If you get hit by a little guy...

Thinking of this, thinking of some terrible things, Kewei hesitated for a while, got up again, and quietly walked out of the room.

It was late at night, and there was no movement in the yard. At this point, everyone who should be asleep had already fallen asleep.

I didn't sleep, and I didn't know what I was doing.

Terrible looked left and right, then walked up the stairs carefully along the corridor.

When they reached the second floor, they didn't hear any movement, and continued to move towards the 'crime scene'.

As soon as I got outside the door, I heard the familiar depressing sound coming from inside!

It's not over yet! ?

Terrible froze.

Wait, wait, isn't it? It's been an hour and ten minutes now, how could it not be over yet?

Wrong, so wrong!

Kewei thought about it again, and was shocked, could it be that he scored twice! ?

Is this too fast?

Sister Shengli, you need to know how to control this kind of thing, the commander is a human being, and can't stand too much trouble.

After predicting that it was probably a brace, Kewei moved away from the room a little bit, hiding in a corner on the second floor and waiting for the battle to end.

It's all here, of course, we must make sure that Shengli doesn't stay here overnight, so as not to be accidentally exposed tomorrow.

Continue to wait, about half an hour later, there is still no movement inside.

If it's tidying up the room, it's about the same time, right?

Thinking of this, Kewei quietly leaned over again.



Why is there still sound?Why is that voice still there! ?

Miss Victory, what are you doing!

Gritting his teeth, he poked fearful eyes through the crack of the door.

The room was very dark, and it was only possible to see clearly through the moonlight.

Kewei didn't know what he saw, but vaguely saw two figures stacked on top of each other, twisting non-stop.

Accompanied by this rhythm, some kind of crashing sound kept hitting her brain.

At the same time, Victory shouted even more joyously.

The feeling of depression, pain and happiness.

Terrible:? ? ?

Terrible:? ? ? ?

? ? ? ? ?

At this moment, her mind was full of question marks.

After a pause, Kewei stood up again, retreated, and returned to his room.

Turn off the lights, lie down, cover the quilt, all in one go.

"Never mind," she said finally.



The headquarters of the heavy cherry ship girl.

In the morning, I received news from Rimu Island that Su Hao had already set off with the ship girls. To show his respect, Nagato came to the pier to greet him in person.

At this time, the pier was covered with snow.

"Who sweeps the snow today? The pier is full of snow and they don't clean it up." someone asked.

"Sweeping and sweeping and sweeping and sweeping again, just wait until it finishes snowing and sweep together, one sweep is enough."

"Then you ate and ate and ate, why didn't you eat as much as you could before you died?"

"I don't know when I will die, maybe I will live forever."


It is impossible for the ship's wife to work honestly. Even in the Maritime Safety Administration, there are many human workers.

The headquarters of the heavy cherry blossom ship is similar here.

But at the pier, because of the loading and unloading of goods, the ship girls are all here. Some ship girls are frizzy, and if something happens to such a large container, ordinary humans will have to GG.

So there are very few humans here at the pier.

At this time, Nagato, Mikasa and the others were waiting on the pier, and there were also many ship girls gathered here, wanting to see what happened next.

Two rabbits are chatting.

"Sister Canglong, is that human commander really as powerful as the legends say? Not only did Nagato-sama and Mikasa-senpai greet him in person, but now even the seniors from the First Air War have stayed in that port area."

Canglong glanced at his sister, held a notebook in his arms, opened it and said, "Not only that, do you know Tiancheng?"

"Amagi? I heard from the ship girl who was here before, it seems to be the same as the heavy cherry blossoms, right?"

"Yes, at that time, Tiancheng's prestige was close to that of Nagato-sama."

"Really?" Feilong was a little unconvinced, "Nagato-sama, and Mikasa-senpai, their reputation in Sakura should be unmatched, not even the seniors of Yihangzhan."

"Hehe~ Of course, the seniors in the first flight battle can't do it."

A gentle girl with fluttering long hair came over holding a flute.

It's just her gentleness. When talking about the first flight battle, her eyes shone with an inexplicable brilliance, and even the smile at the corner of her mouth became less gentle.

"That... Sister Xianghe, please maintain your image, image."

Ruihe followed her and persuaded her.

"Ah, haven't I always been a gentle big sister?"

For Xiangrui's boastful behavior, neither Canglong Feilong nor Ruihe couldn't help but look away.

Xianghe didn't care either, and smiled lightly: "But speaking of Tiancheng..."

The eyes of the three people looked over immediately.

"Back then, Cherry Blossom was very famous."

Feilong asked curiously: "It seems that only people with senior qualifications have heard of her. She seems to be very powerful, but why did she suddenly disappear in the end? And why did she disappear suddenly this time? Some people said that everything Chicheng did before was to revive Tiancheng ? Can our ship mother be resurrected after sinking?"

"Ah, ah, Feilong, you have a lot of questions at once."

"Sister Xianghe, I want to know this too, as does Kaga-senpai. Now that he's not coming back at all, what's so good about that port area? Sure enough, it's because of Akagi-senpai's presence?"

After Kaga left, Feilong was still very reluctant.

As for Akagi... how should I put it, they are both seniors of Yihangzhan, Xianghe and Akagi are a bit uncomfortable, so Ruihe still wants to avoid having them appear on the same screen as much as possible.

But Kaga is only with Akagi. If Kaga wants to stay, Akagi must stay. If Akagi keeps Ruihe, he will change from a gentle big sister to a black-bellied big sister.

Ugh, headache.

None of the elder sisters these days is reassuring.


Ruihe's head was tapped lightly by the flute.

"Don't think about impolite things in front of my sister." Xianghe said with a smile, "Senior Akagi, but he went to pursue his own happiness, Shige Sakura, we are just a passing cloud to her, right? .”

Ruihe and Erlong exchanged glances.

Why do you feel a little arrogant?

Isn't that Xuefeng's privilege?

"However, Tiancheng's words are indeed very powerful. There is no doubt about this. Everything Senior Chicheng did was to revive her. As for why she went to the commander's port area in the end, you have to ask her herself."

Saying so, Xianghe turned his gaze to the distance.

A huge luxury yacht appeared in the field of vision.


"almost there!"

Su Hao came out of the cabin and looked into the distance against the sea breeze.

This is the first time he has come to the mainland of Chongying, and he hastily wandered around in Sunset Island before, so he didn't have time to appreciate the customs of Chongying.

Well, especially the enthusiasm of the heavy cherry ship girls.

Originally, Su Hao was quite worried, after all, on his own side, right?The situation is a bit special, Akagi Kaga and the others are all here.

He was worried that Sakura's ship girl would misunderstand that he had done something strange to their companions.

But the conscience of heaven and earth does not exist. Su Hao touched his nose and said this, but misunderstandings always occur when others don't know, so ah, he still wanted to find an opportunity to explain.

But who would have thought that after seeing Yang Yan and feeling the enthusiasm of the other party, Su Hao knew that he was thinking too much.

Shige Sakura's ship girl is still very enthusiastic!

It's right to think about it, after all, Nagato personally called the name, that is, the emperor personally called the minister, what is his name?Imperial envoy?

It's strange to have a bad attitude.

"Are you here?"

Aside, Shengli came over and asked.

"Well, here we are."

Su Hao glanced at her, and then noticed the awesomeness looking at them not far away.

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