Ark Royal was overjoyed: "Commander Su Hao, you are amazing!"

After taking a step, he suddenly turned around and said, "Commander Su Hao, why don't I come to be your ship's wife too? I work very hard, have excellent abilities, and have a strong sense of responsibility. I have been in Lingshui City for 3 years. Chief, how are you doing?"

"It's not good, are you going to eat? If you don't eat, go quickly."

"Hey~ Commander Su Hao, think about it, think about it."

Saying this, Royal Ark rushed into the hall impatiently.

"Cute little sister, I'm here to protect you!!"

The ferocious wolf entered the flock.

"Ah! It's the Royal Ark!"

"It's the Royal Ark!"

"Beat her!"

"Xili, bite her! Firefly, use the headbutt! Little Guanghui, hit her with a carrier plane! Vockland, poke her with a gun! Little Zeppelin, give her a shot!"

Suddenly there was chaos in the hall.

Amidst the chaos, Su Hao vaguely heard the screams of Royal Ark.

Su Hao shook his head helplessly, and continued to enjoy the Christmas party with the ship girls.

Speaking of it, this seemed to be the first time he had celebrated the festival with the ship girls in such a formal way. Although everyone usually gathered for dinner, under the influence of the festive atmosphere, the smiles on everyone's faces became even brighter.

In fact, thinking about the life in the port area, as a commander, what I want most is to live peacefully with the ship girls.

It's fine to be plain, don't involve too many interests, and there are no intrigues. The girls I like, whether they are married girls or ordinary girls, if anyone dares to hurt them, they will be rude to him.

At this time, the Christmas party went on until midnight, eating, drinking, playing, and putting on some programs. It was the first time I knew that Aunt Sheng could sing so well and Atago could dance. When going up, R18 immediately becomes a children's channel.

After a night of turmoil, at the end of the day, the girls left in groups of twos and threes.

Su Hao drank a lot of wine, although it was red wine, he was a little tipsy, and he didn't fall asleep directly after returning to the dormitory.

After a long time, Sister Li came to his room from the next door.

"Xiaohao, everyone is asleep, let's start."


PS: I’m back at my hometown today, and the National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival will be celebrated tomorrow. I’m going to be very busy these few days. I’m going to try my best to keep the speed of 4 chapters per day for all kinds of weddings and school invitations. In addition, the Mid-Autumn Festival is here, and it’s best to have a happy reunion , I wish you all a happy family~

PPS: I am a centaur! ! !

Chapter 429 Santa Claus in the Port Area

"here we go?"

"let's start."

"Sister Li, this is the first time I've done this kind of thing, so I'm a little nervous."

"It's my first time doing it too, don't worry, it's fine."

"Okay, here we go."

"...Wait, wait, Xiaohao, don't be so rude, it won't fit, it's too big."

"Ah? I'm sorry, I didn't expect it to be so small... so what should I do?"

"Let me think about it, don't move around, stand up and support me."


"Help first."

Su Hao stood up, holding the red Christmas bag with both hands.

At this time, he was wearing the clothes of Santa Claus, and his image was similar to that of Santa Claus.

"This must be the most handsome Santa Claus this year... No, it should be called Santa Claus."

Sister Li, who was looking through things, raised her head and asked in confusion, "What did you just say?"

"Nothing, do you want a new bag?"

"Well, two, there are too many presents, I will help you get one, and you will carry one yourself."

Su Hao nodded, and then felt a little regretful: "Unfortunately, there is still one sled and two reindeer short."

Richelieu laughed and said, "We don't have reindeer in the port area, but we have a training dog. Do you want it?"

"Xili is so cute, sister Li, you have the heart to let her pull the sled."

"I know you don't want to."

Richelieu didn't say anything, and continued to put the remaining presents into the Christmas bag. Su Hao carried the bag on his back, thinking about what she said just now, and then inexplicably thought of another, another dog.

I don't want Yuli to be so cute, but if Atago is brought over...

Wait, wait, why is it a bit like an evil cosplay?Sure enough, after everything was added to Atago, the painting style completely changed.

"what happened again?"

