Su Hao is a little speechless, even if your mother-in-law is not afraid of the cold, at least wear pajamas in winter, right?Hello!Please give the snow in winter a little respect, please?

It's hard for me to do this, don't go into a room every time, you have to carefully check if you are wearing clothes, okay?

Su Hao almost let out a groundhog growl.


and many more.

Why should I watch it?

I'm here to give gifts and not to see people, so why don't I just put down the gifts and leave?

Doing it like this will become a pervert who really wants to see other people's bodies...

No, no, how is it possible, um, I am... This is... Oh, yes, check, check, so as not to send the dress to the wrong person, it would be embarrassing.

After a little comfort in my heart, I put down the dress, and then came the third room.

"Xiaohao, why did you just stand there without moving? Was it discovered?"

"Uh, no, no, I was worried that the noise would wake them up, so I took my time after going in."

Richelieu said nothing.

The third house, Chokai's room.

Su Hao strode in and turned his gaze!


It was so tightly covered that it was impossible to tell if it was fruit sleep or not.

"Phew~ finally there is a normal one, I am so relieved."

As the commander of the ship girls, Su Hao definitely hopes that they can be more normal.

Ciao Hai slept soundly, Su Hao didn't bother, and quietly left the room.

The next one, Goddess of Fate, take a careful look, the next one, Hu Ti, take a careful look, and the next one, huh?Firefly, children should sleep soundly, don't disturb them, just put down your things and leave.

Saratoga?Take a look at, um, take a look at Mrs. Lexington, who is in the same bed, put down the gift and leave.

Raiders?Marriage Assaulter, cover yourself with a quilt so you don't catch a cold, damn it! ?The quilt slipped down by itself!Fortunately, the assaulter doesn't have the habit of falling asleep, so... ah no, luckily, you must pay attention when you cover the quilt next time, this quilt is too slippery.

enterprise?I wanted a bumblebee doll, but I couldn't find it for a long time. Finally, I went to the game city and used the plug-in to grab the bumblebee doll inside. At this time, I put it on the bedside. The legendary ship girl was not vigilant at all, cold The moonlight reflected on her cheeks, outlining a soft and beautiful outline, kissed her forehead, good night, and then walked out, Enterprise opened her eyes, with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

who is the next?

Is it brilliant?Guanghui and the unicorn, the picture of the two embracing each other and sleeping is really easy to imagine, and even the air is filled with a faint smell of orange fragrance.

Victory and awesomeness, the two sisters-in-law slept peacefully, put down the gift gently, and by some strange circumstances, their lips slowly approached Victory, and suddenly opened their eyes, beautiful eyes shining with the light of gemstones in the dark night.

Then finally there was sound.

"I knew you would come."

"You know again."

The two got very close, with a tacit understanding, Sheng Sheng stretched out two white arms to wrap around Su Hao's neck, raised his head, and touched his lips, the extremely soft touch spread all over his body.

Lips parted, lying down triumphantly.

"Hee hee~ The last train for Christmas, the experiment was successful."

"Go to bed early."

"Okay~ By the way, do you want to experiment with Kewei by the way?"

"Why don't you say go and experiment with your sister?"

"Okay, okay, so the three sisters are together, it's cheaper for you."


Not to mention, let's go on and say that my sister-in-law Shengli will be invincible. If she accidentally misfires, there will be a fearful lying on the side, and a sister Li guarding the door. Don't dare!

I don’t dare to misfire the gun, and there are still many rooms left to go. The role tonight is the loving Santa Claus.

Su Hao hurriedly backed out.

Then, Dreadful opened his eyes.

"Sister Shengli, you are so unkind."


"Experiment." In the dark night, Kewei turned his head and asked curiously, "Is it really that interesting?"


PS: 12 o'clock, rush~

Chapter 430 Atago slowly typed out a word:

There are gifts distributed in the port area at night, which is actually not thought of by most ship girls.

Of course, they just didn't think about it specifically. In fact, when the banquet started, Su Hao reminded everyone not to forget to hang up the Christmas stockings before going to bed.

Then some careful girls almost guessed what Su Hao was going to do, such as Victory, Tiancheng, and Enterprise, everyone knows, just follow Su Hao's meaning, sleep peacefully on Christmas night, and wait for Santa Claus to arrive .

Most of the ship girls are really asleep, but there are always some ship girls who are more active in their minds.

Like Atago.

At this time, she was lying on the bed. According to speculation, Richelieu asked about the gift a few days ago, and Su Hao made a special mention today. She immediately thought that there was an unfinished event tonight.


Naturally, it is impossible for Richelieu to give gifts to the girls in the port area.

and so.

Tonight, just tonight, the Commander will come to her room!


Once in a lifetime opportunity!

You must know that, as a newcomer to Minato, Atago has absolutely no advantage in the battle for Minato.

She starts with a 3, and others start with a bomb, how to play?

The others are fine, especially Chicheng, with her here, Atago don't want to find a chance to get close to Su Hao.

Not to mention that even if you get rid of Chicheng, as long as Su Hao is in the port area, no matter where you go, there will be many pairs of eyes staring at him, so Atago can't do anything.

If she wanted to be in the port area and do business, Atago couldn't think of any other place except her own room.


In the corner of the mountain?

you try.

As long as it is in the port area, even if it is on a tree, there are ship girls who can find it.

So ah, chance!Here's your chance!Atago was super excited.

I bought some things online, um, the things that are said to be able to arouse human interest, I won’t mention the specific names, just treat them as toys.

I bought some toys and studied how to use them. They are actually very simple and a bit boring. Do human beings really like these things?

It doesn't matter, like it or not, the trump card is yourself, and the others are auxiliary props, dispensable.

Lying on the bed at this time, I was looking forward to it.

When will the commander come?

What should I do after I come here?

Well, first of all, you have to pretend to be sleeping, so as not to arouse suspicion. You have to take off your clothes, stretch out your legs, and only cover half of your chest, pretending to be sleeping and throwing on the blanket.

Then, the Commander was worried that he would catch a cold, even though he would not, but a gentleman cares about girls, the Commander will definitely come over to help cover the quilt, so I can take the opportunity to catch him, hehehe~


In the dark night, Atago shook his dog's ears and heard voices outside the room.

It seems to be next door, because there are not enough rooms, even though it is in the corner of the third floor, York City and the others recently arranged the room from this side when they moved in, it can be regarded as a company for Atago, otherwise she would be alone It's too pitiful for people to be left in the corner of the third floor.

When I arrived next door, I didn't expect that even York City had a gift, but it's normal, after all, she is the sister of that enterprise.

After waiting for a while, the lock moved, moved!Ring up, it's coming!

dong dong~

dong dong~

Atago was overwhelmed with excitement.

The door of the room was pushed open, and Atago hurriedly closed his eyes so as not to be discovered.

In the quiet night, there were soft footsteps approaching, and then something was put on the bedside, and then, just when Atago was about to open his eyes to attack, a soft sigh suddenly came from his ear.

"It's not a child anymore, why is it so restless to sleep."

Atago:? ? ?

"Looking like this, it's a good thing Xiao Hao isn't here, otherwise I might not be able to hold it back."

Atago:? ? ?

wait!why are you?Richelieu, why you!

Shouldn't the commander come here?Where is the commander?You return my commander!

Hello!Don't want you to help me cover the quilt!Did you hear me?Don't want you to help me cover the quilt! !


"Well, it's time to meet up with Xiaohao."

Night, go quietly.

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