be no different from having a sticker of 'I'm a pervert' on her head.

"Why did you sneak into my port area again?"

As soon as Su Hao opened his mouth, Ark Royal's hat jumped up in fright.

"Point, point to Commander, hahaha~ merry christmas! I...ah no, I'm going to eat something, we'll talk later, we'll talk later."

The Royal Ark tried to pass the test by being cute, and then Su Hao could tell at a glance that she was not the ship girl in the port area.

"No matter how well you dress up, you can see your wretched demeanor at a glance, Ark Royal, come on, come on, I don't intend to throw you out."

Seeing her nervous look, Su Hao shook his head helplessly.

Are you the ship girl or am I the ship girl?

I'm just a human being, do you need to be so afraid?

Besides, it's Christmas now, and Ark Royal didn't do anything out of the ordinary. As the director of the Lingshui Maritime Safety Bureau, I have to give this little face.

"Ha~! Commander Su Hao, I am here to fit the festive atmosphere... umm, I didn't come in to peek at the cute little girl, look, and I didn't come here secretly, I followed Came with Atlanta."

Su Hao didn't believe it: "Really? Atlanta came here in the morning."

"I came over this morning too!" Saying this, Royal Ark said again: "It's just that I stayed in the woods by the sea and didn't come over. It's pretty good there, but I'm hungry when I don't have anything to eat, and it's too wet to sit up. It's just uncomfortable."

Su Hao: "..."

So you've been lurking for a long time, right?

Su Hao waved his hand: "Forget it, don't worry about it with you, today is Christmas, since we are here, let's spend it together... Well, there are a lot of food over there, go and eat, but remember , if you dare to harass other ship girls, I will not be polite."

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