"It's nothing, it's done?"

"Well, it's almost there."

After doing things here and there, after about half an hour, I finally finished all the preparations.

What?What are you two doing?

Isn't this a self-explanatory thing?The final Christmas campaign of course... yuck!We were active at last.

It is said that on Christmas night, if you put a Christmas stocking on your bed, you will have a present when you wake up the next morning.

In the past few days, Su Hao hasn't mentioned the gift, and the girls didn't ask, but they probably still want it in their hearts.

As for the story about Christmas gifts, Su Hao has heard countless versions so far. Not only are there many positive and evil Santa Clauses, like some little girl praying to Santa Claus to have a younger brother, and then Santa Claus...

Ahem, distracted, distracted.

At this moment, the two came out of the room.

They plan to distribute it from the first floor, and each ship girl has a corresponding gift. In order to collect the wishes of the ship girls, Sister Li spent a lot of time.

Many people thought that the eldest sister in the port area was about to give out benefits, and some ship girls even came over to tell Su Hao, Commander, look, Miss Richelieu is more caring than you.

Who is Su Hao here? I won't call names here. I just hope that she will be more conscious in the future. It's not scary to be small, but small-minded is the problem, right?

"Whose room is this?"

"It's from Nevada, Xiao Hao, don't you know?"

"I'm not an idiot, why do I need to know where every girl lives?"

"It seems to be right... Speaking of which, what does Nevada want? Remember, a pair of gloves."

Su Hao took out the Nevada gift box from the bag.

He took out the key and paused again when he was about to insert it.

"Sister Li, won't it wake her up if you go in like this? What if you are regarded as a bad person?"

Su Hao was cautious, Richelieu immediately smiled and said: "No, this is the port area, what danger can there be? Although our ship mother is naturally sensitive, if it is completely relaxed, and the person I trust the most If you get close, you will generally not be vigilant."

It's like, if a small animal is approaching the ship's mother, they will not be vigilant, but if a siren is approaching the ship's mother, even if it is far away, the ship's mother can detect it in advance.

"Xiao Hao, didn't you often go to my room secretly before? I didn't notice it a few times."


Su Hao showed an embarrassed yet polite smile.

I used to go there secretly, but with a conscience, he didn't have any wrong thoughts. The main reason was that during that time, he was always thinking about whether his elder sister was the ship's mother, and he was a little obsessed.

Open the door, the cold moonlight into the room.

It's a good night tonight, there is no wind or snow, and Nevada sleeps soundly.

Su Hao glanced at it.

This guy is actually asleep! !

The long legs sticking out of the quilt are exposed to the air, from the white and tender long legs all the way up, fortunately the mysterious triangle is covered, and there are two huge fruits on the top, half covered and half exposed, the red dots cannot be seen Clear, covered.

Seeing this, Su Hao breathed a sigh of relief. It's okay, he's a gentleman, and he doesn't see or listen to evil.

Nevada hung up the socks. Such a grown-up person was really looking forward to a gift. As expected, the ship girl was indeed a naive and simple creature.

Putting down the gift, Su Hao left in a hurry.

Outside the house, Richelieu, who was in charge of watching the wind, was suddenly puzzled.

She lowered her voice and whispered: "I'm not awake yet, don't be so anxious."

"I know, in a hurry, in a hurry."

Su Hao made up a reason.

When I got to the next room, I asked, "This room?"

"Oklahoma, they were chosen together back then, and Chokai is next door, and then Goddess of Destiny and Fox Ti."

"Sister Li, you are amazing, remember all of this."

"It's Xiao Hao, you don't pay much attention to it. In case some ship lady asks you to go to her room in the future, you can't find it. Don't you feel ashamed?"

Su Hao looked at Sister Li: "What are you asking me to do in the room?"

Under the night, Sister Li blinked her eyes with a cute face, "I'm talking nonsense."

Su Hao took out the key and continued to open the door.

After entering, he paused. Nevada and Oklahoma are sisters. If Nevada likes fruit sleep, then Oklahoma...

Su Hao glanced at it.

Sure enough, it's time to go into battle!

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