"Others can handle these things. You went to Donghuang Maritime Bureau for so many days before, and the port area is still different."

Su Hao covered his face: "Stop talking, it makes me seem useless at all."

"Of course not."

"for example?"

"Hmm... emmmmm... um... For example, as everyone's spiritual support? We will feel at ease when you are here."

"So it's still a mascot?"

"Hee hee~ Commander, do you really care?"

No, I don't care at all.

In fact, it should be said or not, if it is not for attacking and fighting, there are so many ship girls in the port area, and Su Hao really does not need to do those things.

Well, as a mascot, it's enough to eat soft food from the ship girls.

People, have big dreams.

Be bold, you can eat without working, you can spend money without working, and you can be loved by beautiful girls without working. Isn’t this everyone’s dream?

ding dong~

While talking, the phone rang.


Portland took the phone out of his pocket.

Someone in the group liked her.

[Group member St. Louis invites Indianapolis to join the port area. 】St.Louis: "@Portland came out to welcome the newcomers, and the commander gave me a management, every time I invite people, I have to find someone to agree to @Commander"

Portland froze.

Rubbed his eyes.

Knead it again, and look, that's right, Indianapolis.

"Indy sauce!?"

Portland jumped up from his chair.

"Indy sauce? Is it really Indy sauce? Hey, Commander, look, it's Indy sauce, it's really Indy sauce!"

Su Hao was also stunned.

Su Hao: "@St.Louis What's the situation, where did this Indy come from? Pretend?"

Marriage Ship Raider: "No, it's the real Indianapolis, ship girl, we met at the hotel."

St.Louis: "@commander give me management."

St.Louis became an administrator of this group.

St. Louis sent out a lucky red envelope.

St.Louis: "The @allmembers came out to welcome the new guy."

A row of messages was swiped down.

Walkerland: "Get rich, get rich, I grabbed 88 yuan!"

Marriage Ship Raider: "I grabbed 201 yuan."

Volkland: "..."

Lexington: "My God, I grabbed 420, how much is this red envelope stuffed?"

St. Louis: "Not much, just ten thousand."





So you call it not much?

Please, this is a red envelope for a group, not for eating and drinking. Isn’t this kind of red envelope just for meaning?

You see, the commander sends out 10 yuan each time!

Sister Bride: "@Indianapolis Welcome to Docklands."

Marriage company: "Welcome, welcome."

Indy: "That..."

Marriage Ship Tiancheng: "Welcome."

Marriage ship Akagi: "As long as you don't want to play against the commander, you are welcome, otherwise, hehehehehe~"

Marriage-to-be Atago: "Hehe, it's weird."

Indy: "I actually..."

Sister-in-law Sara: "Chicheng is a weirdo, a fox, and Atago is a dog. I am the commander's sister-in-law @Indianapolis"

Lexington: "Stop talking nonsense."

Shengli, a lurker in the port area: "Sister, where are you? Have you come?"

Guanghui: "It's already on the way, and it will be there in about ten minutes."

Kewei: "Hee hee~ Sister Shengli, taking a bath is so comfortable."

Nevada: "Haha! It's really comfortable."

Nicholas: "Speak comfortably~"

Indy: "That... St. Louis said that joining the group can stay in hotels for free, so..."

St. Louis sent out a lucky red envelope.

Another row of messages went down.

Lexington: "I've seen this scene."

Helena: "I've seen it too."

Su Hao snatched a red envelope silently.

Very good, 198, it's time to send it.

"By the way, Portland, you also have a word in the group...Huh? Where are people?"

He looked up, and heard Portland's voice in the distance.

"Indy sauce, here I come!!"


PS: 12 o'clock, rush!

Chapter 461 Senior, let's go to the port area to relax

Su Hao suddenly found Indianapolis for himself, which Su Hao did not expect.

Sure enough, such things as fishing boats should be done by the ship's mother, right?After working so hard for two days, I finally snatched Shinano from Senior.

However, the fishing boat was not settled. After the welcome ceremony was over, St. Louis sent a private message.

Mostly, Indianapolis came to the hotel to stay in the hot springs, and then was left by St. Louis, and then, they made up a reason for joining the group for free and tricked them in.

Su Hao was speechless. You just rely on your relationship with the Maritime Safety Administration, otherwise they will sue you at the Maritime Safety Administration and arrest you to live with your inmates. Believe it or not?

To be honest, this is indeed deceptive.

However, St. Louis has a tough relationship, and judging from Indianapolis' own reaction, there is currently no fierce resistance.

Otherwise, she would have quit the group long ago.

Handing Shinano to Dido for protection, Su Hao went to pick them up at the door, as if he was driving here. At this time, Portland couldn't wait to wait at the gate of the station's headquarters.

"Indy Sauce~Indy Sauce~Indy Sauce~"

Portland shook his head, his face full of joy.

"Don't be so excited, be careful to scare people, this hasn't agreed to join our port area yet."

"Indy Sauce~Indy Sauce~Indy Sauce~"

Portland is now a repeater, and the word Indy sauce is all over my mind.

Su Hao had no choice but to continue to wait. After a few minutes, he saw an extended black commercial vehicle stop at the door.

Opening the door, Xiao Guanghui rushed out.


One after another, little Guanghui little Beifa, little prestige little Zeppelin, seeing each other in one day is like three autumns, not seeing each other in two days, counting it has been six years since we parted from these little cuties.

The ship girls gathered around, all of them smelled delicious, soaked in the hot spring, and put on the bathrobes prepared by St. Louis one by one.

The advantage of yukatas over kimonos is that they are less complicated, easy to put on and take off, but kimonos are not good, and you have to tear your clothes if you encounter something urgent.

Wearing a yukata and actually wearing clogs is a bit too much. Could you please show some respect to the cold wind in winter?

Then St. Louis came over, holding a towel and a bag in his hand, smiling.

A girl with wheat yellow skin followed.

Portland's eyes are straight!

"Indy sauce!—"


Indianapolis: ? ? ?

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