"Let's throw pillows."

Seeing that these little guys are not so noisy, Shengli left here and returned to the room.

Kewei was lying on the futon in his bathrobe and reading a book.

The room is covered with tatami mats, and the mats and futons are placed on the tatami mats, so you can almost sleep, saving space and quite comfortable.

There are several bunks in a row in the big room next door, for the little ones to sleep in a row, not for the big girls. If the big girls are in a row, it will definitely become a spectacular milk fighting scene.

Besides, the room is not enough, the little ones just like to get together.

"Sister Shengli, where did you go just now?" Kewei asked casually, "Did you go to kiss the commander again?"

"No." Shengli said angrily, "What do you think of me?"

"The taste of victory, hehe~"

"Find a fight!"

Shengli rushed forward, and the two mature and sexy bodies clinged together to fight, and Kewei lost by a slight disadvantage in the end.

"Okay, okay, I admit defeat, sister Shengli, please let me go."

Victory withdrew his hand from the dreaded garment.

Hmph~ The bigger the better, the bigger the weakness, the more obvious the weakness, don't you understand this?

You see, Richelieu next door is not that big, that's why he's so strong, right?

"Stop making trouble, go to bed early, and go to Sakura tomorrow, so we can't weaken the momentum of our port area."

"I know~"

Kewei stopped reading, lay down and swiped his phone for a while, and soon fell asleep.

Shengli lay beside her, feeling like he couldn't fall asleep anyway.

On a whim, she picked up her phone and sent Su Hao a message.

"Commander, I found a good place!"


When Su Hao got up from the bed, avoided the defensive area of ​​other ship girls and came to the second floor, he was speechless when he saw the room where the bedding was stored.

"This is the good place you said?"

The room was in a mess, and Shengli was sitting in the middle of the chaotic field, looking at him with a smile.

"Don't talk so much, come in quickly, and be careful not to be discovered."

Of course, the chaos here came after Xili and the others finished their fight. Don't expect these rambunctious little guys to clean up the battle scene by themselves.

At this time, Su Hao was pulled in by Shengli, who immediately closed the door again.

Su Hao looked at the situation here.

The room is not big, it is used to put bedding and blankets, but the light transmittance is very good. There is a transparent glass inside, which can reflect the moonlight even in the sun. Although the whole room is messy, it does not have the musty smell that has been settled for a long time. Apparently it was often taken care of.

"You messed up?"

"No, it was Xili and the others who made the mess and didn't put it away."

Su Hao shook his head: "It's really a group of Pipi shrimp... Forget it, let's clean up this place."

As soon as the words fell, he was suddenly embraced by Shengli.

The thin bathrobe couldn't hide the charm of this delicate body at all. At this moment, Su Hao could even feel his chest being oppressed by two round and protruding fruits.

Soft, very soft to the touch.

Heavy, that is the unbearable weight of life.

Su Hao is no stranger to this, but Shengli has never dressed like this in normal times, so the sense of oppression at this moment is much stronger and more real than before.

Sure enough, Shengli's is bigger than Sister Li's, but not as big as Dido's and Chicheng's.

Sister Li's should be just the right size and shape, like a ball, um, like a melon?

Shengli's words are quite similar, big cantaloupe?

What about Dido?Little watermelon?

Assaulters and Akagi, it feels like winter melon, right?Not necessarily, just looking at the appearance is still too superficial, only practice can give true knowledge.

Shengli lowered his head, looked at the palm covering her Oupai, blushed and asked, "What are you doing?"

"What are you doing, you suddenly hugged me, didn't you ask me to pack things?"

"Hee hee~ I'll do that later, let's experiment first, right here."

After speaking, Victory kissed her.

Su Hao has long been used to her sneak attacks, but this time is different, he also has a lifeline.

With a little force on his hand, Victory's body visibly trembled.

In the dark room, the two pairs of eyes looked at each other, and they closed them triumphantly, acquiescing to Su Hao's actions.


Shengli's panting became heavier and heavier. She twisted her body in Su Hao's arms and felt a hot feeling from the inside out. This hotness made her unable to take off the bathrobe on her body.

In an instant, an artistic and dreamy body reflected the moonlight and appeared in front of Su Hao.


Shengli gasped for breath. At this time, his arms were wrapped around Su Hao's neck, and when he looked up at Su Hao, there seemed to be a pool of autumn water in his eyes, which was so charming.

"This time, I don't want to just experiment."

She said this, as if it was a kind of indication, and then sat down gently, lay down, subconsciously covered her chest and the mysterious area with her hands, and turned her head to one side, embarrassed to see Su Hao again.

Su Hao was stunned.

Didn't you say that you only experiment every time?

It's hard for me to deal with you like this, I have to go back to recharge my batteries and prepare for the next exercise battle!

"Come on, idiot."

Seeing Su Hao standing there in a daze, Shengli couldn't help but urge him.

Go get ready for battle!

In the dark night, Su Hao pressed down.

After a suppressed exclamation, a series of gasps echoed in the room.

"Easy, light, sister Guanghui is in the room downstairs!"

"That's right, don't you like this situation the most?"

"...It seems to be right... um!!"

The voice was replaced by a suppressed panting sound, which was as sweet as the chirping of a nightingale, and it was disturbing to hear.

Outside the room, a black figure left in a hurry.


PS: 12 o'clock, rush!

Chapter 440 Look!The ship girls of Sakura are warmly welcoming me!

Kewei fled back to his room in a hurry.


Miss Victory is terrible!


Originally, I just wanted to follow him quietly to see what Shengli was going to do, but I didn't expect to run into an 'experiment'.

Originally, Kewei thought that this time it was the same as before, just one kiss and it was over.

With a learning attitude, Kewei hid outside the room and had a good time watching it.

Unexpectedly, something went wrong halfway through the experiment.

Kewei was driving the car slowly and admiring the scenery along the way a second ago, but she suddenly went racing, caught off guard, and in the blink of an eye, she only had a steering wheel left in her hand.

This car is too fast!

This is not the car to go to kindergarten, let me get down!

Kewei screamed wildly in her heart, taking advantage of no one's attention, she watched for a few minutes until Su Hao and Shengli got to the point and started a new round of experiments, then she ran back in a hurry.

Young birthday!Sister Guanghui, Sister Victory, she is flying!

This is simply the rhythm of taking off. I didn't expect Shengli to be so bold. She was still talking about wanting a ring before, but she didn't want the ring and asked for another thing.

It’s not enough, it’s not good enough, after thinking about it, I feel that the color of my whole person is not right.

Kewei hurriedly covered his head and went to sleep.

When will Miss Victory come back?Do you want to pretend you don't know anything when she comes back?Or is it better to ask?

Otherwise, go to bed first, anyway, I don't know when Sister Shengli will come back.

Well, I read about this kind of thing on the Internet, three to five minutes would be enough, plus the time for them to clean up the room, about ten minutes or so, right?

But maybe, some people on the Internet say half an hour to an hour.

Commander... it should be half an hour, right?

After counting the time, Kewei decided to wait until Victory returned.

But waited and waited, the time was ticking, almost an hour passed, and there was no movement outside.

"Could it be that Sister Shengli is going to rest in that small room?"

Kewei frowned, feeling inappropriate, someone might enter that small room at any time during the day.

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