U556 doesn't mind either.

At this moment, she looked nervously into the distance.

Just today, it will be launched against Bismarck.

The Battle of Bismarck begins!

Sister Tirpitz, come on.

U556 prayed in his heart.

Here, Bismarck stood on the cliff and looked into the distance, with deep helplessness in his golden eyes.

That is the direction of the iron-blooded capital, and it is also where the headquarters of the iron-blooded ship girl is located.

"It's almost New Year's Eve," she said.

Tirpitz nodded slightly: "The day after tomorrow."

"What's going on at headquarters?"

"It's good, with that guy in charge, it's better than when you were here." Tirpitz said half-jokingly.

"That's good."

Bismarck nodded and didn't say much.

It doesn't matter who manages Sangvis, as long as there is no problem.

After about half an hour, Bismarck waved his hand: "Okay, you can go back too, I'll just stay here alone, so as not to hurt you if I can't control it."

There was already a faint black energy emanating from her body.

Tirpitz's eyes were full of worry.

The power of the Black Rubik's Cube could no longer be controlled.

Even after so many days, even with her sister Bismarck's will and strength, she couldn't control this ominous Rubik's Cube.

Sure enough, back in the Iris Kingdom, my sister shouldn't be allowed to use this power.

Tirpitz was silent for a moment.

"Why, is there something else?" Bismarck was a little puzzled.

She wanted to stay with her sister for a while, but her body didn't allow it.

If she hadn't managed to blow up the Sangvis headquarters some time ago, she wouldn't have asked to live on the island.

"It's... my sister."

Tirpitz took a deep breath, "If, if there is a solution to your current problem, would you like to try it?"

"Huh? Did Emperor Frederick find a way?"

"That's not true, it's actually..."

"Hesitating, not like you."

Bismarck frowned slightly, "If there is any way, just tell me directly, no matter how dangerous it is, I will try it, I am already like this, is there any worse situation?"

Yes, sister.

Although it's not that the physical condition is worse.

iron will.

The will embodied in Bismarck is something that Tirpitz is ashamed of. To be honest, she is a little unsure of convincing Bismarck.

"Actually, it's a human being who can help you solve the problem of the Black Rubik's Cube."


Bismarck laughed, "Tirpitz, if this is a joke before the New Year's Eve, it feels like a cold joke. But thank you for your concern, well, you can go back first."

"No, sister, I'm not joking, it's true." Tirpitz shook his head, "It's just that the human being is a bit special, and he once successfully restrained the riot of the Black Rubik's Cube."

Bismarck stopped smiling.

She suddenly realized who Tirpitz was talking about.

"Don't go."

Bismarck said decisively.

"Tirpitz, you want me to find a commander from Donghuang for help?"

If it is the iron-blooded commander, then Bismarck will go.

Anyway, as long as it is to solve the Black Rubik's Cube, other things are easy to talk about.

But a Donghuang commander, Donghuang, the current enemy of the red central axis, not to mention a fight some time ago!

And she didn't think that Commander Donghuang would help, since Richelieu and the company were all in his port area.

Taking a ten thousand step back, even if people think of a way, it is impossible to be unconditional.

And as the flagship of Sangvis, she would never do such a thing because of her relationship with the interests of Sangvis.

"Tirpitz, don't be fooled by that human being."

Bismarck shook his head lightly, "Azur Lane is our enemy now."

Tirpitz asked back: "Sister, do you think I will be deceived?"

Bismarck's expression froze.

Indeed, Tirpitz was shrewd.

Although he wasn't used to talking too much, and he wasn't always bluffing like some yellow-haired, poor-breasted and arrogant guy, Tirpitz noticed everything around him.

"Have you been to him?"

Bismarck guessed.

"Well, how should I put it, he's not like other commanders. If he didn't have a ship girl by his side, I wouldn't even think of him as a commander."

Some fantastic comments, Bismarck thought.

"He said that he doesn't mind if we are the ship girls of Red Axis or Azur Lane. He prefers a united approach to win the future than human beings fighting each other."

Bismarck shook his head: "Everyone in Azur Lane says that, whether it's the ship's mother or the commander."

"Yes, I think so too." Tirpitz smiled lightly, "However, at least he really didn't care, z23 has not received any unfair treatment in the port area, and he didn't even hand over z23 to the maritime affairs department. Instead, he took the initiative to protect him."

Bismarck snorted softly: "When Prince Eugen went before, I told her to bring z23 back, that guy."

"Who told you to promise Prince Eugen to let her go? So this is equivalent to that human commander paying for your mistakes."

Bismarck had nothing to say.


She looked at Tirpitz with some doubts, "It seems that you think highly of him?"

"Probably." Tirpitz nodded, "At least he is the only human being I have the idea of ​​'maybe feasible', by the way, he also said that our ship girls are all cute elves." Tirpitz lightly He smiled lightly, "Obviously he doesn't look very old, but his words are more accentuated than those of the senior commanders. If he hadn't been brainwashed in this way since he was a child, then I think maybe this human being is born for this. It might even exist.”

"Sister." Tirpitz looked at Bismarck with a straight face, "Perhaps, we can take this opportunity to sit down with Azur Lane and have a good talk. No matter what the Siren said, resistance is not a matter of our own national forces. If we can find common principles and beliefs, it is not impossible to use this as a hub for future cooperation.”

"what do you mean……"

"Joint meeting of Azur Lane."

Bismarck was silent.


Here, Su Hao is busy paying New Year greetings to Yixian.

"I said, why don't you check what time it is?"

"It's not even 12 o'clock. The bell rang in the middle of the night, and the 108 bells didn't end yet. It's very early."

"That's the custom of heavy cherry blossoms!!"

Yixian's voice suddenly raised, as if she was a little annoyed to wake up. When she first answered the phone, her voice was still in a daze. Su Hao didn't expect that she would fall asleep so early.

Isn't it common sense that 12 o'clock is the beginning of nightlife?

"Sorry, sorry, I thought you weren't asleep, our place is very lively, all kinds of fireworks, lanterns and festive food."

Yixian was silent for a while.

"The exercise is over?"




"very good."

You can write news like this in the future.

【Shock!A commander from Donghuang took the ship girl from the port area to challenge the ship girl from Sakura Headquarters, and they won! ] Well, you can kill Shige Sakura at critical times.

However, I often hear a lot of things about Chongying, which is a place where people can easily fall. Yixian warned: "Since the exercise is over, come back early. Although I can open the back door for you, as a Donghuang The commander has been absent from duty for such a long time, and I am under a lot of pressure."

"Aren't I honoring the country? The Maritime Safety Administration should reward me."

"You come back first, and I will ask the counterattack to send you a few pennants later."


Five hundred yuan plus a pennant?

Just as he was thinking, a vague voice came from the phone.

Yixian's, and another person's.

Hey wait, Yat-sen, aren't you sleeping?

"Okay, I'm going to rest, let's talk about something tomorrow."

After speaking, Yixian hung up the phone.

Su Hao: ? ? ?

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