"and many more!"

St. Louis stopped her immediately.

"What did you say your name was?"


Chapter 460 Indy Sauce Joins the Chat Group


Su Hao got off the yacht and looked at the pier of the heavy cherry ship mother's headquarters covered with a sheet of white snow.

Behind them, the ship girls came down one after another.

"This is... um, is it our port area?"

Shinano looked at the distance with curiosity, and the idea of ​​'the commander is a rich man' came to his mind.

"Of course not, this is the heavy cherry blossoms. Our port area is in Donghuang, Donghuang port area, and I am from Donghuang."

"I'll take you in to have a look."

Su Hao took her hand.

It's not just taking advantage of the opportunity, the main reason is that Shinano is always in a daze, and Su Hao is worried that he will fall when he walks.

If the big ship falls down, it must be a pretty spectacular scene. Maybe it can use the elasticity of a certain place to stand up again, but it would be a bit too ghostly if this is really the case.

"Hmph! Commander was tricked by that fox again╭(╯^╰)╮"

Akagi said sourly, since Shinano appeared, she felt that her sense of existence had been greatly compressed.

"The commander was tricked by Sao Fox." Atago translated.

Akagi stared at him immediately.

She is also a fox, Atago obviously means pointing and scolding Huaihuai, and without thinking about it, Atago must be jealous that she has a ring with Amagi, jealous that she can have sex with the commander anytime and anywhere.

"Richelieu, you don't care."

Atago ignored Akagi and turned to Richelieu.

What she meant was obvious, everyone was a veteran, and the marriage ship was left aside now.

As the eldest sister of the port area, she is still quite calm at this time, "What is there to manage, it is something to be happy about the arrival of newcomers in the port area, it is not surprising that Xiao Hao is enthusiastic, he has been like this since he was a child."

It's been like this since childhood, it sounds purely showing off, how can Atago not hear it?

When the master of love came online, she turned her head and said, "Wait until the enthusiasm goes to bed, and you just wait to cry."

Richelieu: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Not to mention, Atago hit the nail on the head.

After all, Shinano is perfect in every aspect, especially this dazed look, which man won't be hit?

Beast Ear Girl, the only Shinano in the world, is sexy, mature, and has a temperament, confused, and her strength should not be bad. With these bright spots, I don’t know how many commanders will fall to the [-]th floor of hell.

Richelieu looked at Atago, then at Su Hao and Shinano who were walking in front, saw the two holding hands, and saw Su Hao pointing here and there to introduce Shinano.

Based on her understanding of Su Hao, it should, probably, maybe...

She stopped talking.

Atago said again: "It took you ten years to get the ring, maybe it only takes ten days for others."

Enterprise frowned slightly: "Atago, don't say these things, it's the commander's decision anyway, as the ship's wife, we just need to support him, I believe in the commander, no matter where you start, if the commander Then if it were purely driven by desire, Minato City would not have achieved what it is today.”

With those words, the surrounding atmosphere suddenly changed.

"Atago is not a marriage ship, and I don't know the commander."

"She's not a wedding ship."

"She's not a wedding ship, she doesn't have a ring."

Atago was furious, thinking that it's great that you have a ring?Marriage ships can do whatever they want?

just wait!

Isn't it just a ring?I want it today!

However, incapable rage is basically like this. Ai Dagou rages a few times, and then calms down after being extremely angry.

Of course there is no way for Shinano to appear suddenly, but her goal is to be in the top ten of the wedding ships, even if Shinano is added, there are only 7, and there is still room.

The top priority is to win Kaohsiung and Maya, and then convince Chokai and the four sisters to join forces, so what if you are older?

capital ship?Ah!

A powerful battleship?One hundred and eight sleep techniques?Ah!

In addition to being big, men also like more.

Thinking of this, Atago was suddenly happy again.

She moved suddenly to Saratoga and whispered, "Your sister is hopeless."

Saratoga: ? ? ?

After finishing speaking, he said to Shengli beside him: "You sisters have no hope."

Victory strikes back: "Sister Guanghui overthrows the commander, all it takes is courage. To overthrow the commander, you have to climb several mountains."

Atago didn't say anything, and went to look for Kaohsiung.

Saratoga was still puzzled.

"What were you talking about just now?"


After returning from Yameng Island to the headquarters of Jianniang, I sent a message to ask St. Louis and others, but there was no reply for a long time.

"Didn't they say they were in that hotel before? Let them post a location, and let's go there too."

"Didn't you say that we will celebrate New Year's Eve at the headquarters of the ship tonight? Go to the shrine tomorrow."

"Do as the Romans do, wait for Sakura to make arrangements."

"But where did Mikasa go? Is there any arrangement and I hope she will hurry up."

Mikasa came back early, and Su Hao couldn't get in touch, so Nagato finally went to find her in person.

It was almost evening at this time, and the picture of the ship's mother headquarters has changed, and it has added a lot of festive atmosphere compared to when I first came here.

Then Portland came over and asked, "Commander, aren't we going to join them in St. Louis?"

"It's a festival here tonight."

"What about the accommodation?"

"I don't know. If Sakura doesn't have arrangements, go to the hotel in St. Louis."

"I want to go to a hotel, I want to soak in a hot spring!"

Portland sat next to Su Hao, leaning on her shoulder and yawned, she was a little bored now.

On the other shoulder, Shinano was tired from walking around and had fallen asleep leaning against him.

Su Hao was very helpless. The two beauties were leaning against each other, but they couldn't move.

"Hey, Commander, when did Indy sauce come from our port area?"

Portland looked up at the sky.

This is an outdoor lounge. At this time, the sky was dim, and the white snow was falling. When the wind blew it, it turned into a big human face in mid-air.

"Indy sauce!"

She suddenly yelled, scaring Su Hao half to death.

"Hey, hey, why are you so nervous? Even if you want Indy so much, it's useless. I can only pray that it will be built next time. Otherwise, I will draw a photo book to satisfy your hunger?"

Portland tapped his head, feeling too nervous.

Why is Indy sauce in the sky?

"Okay, I've been so busy recently, Commander, you can draw for me when you have time, although I really want to see the Indy that Commander drew for me, but ah, I don't want to see you too tired, Commander what."

Portland said with a smile, "In my heart, the Commander has the same status as Indy Sauce."

"Really? I'm that tall?"

"so tall."

"How tall?"

Portland leaned close to Su Hao's ear and whispered something.

I have to say, Su Hao is shameful... hard.

Turning his head, Portland blinked and looked at him playfully.

Girl, girl, don't look at me like that, girl, don't be so naive and charming.

However, Jian Niang is so innocent and charming. In Portland's heart, her defense against Su Hao has already dropped to 0 points.

"what's wrong?"

"No, I was thinking that you are so cute. It's New Year's Eve. What gift should I give you?"

"No gifts, it's troublesome. Commander, don't you think about how many ship girls are in the port area. You have to give this to that. Celebrating a holiday is like fighting a war. Didn't you just celebrate Christmas a few days ago? Don't you Tired."

"Tired, but it doesn't matter for you."

Su Hao leaned his head on the back of the chair and wailed: "Ah!~ Actually, my dream is to be a salted fish that carefree eats and waits to die!"

"Hehehe~ That's fine too. From now on, you can be a mascot in the port area every day. Everyone will take care of the rest, anyway, it's the same as usual."

Su Hao refused: "Nonsense, I deal with so many things every day."

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